ABSTRACT The study was a descriptive, cross sectional design aimed at determining the causes of school drop outs in selected primary schools in Kabarnet Division, Baringo District- Kenya. My objectives were: 1.1 To determine the profile of the respondents in terms of: a) Age b) Gender 2.0 To determine the causes of school drop-out in terms of: 2.1 Poverty 2.2 Early Marriage 2.3 Cultural factors 2.4 Teachers attitude 2.5 Poor Performance 3.0 The possible solutions to the problem. The exercise ...
ABSTRACT Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) remains a major health challenge world over. In this research, I tried to uncover its effects on performance in schools. It was found that its damage requires special efforts to address.’ihira” was an illness that closely resembled AIDS. Its cause was “immoral conduct”. The cure for “ihira” was a concotion of herbs called “amanyasi”. Could the cure for AIDS lie in “Amanyasi?”. In chapter one I deal with the rationale, ...
TABLE OF CONTENT Titlepage. Table of contents ii Declaration iv Dedication V Acknowledgement vi CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Statement of the problem 2 1.2 Purpose of the Study 3 1.3 Objective of the Study 3 1.4 Research questions 3 1.5 Significance of the Study 4 1.6 Limitation of the Study 4 1.7 Scope of the Study 4 1.8 Defmitions of Terms 5 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Literature Introduction 6 Identification of Children with Emotion problems 6 Classification 7 Causes of Emotional & Behaviour 8 E...
ABSTRACT This descriptive and quantitative study was conducted in Marmanet zone, Nyahuru district, to investigate the prevalence of and the problems which the childen suffering from behavioral disorders were facing at school. The variables measured include; the existence of such pupils in inclusive schools, the challenges which they face and the problems they cause to other pupils as well as their teachers, and how the schools have intervened for them. The study utilized a semi-structured que...
ABSTRACT This study entitled "The Influence of Cultural Diversity on Moral Behaviour of Students" is aimed at examining whether cultural diversity of students influence their moral behaviours .It was guided by the objectives which included examining the sources of moral education to individuals (Students of KIU), to explain the influence of family and culture on the individuals' behaviours particularly university students, and to analyze the perceptions of different students on their behavio...
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................ .i DECLARATION ................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv DEFINITIONS OF TERMS .................
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................ .i DECLARATION ................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv DEFINITIONS OF TERMS .................
ABSTRACT For long time, the academic performance of girls in science subjects in Shanderema Secondary School has been poor. There are very few girls whose names appear on hounors roll in the principal’s office. The number of girls pursuing science-related courses in institutions of higher learning has remained low. As a result, there are very few women professionals in science- related field, graduates of Shanderema. The researcher has investigated the various environmental factors name...
ABSTRACT This study examined the "effects of population increase on the social and economic development: a case study of Nansana Town Council Wakiso District" specific objectives were used to investigate the effects and to establish the remedies to the problems. The study was qualitative and quantitative. Data were collected using interview and observation techniques in all over 50 respondents .observations were done by looking at family size, housing standards ofliving, health facilities ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.11NTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ..................................................... 1 1.2 STAEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................ 3 1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................... 3 1.4 ...
ABSTRACT The study looked at a.ssessing the performance 9f girl child edCation in selected primary schools in Soy Division, Eldoret West, Kenya. There are direct and opportunity costs of education which has strong negative effects on female educational opportunities. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing performance of girl child education in relation to access, participation and completion rates in Soy Division, Eldoret West district. The study sought to bring out...
ABSTRACT This study was intended to investigate the causes of poor performance in chemistry among students in the selected secondwy schools of Kaptama Division, Mt.Elgon district, Kenya. In the review of related literature, all sources viewed relevant to the study were revisited and these assisted a great deal in assisting the research have a clear picture of what the study was to entail. A descriptive design was adopted for this particular study since it was realized that much of the s...
TABLE OF CONTENTS · PAGE Declaration ................................................................................................... i Dedication .................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgement ....................................................................................... iii List of Acronyms .......................................................................................... iv List of Tables and Maps...
TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE DEC LARA TI ON .............................................. .. ........ ........... .. .......... ........ ....... .... .. ..... .. .... ......... 2 APPROVAL ...... ... ......... ..... ..... .................. ... ............. ... ............... ..... ........ .... .......... ........ ........... 3 DEDICATION .................................... ....................... ........ : ...... ..... ..... ..... ... .. ... ... ......... .... ......... 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........
ABSTRACT This research study was set to investigate the social cultural influences on poverty oF population in Bisheshe, Sub County Ibanda district. The study was carried out From Bisheshe because oF the increasing poverty levels and also that the place is Familiar. This study was guided by questions such as what are the Factors causing poverty in your region? Is it the government that has accelerated poverty in your region? How has poverty affected the economic development oF your regi...