ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the effectiveness of KESSP grants on improvement of primary school infrastructure in Kiambu District under the Sector Wide Approach to Programme Planning adopted by the government. The specific objectives of the study were: to survey the current infrastructure situation in the district, to find out specific projects undertaken by various schools, to estimate the relative adequacy of the grants, to investigate the problems faced in disbursement and utilizat...
ABSTRACT The introduction of Free Primary Education (FPE) in Kenya brought with it challenges that could have a negative impact on quality of education. The purpose of the study was to find out the obstacles facing Quality Assurance and Standards Officers (QASOs) in facilitating the implementation of primary school curriculum in Gatanga District. The study was based on the theory of an Effective School by Lezotte (2001). According to this theory, an effective school, measured in student achi...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at gaining an in-depth understanding of the factors affecting educational access, retention and performance. Although a number of studies have been done on factors affecting access, performance and retention in secondary schools in other parts of the Country, no specific study has investigated the continued inaccessibility and low retention among the girl child in secondary schools in ASAL regions particularly in Mandera District in Kenya in spite of free secondary ...
ABSTRACT Effective performance appraisal system depends on how it addresses itself to the views and attitudes of the teachers in the school. Since 2012, teachers in Kenya have been appraised using a revised system of appraisal whose effectiveness has not been verified. The purpose of this study was to explore the teachers‟ perceptions on the effectiveness of the appraisal system. The specific objectives of the study were to: establish teachers‟ perceptions about the effectiveness of the ...
ABSTRACT Disability is not inability! Globally, children with physical disabilities should receive psychological, medical, and educational and social services like any other „normal‟ children. A descriptive survey design was used which explored an in-depth and holistic understanding of social life. Both qualitative and quantitative measures were used to analyse the data. Purposive sampling was used to select 2 centres, 2 administrators, 12 personnel, 12 teachers, 18 parents and 30 child...
ABSTRACT Every community has certain kind of mathematical knowledge which can be used in the formal mathematics curriculum. This study sought to investigate the application of Abagusii cultural practices into the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in Masaba North Sub-County, Kenya. The main objectives of the study were; to identify areas in Abagusii culture which use mathematical concepts, to find out whether both teachers and learners are aware of the applications of m...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the intervention strategies teachers used in managing learners with selected behaviour disorders in primary schools in Madaraka zone, Thika sub-county, Kiambu County, Kenya. The following objectives guided our study: to establish effectiveness of assessment methods teachers used in identifying learners with selected behaviour disorders, explore intervention strategies teachers used in managing learners with selected behaviour disorders, to inv...
ABSTRACT Parental role in children’s learning is very important. The contribution of parents depends on how they perceive their roles in children’s’ education and the climate in schools. The purpose of the study was to establish the extent to which parents were involved in their children’s education in military sponsored preprimary schools in Nairobi County. The study also sought to find out the influence of school climate on parents’ involvement in children’s education as well as...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the extent to which lecturers integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in instruction and to determine how specific factors influence such integration in selected universities in Kenya. The study objectives were; firstly to establish the extent to which lecturers integrate ICT in instruction in ECE programmes. Secondly, to find out relationship between lecturers’ perceived ICT abilities and ICT integration in instru...
ABSTRACT Learners with cerebral palsy experience functional limitations that result from impaired muscles, body movement and significant cognitive deficits. These cause poor coordination of fine and gross motor muscles and sometimes poor cognition. Interaction and manipulation of curriculum materials becomes a challenge making it difficult to access curriculum content. This study purposed to assess the perception of teacher preparedness in implementation of curriculum to learners with cerebra...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the influence of test anxiety and self-efficacy on the academic performance in Mathematics of Form two students in Kanduyi Division, Bungoma District of Western Province of Kenya. The study also sought to establish how selfefficacy and test anxiety varied with the students‟ academic performance during continuous assessment tests (CAT). There was comparison of anxiety and self-efficacy between students in co-educational and single sex schools. Sex differences...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the determinants of student performance in mathematics. The study was prompted by persistent poor performance amongst secondary school students in Kenya and particularly in Nyamira North District of Nyamira County. The independent variables of the study included students' attitude towards mathematics, study habits, competence in mathematical notations, teacher training & qualification, textbook availability, teachers' work load, and teachin...
ABSTRACT The researcher carried out an evaluative study of the Cerebral Palsy Society of Kenya (CPSK) with focus on its performance in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy (CP) in Kenya. The study was aimed at determining the rehabilitation services provided and the human and material resources available at CPSK, the achievements of the society and challenges faced. It also aimed at gathering views of the members on ways of enhancing rehabilitation services. The purpose of this stu...
ABSTRACT The study is an investigation of factors that affect access and participation in secondary school education. Access in education in Kenya has not been evenly distributed across sexes, regions and social groups Orodho (2002). Few girls than boys go to school or work their way up the education ladder. There are fewer places for them and the main reason for this is less pressure from parents to have their girls educated Dadid and Dharam (1974). The purpose of the study was to investiga...
ABSTRACT Acquiring physics knowledge is the assurance of having a technologically competent workforce in science, technology and engineering especially in this technological era and in line with fulfillment of Vision 2030. However, research shows that Physics is one of the subjects that have experienced poor performance and hence low enrolment at KCSE level in Kenya. This is because students perceive it as being difficult and uninteresting due to its abstract nature. Further, research shows ...