
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Analysis Of The Influence Of The Skills Acquisition Programms Of The National Directorate Of Employment On Job Creation In Abia State.

The study assessed the the skill acquisition programs of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) in generating employments by its beneficiaries in Abia state. The sample comprised of 108 beneficiaries, It also showed that the beneficiaries of the Agricultural Employment Programme (AEP) created the highest number of jobsby claiming 40.79% of jobs created. Furthermore, beneficiaries of the vocational skills development generated 14.92% of the jobs created among the 4 major skills acquisiti...

Effect of Consumer Bargaining Power on Price Flexibility of Rice in Imo State, Nigeria

The study examined the effect of consumer bargaining power on price flexibility of rice in Imo State, Nigeria. Data were drawn from the three agricultural zones in the State. A functional market in each of the zone was randomly selected. Primary data were obtained by means of interview schedule (questionnaire) administered to consumers of rice at retailers shops. Data were analyzed using descriptive techniques and ordinary least square (OLS) multiple regression analysis. The result showed tha...

Profitability of Okra Production and Marketing in Imo State

This study looked at the profitability of okra production and marketing in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi-stage and random sampling technique were used to select 81 respondents for this study. Information on the objectives of this study was elicited from the sampled respondents through a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as the mean, frequency distribution, percentage, gross margin analysis and multiple regression model. Majority of therespondents were ...

Assessment of the Implementation of Advisory Services and Input Support Components by Fadama III Beneficiaries in Oyo State

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the implementation of advisory services and input support components by Fadama III beneficiaries in Oyo state. The Project Implementation Manual (PIM) of Fadama III advisory services and input support components which involved specific activities the project proposed to execute was being used as a criteria to check the accomplishment of the project as projected. Thus, in determining the gap between ‘what is’ and‘what ought to be’ beneficiaries o...

Land Productivity of Different Use Levels of Sustainable Soil Management Techniques in Imo State.

AbstractLand productivity of the farmers can be improved when farmers adopt improved soil management techniques that are environmentally friendly. This study looked at land productivity of different use levels of sustainable soil management techniques(SSMT) of arable crop farmers in Imo state, Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 209 arable crop farmers. Objectives of this study were elicited from the sampled respondents through a well-structured questionnaire. Da...

Determinants of Land Productivity among Arable Crop Farmers Using Sustainable Soil Management Techniques in Imo State

Abstract The magnitude of soil management techniques engaged by the crop farmers determines to an extent the level of land productivity of the farmers. This study examined thedeterminants of land pproductivity among arable crop farmers using sustainable soil management techniques in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi-stage randomsampling technique was used to select 209 arable crop farmers for this study. Information on the objectives of this study was elicited from the sampled respondentsthrough a we...

Analysis of Food Security Among Farming Households in Imo State

AbstractPrevalence of food insecurity has remained a concern in Imo State and indeed the Sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, this study investigated the analysis of food security among farming households in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 144 farmers for this study. Information on the objectives of this study was elicited from the sampled respondents through a well- structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Food security ind...


ABSTRACT Trees have been an important aspect of human settlements from history in the days of our forefathers and only a few of the urban dwellers have recognized the benefits gotten from these trees. Urban trees has several benefits it provides to the society, including physiological benefits, aesthetic benefits, prevention of land degradation, reduces increased noise level, social and ecological benefits, provision of fruits, nuts, leaves, fuel wood, fodder, vegetables, shade, and windbreak...


The study analysed effect of micro credit on agricultural risk management strategies among small-holder farmers in Abakalilki Local Government Area of Ebonyi state. A multistage sampling was used to select 120 respondents used for the study. Data collected were from the primary source using structured questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data obtained. Based on the objectives of the study. The result obtained showed that males (65%) were more tha...

Wastewater Treatment Analysis, Technology, And Challenges in Sweden

Wastewater treatment is a technique used to reclaim and reuse wastewater for other productive uses. This reduces the demand for freshwater resources, and further enhance conservation of aquatic habitat, and sustainable utilization of water resources. Concerns for wastewater in Sweden began in the 1930s with only mechanical treatment but efficiently implemented in the 1960s as a result of significant eutrophication observed in open waters such as the Baltic Sea. Although prevailing wastewater ...

Nigeria: Positioning Rural Economy for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals

Nigeria as nation has over the years engaged in lots of developmental activities without actions which makes achievements to elude the people. Development of societies doesn’t happen in the vacuum. Thus, the adoption of Structural Adjustment Program, SAP, by Nigeria leading to the neglect of the custom periodic National Plan at a time when Nigeria had no structure for development was the beginning of journey to widened inequality and large poverty incidence, depth and severity. To close the...

Role of Legislature in Sustainable Agricultural Development in Developing Nations: A Case Study of Nigeria

When continuity is lacked in the agricultural programs and policies of a developing nation, such nation cannot avoid to keep moving round a circle. Such nation’s agricultural sector will be full of activities without actions and achievements will elude such country. This study therefore reviewed some of the agricultural programs and policies in Nigeria, their failures and successes as well as reasons behind the failures and success vis-à-vis the recent agricultural development strategy of ...

Effect of Broadcast Digitalization on Agricultural Information Dissemination in Nigeria.

Broadcast digitalization with its enormous benefits to the broadcasting industry will improve the quality of content of programs delivered by television stations. Africa has a switchover date of June, 2017. For Nigerians to have access to television broadcast once the switch over is completed, they must purchase high definition television sets or the set-up box. The awareness among urban dwellers in Nigeria have resulted in households switching to receiving digital broadcast transmission by p...


This study was carried out to see how well the objectives of the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Scheme had been achieved in Ondo State. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 120 insured farmers from two local government areas and a well-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the farmers. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The analysis shows that accessibility to credit was the only reason the farmers participated in the insurance s...

4456 - 4470 Of 4596 Results