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Research Papers/Topics Education

The Contribution Of Foreign Direct Investment To Poverty Reduction In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite the vital role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the economic development of the least developed countries like Tanzania, yet there are some socio-economic and development challenges associated with lack of basic life-sustaining needs (health, shelter, food and protection), poor standard of living, low productivity and lower range of socio-economic choices. The study aimed at examining the contribution of FDI to poverty reduction in Tanzania from 1988 - 2018. The general...

Integrative Language Supportive Materials For Enhancing Learners’ Development Of Economics Language Competencies In Tanzanian Advanced Secondary School

ABSTRACT This study designed integrative language supportive materials in teaching and learning economics for improving learners‟ language skills in Dodoma Municipal Secondary Schools. The study objectives were to design integrative language supportive materials for enhancing language competence among economics learner in A-level secondary schools, tryout the designed materials in the classrooms for formative evaluation and to evaluate the effectiveness of the materials to enhance student�...

Perceptions Towards The Indisciplined Students In Public Secondary Schools: A Case Of Kinondoni Municipality In Tanzania

Abstract  The purpose of this study was to investigate insights of teachers towards indisciplined students and the academic performance of students. The study employed phenomenological research design to collect and analyse data. Semistructured interviews were conducted with three categories of respondents: heads of schools, discipline masters and teachers of public secondary schools. Twelve informants were purposively selected from a number of schools. The findings of the study revealed tea...

The Influence Of School Climate On Classroom Instruction In Public Secondary Schools In Tanzania: The Case Of Iramba District

ABSTRACT This study examines the influence of school climate on classroom instructions in secondary schools in Tanzania. Systems and condition for learning perspectives were used as theoretical frameworks. The study specifically examined the type of school climate found in Iramba district; explored the influence of school climate on classroom instruction, and the stakeholders’ views on the best ways to make school climate more effective for enhancing classroom instructions in public second...

Prospects And Challenges Of Provision Of Nonformal Education In Formal Education Institutions: The Case Of The Institute Of Adult Education Centre In Songea

ABSTRACT  This study examined the prospects and challenges of provision of non-formal education in formal education centres. The study specifically examined experience of adult learners in secondary education system in Tanzania and the challenges that they face. The study also sought the perceptions of stakeholder on the use of formal education institutions to provide non-formal education. A total of 47 learners and stakeholders participated in this study. Case study design and qualitative a...

Influence Of Student Councils In Curbing Frequency Of Student Unrests In Public Boys Boarding Secondary Schools In Elgon Sub-County, Kenya

The Government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Education, established Student Councils in Secondary Schools in 2009 to assist schools to manage student affairs. Yet, student unrests which are manifested in strikes, go-slows, rioting, burning of school property and violent behaviors still continue unabated. During the period 2014-2017, schools in Bungoma County, Kenya, witnessed an unprecedented rise in incidences of student unrests leading to destruction of property and loss of life. The pr...

Impact Of Guidance Programme On Enhancing Risk Behaviour Change Among Youth Living With Hiv/Aids In Nakuru County, Kenya

According to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics projections (2015), Nakuru County has a population of 1,959,880 comprising of 982,505 males (50%) and 977,375 females (50%). Children below 15 years constitute 39% of the population, while youth aged 15-24 years constitute 21% of the population. By the end of 2015, a total of 41, 217 people were living with HIV in the County, with 15% being young people aged 15-24 years. Nakuru county HIV and AIDS strategic plan (2015/2016) reported that, the n...

Availability And Use Of Media Resources In Teaching And Learning: A Case Of Selected Secondary Schools For The Hearing Impaired In Western Kenya

The use of media resources has an effect on students’ content acquisition as they add value to learning outcomes. However, research has shown that media resources cannot be effectively used unless they are available in sufficient quantities. Little attention has been given to the use of media resources in secondary schools for the hearing impaired. In view of this, the study sought to investigate the availability and use of media resources in the selected special secondary schools. The stud...

Factors Influencing Implementation Of Sustainable School Feeding Programmes In Public Early Childhood Development Education Centres In Marani Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya

Food is essential in the holistic development of young children, without which retardation and stagnation may occur. Success in academic performance depends on the way the young children are nurtured in preschools. Food is a crucial basic need which must be met before other high needs. Despite, the underscored importance of food to preschool children, most school feeding programmes in public ECDE centres in Marani Sub County are dysfunctional.The study was guided by the following objectiv...

Influence Of School Based Factors On Preschool Children Participation In Creative Activities In Marani Sub-county, Kenya

Every child is born with creative potential and it is the role of early education and later school years to nurture that creativity and support resourceful problem-solving, imaginative thinking, and transference of skills and knowledge to new experiences. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of school based factors on preschool children participation in creative activities in Marani Sub-County, Kenya. The study aimed at establishing the influence of teachers’ atti...

Relationship Between Head Teachers’ Level Of Ict Literacy And Ict Integration In Management Of Public Primary Schools In Tinderet Sub-county, Nandi County, Kenya

Integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in educational management has become one of the most effective factors that lead to provision of quality education worldwide. Thus, as schools are increasingly becoming ICT-mediated environments, the head teachers’ role as far as promoting their use and integration for teaching, learning and management cannot be gainsaid. Incidentally, most of the public primary schools in Tinderet Sub County are still stuck in the inefficient n...

Factors Influencing Implementation Of Oral Literature In The Integrated English Syllabus In Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru Town East Sub County, Kenya

Oral literature has been taught as integrated in the English syllabus for some time in Kenya. Various researchers have carried out studies on the implementation of the integrated English syllabus. Their general conclusion is that there are factors influencing the implementation of oral literature. However, very little attention has been paid to factors influencing the implementation of oral literature in the integrated English syllabus in public secondary schools in Nakuru Town East Sub Count...

Influence Of Asei-pdsi Pedagogy On Pupils’ Performance In Kcpe Mathematics In Public Primary Schools In Kajiado North Sub County, Kenya

Learner-centred pedagogy is the hallmark of the ASEI-PDSI approach. The SMASSE/SMASE ASEI-PDSI pedagogy is an innovative approach that aims at shifting classroom practices from content based to activity-focused teaching and from teacher centered to learner-centered. Despite the use of the innovative approach, the KCPE grades in mathematics have remained persistently below average among public primary schools in Kajiado North Sub County. The purpose of the study was to examine the influen...

Influence Of Parents’ Involvement On Learning Outcomes Of Early Childhood Learners In Makueni Sub-county, Makueni County, Kenya

The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of parents’ involvement on learning outcomes of ECDE learners in Makueni Sub-county, Makueni County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to assess influence of parents’ involvement in homework activities, school decision-making, volunteering activities and parent-school communication on learning outcomes of early childhood learners. The study was guided by parental involvement theory and learning outcomes theory. The study ad...

An Assessment Of Guidance And Counseling Programmes’ Capacity To Offer Effective Services In Public Primary Schools In Kikuyu Sub County, Kenya

The current problems facing the Kenyan pupil require Guidance and Counseling (G&C) teachers to be knowledgeable about psychological and behavioral interventions, both at the preventive and responsive levels. Despite the fact that Kikuyu Sub County public primary schools record high incidences of pupils’ absenteeism, alcohol and drugs abuse, psychosocial and teenage sexuality issues, G&C activities are very minimal. The main purpose of this study was to assess the G&C programmes’ capa...

4276 - 4290 Of 8072 Results