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Research Papers/Topics Education

Determinants Of Pupils' Performance, In Selected Primary Schools Of Keiyo South District Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the introduction of determinants of pupils' performance, schools in Kenya have been performing poorly in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examinations. Both the schools and individual pupils have not yet accrued to the full benefits of FPE. This study investigated the causes of poor academic performance among pupils in selected schools within Keiyo South district, Kenya. The study employed casual- comparative design that seeks to discover possible causes and effects...

Effects Of Scouts Movement On Students Discipline A Case Study Of Makindye Division, Kampala Uganda.

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the scout movements on the students discipline in selected schools in Makindye Division, Kampala- Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives including; - To determine the extent to which the school environment is influenced by scouting, to investigate the extent to which classroom attendance is influenced by scouting as well as to establish a relationship between students’ parenting and scouting. Qualitative design was...

Health Awareness And Education Among Girls: Case Study Of Lelmokwo Zone, Kosirai Division, Nandi North District Of Kenya

This study was set t l!ncl out the l llV/AlDS ,marcncss 111 Chcl"Linµ otd, Cheburbur location. Uasinguishu District Kenya a descriptive survev design. using both quantitative and qualitative data. teenage girls were the main respondents ,,Cthis stud,·. Convenience sampling was used to select the teenage girls of diffen:nt ages from 111-~il years respectively who an:,wered the questionnaires. Frequency c,rnnts and relati, e frequency were used to analyze the data from the questionnaires. Tab...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Students In National Examinations. A Case Study Of Townsidp Zone, Central Division , Embu District Kenya

This study was to determine the relationship between teacher factors and students performance in KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) in Embu, Kenya. All primary sources were revisited in the collection of related literature. The study used a descriptive a research design given the short period of time that was availed to the researcher. The findings of the study revealed the following: Teachers were found to be acting as role models, were possessing sound leadership skills and were ...

Factors That Affect Academic Performance Of The Mentally Challenged Learners In Regular Schools: A Case Study Of Gurumesa Moyale, Moy Ale Division Central, Eastern Province, Moyale District K

This study was intended to find out the factors affecting academic performance of learners with mental deficits in regular schools; the study will look into attitude of teachers towards inclusion of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. The study employed survey design and quantitative method was also preferred because it uses standardized tools for example questionnaire which are directed to the selected sample. The main instrument for data collection used in this study was the qu...

Teachers' Attitude Towards Academic Performance Of Learners With Learning Difficulties In Kibwezi Division Kibwezi District Kenya

ABSTRACT It is apparently true that learners with learning difficulties range for mild to profound levels. The later is highly noticeable because of the extreme poor performance in exams, however, majority of the learners with learning difficulties drop out from school as a result of pressure from their peer groups aggressive parents and more so adamant teachers who humiliate and force them to repeat same class year after the other. Since this has been the trend in most of the primary schools...

Drug Abuse And Students' Academic Performance. A Case Study Of Four Selected Schools In Ileho Division Of Kakamega East District.

ABSTRACT Drug and substance abuse is a fast growing problem causing concern to everybody in the education sector because of its negative impact on school students. It is out of this concern that this research is being conducted to find out the effect of the drug and substance use on secondary students. Research finding will also establish the most prevalent drugs abused in the selected school that will be generalized to form a view of what happens in other schools. The results will be genera...

Challenges Facing Learners With Hearing Impairment In An Inclusive Setting In Vihiga District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The general purpose of the study was to examme the challenges of inclusion of children with hearing impairment in regular schools in Vihiga district in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the challenges faced by teachers teaching leamers with hearing impairments in accessing education, determine the relevance of the education currently offered to children with hearing impairments and to suggest solutions that can avert the problem. The methods used for data...

A Case Study Of Enrolment Of Boys In Primary Schools In Gichugu Division, Kirinyaga District, Central Province Of Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study was to investigate problems faced by primary school head teachers m implementation of free primary school for all in Gichugu educational zone in Kirinyaga district, Kenya. The researcher used questionnaires to collect information from the respondent. The respondents were head teachers/ teachers in the zone selected from some schools in the zone. The method used to select the schools was convenience sampling. The researcher reviewed much of the literature from respondents. ...

Instructional Material And Pupils Academic Performance: A Case Study Of Kawempe Division.

This study was carried out to establish the instructional materials and pupils' academic performance in Kawempe Division. The following objectives were used in this study; to identify the existing types of teaching and learning aids used in primary schools, to investigate whether primary teachers were aware of the importance of teaching/learning aids, and to investigate the form of support offered to primary schools to acquire the relevant teaching and learning aids. This study employed descr...

The Impact Of Menstraution On Girl Child Education: A Case Study Of Alen Du Primary School, Kisumu-Keny A.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARA'fION .................................................................................................................. i iPPR_OViL ........................................................................................................................ ii l)f:iDJC1-"fION .................................................................................................................. iii lCI(NOVLEDGElVlENT .................................................................

Motivation And Academic Performance Of Slow Learners A Case Study Of Umuru Division, Kiambu West District Nairobi, Kenya

The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of motivation and academic performance of slow learners in selected learners in Limuru Division, Kiambu West district in Nairobi Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the problems faced by the slow learners in Limuru division, establish the characteristics of slow learners, and determine the major courses of learning difficulties in Limuru division and to establish the intervention measures which can be taken to overcome learnin...

Auto Ma Tic Teller Machines (Atm) And Service Delivery. A Case Study Of Crane Bank Kampala - Uganda

This research examined the financial institutions that accept deposits from customers and give loans to customers. In Uganda, commercial banks have increased their services by introducing automated teller machines (ATMs). Automated Teller Machine (ATM) banking system is the latest system adopted by bank world wide to foster and improve on service delivery within the banking industry. Crane Bank has installed these machines in order to serve its customers very effectively and efficiently and t...

Difficulties Encountered By Learners With Hearing Impairment In An Inclusive Setting: A Case Study Of Machakos School For The Deaf, Central Division, Machakos District Kenya

ABSTRACT In this special study paper, the researcher aimed at establishing learning difficulties encountered by the Pupils within hearing impairment in the inclusive setting. This study was carried out in Machakos school for the deaf located in central division, Machakos district. Ten class teachers represented the whole population. The researcher targeted a sample population of Head teachers, class teachers, and all learners of ten classes. The researcher used questionnaires as the mai...

Causes Of Girl Child Drop Out From School In Chiakariga Division, Tharaka District, Eastern Province Kenya

Recent research statistics has shown that the prevalence of girls dropping out CJ/ schools in Kenya is expanding rapidly to the distraction of the society. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus there arises an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the factors responsible for school dropouts especially among the girls. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the factors responsible for school drop ou...

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