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Research Papers/Topics Education

Personal, Family And School Factors As Correlates Of Achievement Motivation Among Form Two Students In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Poor achievement motivation among learners at secondary school level may explain the dismal performance of many candidates in national examinations. Poor performance leads to loss of rewarding opportunities for the individual learner as s/he misses a chance to study further and in the long run, the society will not have adequate skilled human resources. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personal, family, and school factors as correlates of achievement motivatio...

The Nature Of Homonymous And Polysemous Relations In Ekegusii

The Nature Of Homonymous And Polysemous Relations In Ekegusii

Determinants Enhancing Teachers’ Proficiency In English Braille: Case Of Primary School For The Blind, Kiambu County - Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify determinants enhancing teacher‘s proficiency in English Braille teaching in a primary school for the blind, Kiambu County, Kenya. Specifically the study sought to identify teachers‘ attitude towards the Braille literacy, identify teachers‘ competence in using Braille code, determine the level of teachers‘ training in Braille code, and identify the extent of availability and suitability of Braille teaching materials. The findings of th...

Public-Private Partnership In Education: The Role Of Nzoia Sugar Company In The Development Of Secondary Schools In Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate public-private partnership in education. The researcher specifically sought to investigate the role of Nzoia Sugar Company, through its corporate social responsibility, on development of secondary schools in Bungoma County by analyzing the corporate social responsibility policy of the company; evaluate specific assistance to secondary schools by the company and to compare the financial assistance to secondary schools against other social re...

Status And Challenges Of Guidance And Counselling Programme In Discipline Management In Public Secondary Schools In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Guidance and counselling programmes were introduced in Kenya secondary schools so as to enhance personal, social and academic development of students. The success of these programmes has however remained in doubt with scanty studies done in trying to explain this concept, a matter that this study addressed. The purpose of this study was to examine the status and challenges of the guidance and counselling programme in public secondary schools in Kiambu County. The objectives of the st...

Gender Differences In Mathematics Performance Among Secondary School Students In Bureti Sub-County, Kericho County Kenya

ABSTRACT In all developing countries, mathematics education is being called upon to play an even more important role for the future. For an all round contribution, there is need to involve both men and women. This study focused on the gender differences in performance in mathematics among form three secondary school students in Bureti Sub-County. It focused on the influence of students perception, parental expectations, teachers’ characteristics and perceptions and school environment o...

SSA Research 112 PAGES (21838 WORDS) Art Education Thesis
Teacher Factors Influencing Use Of Mother Tongue In Teaching Of Mathematics In Lower Primary Schools In Yola South Local Government

ABSTRACT Studies have established that when pupils are taught using mother tongue they comprehend and perform well in mathematics and sciences. However, frequent teaching mathematics in English language by teachers in lower primary schools in Yola south local government area contributes to low performance of pupils in mathematics. This study aimed to investigate to what extent teachers use mother tongue in teaching mathematics in lower primary school classes. The objectives of the study were...

Socio- Economic Benefits And Environmental Impacts Of Thikaroad Superhighway

ABSTRACT Road infrastructure is one of the key components of this development. In as much as new roads bring development to previously underdeveloped areas, sometimes this development can cause significant effects on sensitive environments and the lifestyles of the people living near or using the road. The transformation of the road from Nairobi to Thika town into a super highway is one of Kenya‟s first large scale transportation infrastructure projects which albeit its numerous benefits ac...

The Relationship Between Physical Environment And Academic Achievement In Public Secondary Schools In Nairobi City, Kenya

ABSTRACT Does the settings where learning occurs matter? Research in North America and Western Europe shows that learning outcomes are hampered in physical environments where extreme climatic conditions are experienced.The settings and climatic conditions differ significantly in Sub-Saharan Africa as they are not as extreme. In fact leading rresearchers in Kenya offer mixed signals on the role of the school environment on achievement. This study sought to contribute to factors that explain le...

Teacher Characteristics That Influence Development Of Oral Language Skills Among Pre-Primary School Pupils In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Development of oral language skills is a precursor to writing and reading acquisition. Oral skill is a means of communication through which people express their desires, ideas, excitements, amusements, disappointments and exchange information. In addition, oral skills have been found to be an important tool for thinking and concept development in children. Research carried out in industrialised countries have identified some appropriate teaching strategies used to enhance acquisition...

Evaluation Of Educational Inputs For Achievement Of Quality Education In The Faculty Of Engineering Science And Technology, At The Technical University Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Quality education gives learners knowledge, skills and attitude for innovativeness required by industry. This concept has been a subject of research for education in Kenya since independence. However unemployment persists as university graduates continue to lack innovative skills required for creating jobs and steering economic development. The purpose of this study was to examine selected educational inputs and determine their role in achievement of quality education in the Faculty ...

Relationship Between Self-Esteem And Academic Achievement Of Girls With Hearing Impairments In Secondary Schools For The Deaf In Kenya

ABSTRACT The problem addressed in this study was that although several factors such as school environment, family status and/or communication barriers had been cited as contributing to the perpetually dismal academic achievement of girls with hearing impairments, personal esteem factors, especially interest, competence, value and responsibility had not been adequately explored. Consequently, their achievement had been low and continued to be low despite the government‟s effort to increase e...

Factors Influencing Instructions Among Intellectually Challenged Learners In Special Units In Maara District, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out factors influencing instructions among intellectually challenged learners in special units in Maara district, Tharaka Nithi County. The study employed a descriptive survey design. Target population of the study included 150 pupils and 15 teachers from the 9 special units in Maara district. Census sampling was used to pick all the 9 schools with special units for learners who are mentally challenged. From each of the 9 schools, 9 teachers were ...

Barriers To The Implemementation Of General Science Curriculum In Secondary Schools In Kangundo District

ABSTRACT There are over 3000 secondary schools in Kenya. They are categorized as National, Provincial and District schools. The Secondary Education Curriculum expects all students to study at least two pure science subjects and pass regardless of the entry behavior and career interest. This has been frustrating for learners that would like to pursue art- related courses and careers and those that are in institutions with poorly equipped laboratories. There are many learners in the Non-formal ...

Teachers’ Preparedness In Integrating Information Communication Technology In Training Teachers In Public Primary Teacher Training Colleges In Central Region Kenya

ABSTRACT Integration of ICT in education is embraced all over the world and Kenya is not exceptional. This study was therefore concerned with teachers’ preparedness in integrating ICT in training teachers in public teacher training colleges. The rationale was based on the view that properly designed, learning materials inspired by integration of ICT and delivered by technology add value to a teaching environment in which contact hours are limited. The curriculum needs academic standards and...

3646 - 3660 Of 8072 Results