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Research Papers/Topics Education

Bottlenecks To The Effective Control Of Dysentery In Secondary School In Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ......................................................................................... i APPROVAL ..................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ..................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................... .iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................

The Impact Of Teacher Motivation On Student Performance In Uganda; A Case Study Of Nansana Town Council, Wakiso District Chapter One

ABSTRACT This study expounds the inWact of teacher motivation on student performance in Uganda; A case study ofNansana town council, wakiso district. The purpose of this research study was to critically examine the influence of teacher motivation on student performance in secondary schools in Uganda but researcher used Nansana town council to act as the a representation of the whole area of study for deeper investigation.. This study was guided by three main objectives the general one being; ...

Effects Of Communication Difficulties On Academic Performance Of Learners With Hearing Impairment: A Case Study Of Gem Division, Siaya County

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of communication difficulties n academic performance of learners with hearing impairment. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; identifying ways in which our communication can be improved to suit school performance, the effect of communication on school performance, roles of the school in reducing communication barriers. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where purposive sampling was used to select population. It...

Home Background And Students’ Academic Performance, A Case Of Selected Secondary Schools In Munarya Sub-county, Kapchorwa District

ABSTRACT This study intended to establish the relationship between home background and academic performance of secondary school students in Munarya sub county, Kapchorwa District. During the study, the data was collected using documentary analysis, already existing literature (secondary and primary data) in comparison with primary sources of data. The study was guided by the following specific aims, To find out the relationship between parental marital status and academic performance, to esta...

Determinants Of Exchange Rate In Uganda (1995-2017)

ABSTRACT The rate of fluctuation of exchange rate in Uganda has been on a rise and this prompted a research (study) to examine the major determinants and also analyze the real effective exchange rate. This study focuses on three major objectives which are; to examine the effect of exports on exchange rate, to examine the effect of inflation on exchange rate and to examine the effect of interest rates on exchange rate in Uganda. The study involved the use of quantitative research approach usin...

Drug Abuse And Students Descipline Of Wajir Girls Secondary School In Wajir Central, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate drug abuse and discipline of girls of Wajir girls’ school in wajir central in Wajir district, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between drug abuse and the discipline of girls, identify the common drugs abused by girls and the effects of drugs on students. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the students and interviews with the teachers. The findings revealed that studen...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of the school feeding programs implemented in primary schools of Lunga-Lunga division in Msambwani district. The study was focused on the following undertakings; finding out the number of schools which had implemented the feeding program; assessing the adequacy of feeding program; investigating the educational benefits of the program and the challenges faced. Ten primary schools were used in the study; fifty teachers were randomly ...

Factors Affecting Performance Of Physics Subject Among Secondary Schools In Siakago Division, Mbeere District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The main objectives of this study were to investigate into effectiveness of teaching Physics and factors which influence educational aspirations of secondary schools in Siakago Division. The objectives guiding the study were that, students· social background, personal and social factors influence their education and occupational aspirations. These factors were considered to be important since they have not been investigated in Siakago Division .The subjects for this study willl00 in...

Socio - Institutional Factors Influencing Secondary Students’ Academic Achievements In Banda And Buyinja Sub-counties In Namayingo District

ABSTRACT ‘he term education has been defined in different ways by different scholars for instance Lccordrng to: .JJ Rousseau, education is the process of acquisition of knowledge, skills, beliefs, ralues and habits. According to MJ Langeveld, education is every interaction that occurs etween adults with children. According to Dr. John Dewey, education is a process of xperience. According to Wikipedia, education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an ~tmosphere of learning and the...

An Investigation Into Moral Decay And Performance Among Primary School Learners In The Inclusive Setting In Kala W Ani Zone, Mbooni District

ABSTRACT: This study intended to investigate into 1noral decay and the performance among pri1nary school learners in the inclusive setting of Kalawani Zone-Mbooni District. The study objective to investigate causes of moral decay, establish the effects of moral decay, establish the effects on performance and effects of moral decay. The study targeted 150 teachers in the 10 primary school in Kalawani Zone, out of which a sample of 50 was rando1nly sampled. Questionnaires were used to collect d...

Mathematics Teachers' Background Variables Related To Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education (Kcpe) A Case Of Marmanet Zone, Laikipia District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence KCP E mathematics pe1Jormance in Public primary schools. The study further sought to establish whether the attitude of Mathematics was related to pupils 'performance in KCP E mathematics. In addition, the problems the teachers faced while teaching mathematics was investigated. The target population was mathematics teachers in public primary schools in Marmanet zone. All the mathematics teachers were given the quest...

The Impact Of Boarding Schools On The Psycho-social Adjustment Of Students, A Case Study Of Selected Secondary Schools In Kapchorwa District

ABSTRACT This study looks at the impact of boarding schools on the impact of boarding schools on psycho social adjustment of students, a case study of selected secondary schools in Kapchorwa district. The study was aimed at identifying the challenges students face during their time of study while residing in the schools’ premises, and how these challenges affect their psycho social adjustments both in class and outside class. The study further suggested amicable solutions for the challenges...

Teaching Strategies And Performance Of Teachers in Secondary Schools of Toroma County, Katakwi District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This research examined teaching strategies and performance of teachers in secondary schools in a sample of Toroma County schools. The research was specifically working on; teaching strategies and relationship between teaching strategies and performance of teachers. The study employed descriptive survey design. Questionnaires were used to get responses from the respondents and researchers observation to confirm already given information. Random sampling was used where four schools wer...

The Prevalence And Plight Of Pupils With Emotional And Behavioral Disorders In Inclusive Primary Schools Of Luanda Division, Emuhaya District Of Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Luanda division, Emuhaya district of Kenya to investigate on the prevalence of and challenges facing pupils with emotional and behavioral disorders in an inclusive setting. The following objectives were formulated to guide the study; to investigate the prevalence of pupils having emotional disorders, in selected inclusive primary schools, to examine the problems which these pupils face in inclusive learning setting and to assess the school based interven...

Academic Performance Of Orphaned Children Affected By Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome In Regular Primary Schools In Central Division Isiolo District-kenya

ABSTRACT. The study recounted the academic performance of orphaned children affected by Human immunodeficiency virus/ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV I AIDS) in regular primary schools in Isiolo District- Central division. The writer used quantitative approach, design used was case study. The population was all schools in Isiolo District Central Division. The sampled schools are 5 primary schools and convenient sampling was used to pick the schools, systematic sampling was used to get...

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