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Research Papers/Topics Education

Effects Of Concept And Vee Mapping Strategy On Students’ Motivation And Achievement In Biology In Secondary Schools In Uasin–Gishu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Achievement in Biology in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education has consistently been low for the period between 2000 and 2006. This would imply that the objectives of Biology teaching have not been achieved. In addition, the performance of girls has often been lower as compared to that of boys. Low achievement in examinations would partly be attributed to lack of effective learning, as a result of ineffective teaching approaches. The expository approach has been the main met...

Effects Of The Use Of Computer Animated Loci Teaching Technique On Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Misconceptions In Mathematics Within Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mathematics plays an important role in the scientific and development of all nations. In Kenya mathematics is compulsory in all Primary and secondary schools. However the performance in the subject at the National Examinations has remained below average with marked gender differences. The students‘ performance in some mathematics topics such as ―Loci‖ has been wanting. The reason for the poor performance in mathematics and the Loci topic in particular has been attributed to se...

Effects Of Neurological Bimodal Teaching Approach On Learner Achievement, Motivation And Gender In Written English Language Composition In County Secondary Schools In Roret Division, Kericho

ABSTRACT English language plays a central role at both national and international stage for Kenyans and other world citizens who have to use it for diverse purposes. In Kenya, it is the language of instruction in educational institutions; it is one of the official languages as well as language used commonly in business. Moreover, English language is used in Kenya as a language of international relations and diplomacy. Despite its importance, the performance of students in the subject at the ...

Teachers’ Perceptions On Effectiveness Of The Kcse Biology Practical Assessment Approach In Testing Science Process Skills In Secondary Schools In Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Assessment is an important aspect of teaching - learning process in secondary schools. The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) biology practical assessment approach introduced in the year 2005 is one in which out of the three questions tested, only one question, mostly food tests involve handling apparatus and specimens by the candidates. In the other two questions, the candidates observe photographs and photomicrographs presented and then answer questions. The approach ...

Effects Of Graphic Organizers Experiential Teaching Approach On Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Self Concept In Chemistry In Nakuru North Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT Secondary school students‟ achievement in Chemistry in Kenya has been poor. Among the reasons advanced for this is the traditional teaching approaches mainly used by chemistry teachers. The application of Graphic Organizers Experiential Teaching Approach (GOETA) may help improve learners‟ achievement and self-concept in Chemistry. This study aims at investigating the effects of GOETA on students‟ achievement and selfconcept in Chemistry. The study involved quasi experimental r...

Factors That Hinder Women’s Access To Management Positions In Government Aided Secondary Schools In Uganda: The Case Of Eastern Region

This research explores the factors that hinder women‘s access to management positions in Government Aided secondary schools in Eastern Uganda, a matter insufficiently addressed by previous research by other scholars. The general objective was to establish these factors that hinder women‘s access to management positions in the said Government Aided secondary schools in the study area. Gender Equality Theory undergirded this research. A conceptual framework helped to focus on the variable...

Effects Of Gowin’s Vee Heuristic Teaching Strategy On Secondary School Students’ Conceptual Understanding And Metacognition In The Topic Of Moments In Physics, In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Physics is a science subject that has contributed immensely to the technological advancement of the world. In the Kenyan 8-4-4 curriculum, it is optional at form three. However, various studies show that physics in Kenya has been faced with poor performance. Consequently, many students drop out of the subject. Educational researchers have partially attributed the cause to be poor instructional methods. This study attempts to change this trend in the topic of moments in physics. Data...

Factors Influencing Agripreneurs’ Participation And Investments In Clean Seed Potato Enterprises In Molo, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenyan Seed potato production sector has failed to meet the high and growing demand for high quality seed. Enhanced participation and investments of more private seed potato multipliers could help increase availability and accessibility of quality seed and bridge the supply gap that meets less than 5% of the demand. However, factors that influence agripreneurs’ participation and level of investment in the multiplication of clean potato seed are not well known. The overall obje...

Head Teachers, Teacher Counselors And Students’ Perception Of The Implementation Of Guidance And Counseling Programme In Secondary Schools In Kamariny Division Of Keiyo District, Rift Valley

ABSTRACT The guidance and counselling programme is important and need be availed in all secondary schools and other places of human interaction. This programme need be introduced and strengthened in schools and colleges to help in the total development of the students. This will enhance discipline and proper choices regarding careers and vocational development. The purpose of the study therefore was to assess the perceptions of head teachers, teacher counselors and students on the implementa...

Effects Of Two Problem-Solving Instructional Strategies On Students’ Achievement And Science Process Skills In Biology Practical

ABSTRACT The prevailing poor performance of students in biology is linked to their poor involvement in practical activities in biology as well as teachers‘ use of instructional strategies that do not promote acquisition of science process skills. Many earlier studies on problem solving instructional strategies aimed at addressing students‘ poor performance in biology did not involve the students‘ production of instructional materials needed for practical activities. In order to ascerta...

Influence Of Parenting Styles On Delinquency Among Juveniles In Rehabilitation Centres In Nakuru Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT Families are one of the strongest socializing forces in life. They teach children to control unacceptable behaviour, to delay gratification, and to respect the rights of others. Conversely, families can teach children aggressive, antisocial, and violent behaviour. The study aimed at determining the influence of parenting styles on delinquency among juveniles in rehabilitation centres in Nakuru town, Kenya. The ex post facto research design was applied since the Juveniles have alread...

Potential risk of HIV transmission in barbering practice among professional barbers in Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract  Background: There is a growing concern that barbering procedures could create opportunities for HIV transmission. However, little is known about Nigerian barbers' practices relating to the prevention of HIV. Objectives: This study assessed the precautionary measures for the prevention of HIV among commercial barbers in Ibadan, Nigeria.  Methods: Data were collected using validated checklist to directly observe ninety barbering procedures in forty-five barber shops randomly selec...

Determinants Of Quality Assessment Of Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education Agriculture Projects In Selected Secondary Schools Of Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The assessment of the K.C.S.E agriculture project work has been plagued by disparities between the school and the external based assessments; with the inception of the 8-4-4 education system in Kenya the problem has become worse. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Determinants of Quality Assessment of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Agriculture Projects in selected secondary schools of Kakamega County from 1999 to 2003. The study endeavored to achieve the foll...

Teachers’ And Principals’ Attitudes Towards School Inspection In Selected Public Secondary Schools In Kenya’s Nyandarua District

ABSTRACT Great emphasis has been placed on the quality of education in Kenya. The procedure used in quality assurance has been a subject of debate among educationists. Over the years, teachers and principals held negative attitudes towards the approach used in school inspection. They complained that the approach lacked clear objectives and was fault finding rather than trying to identify and improve standards. However, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology published a handbook fo...

Family, Community and School Factors as Predictors of Early School Adjustment and Achievement of Children-At-Risk In Plateau and Nasarawa States, Nigeria

ABSTRACT High prevalence of single parenthood and communal clashes coupled with poverty make some children vulnerable in the North Central zone of Nigeria, with the attendant consequence on their school adjustment and achievement. Ameliorating this problem requires a better understanding of their immediate environment. Previous studies have concentrated largely on government and nongovernmental interventions, and on the isolated effects of the family and school with little emphasis on the co...

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