TABLE OF CONTENT CI-IAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................................. 8 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 8 1.0 Overview .................................................................................................................... 8 1.1 Background Of The Study .....................................................
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the challenges Faced by lvfentally Retarded in an Inclusive Setting in lvfukuru Slums Viwanda Zone lvfakadara division, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to investigate the challenges faced by children with mental retardation in an inclusive setting, to determine the causes of mental retardation and to identify the advantages (Jf inclusive learning for children with mental retardation. The methods used for data collection wer...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of free primary education on the academic performance of pupils in. The specific objectives of the study were to determine if Poor Physical Facilities affects the implementation of free primary education. Determine if Lack of enough Trained Teachers affects the implementation of free primary education. Determine if high Pupil-Teacher Ratio affects the implementation of free primary education. Determine if poverty level of pare...
ABSTRACT The researcher investigated the educational challenges facing the hearing impaired pupils in selected primary school in Leseru Location. The purpose of the study was to investigate education provision for hearing impaired children in the approaches of teaching resources used in teaching the number of trained personnel handling the hearing impaired learners, the attitudes expressed b~ parents, enlightening the general public about the needs of hearing impaired and then make recomm...
ABSTRACT The study was to find the effect of shortage of school facilities on a academic performance in Nakawa division. Indeed shortage of school facilities is an issue of contention capable of crimping the future of a cadmic and the entire education sector given the effects of which have seen total crumbing of school across the country. The study was based on two variables academic performance and school facilities. The relationship between the two is tangible is one leads to the other that...
Abstract In the recent past enrollment in preschools in Mgogosiek Zone Bureti district in Kenya has been twindling and dropping as such the study was intended to establish the effects of a feeding programme on enrollment and drop out. The centre of the study lies in the idea that a feeding programme affects the health of children thus affecting enrollment and drop out . A feeding programme in preschools will improve enrollment and curb drop out in that children will associate learning i...
ABSTRACT The study involved both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection in which questionnaires, interview guides and focus group discussions were used to collect the data from the respondents. The first research question sought to find out causes of early pregnancy of girls in primary schools. The study discovered that; poverty, socialization, attitudes, perception, personality, and containers were the factors given by the respondents. The second research question sought to...
ABSTRACT Each year about 50 schools go on strike during the month of July, this year (2008) over 300 schools were on revolt during the second term. It is a tension filled month because of the mocks, schools running out of money and meals way below standard. Students have endured six months of what they consider ill treatment, incompetence and absenteeism of teachers, administrative corruption, poor maintenance of buildings and no one to listen to their normally reasonable complaints and sugg...
ABSTRACT An investigation of the Impact of Gender Stereotype on Recruitment of Women in secondary schools was conducted in Nimule and Pageri towns in Magwi county, southern Sudan. The variables considered include: forms of gender stereotype in society, its effects in the society and the attempts to curb it. The general survey research design was used, methods used in data collection include: oral interviews, questionnaire, observation and photograph taking in the societies. The study reveale...
ABSTRACT The study reveals that participation of the girl child in education is generally low. Girls are more marginalised especially because of the gender roles, inadequate access to resources. Education is not a priority for them; they provide labour in households to subsidize the meagre resources ofthe family. The research was carried out among selected secondary schools in Tiriki East, Division, Hamisi District, Western Province, Kenya; ten schools were selected. The study adopted a desc...
ABSTRACT The study investigate the socio-economic factors affecting pupils performance in Mogobich zone and the following objectives guided the study; Investigate the relationship between family background and socio-economic factors. Establish relationship between pupils and academic performance and analyze the effects of socioeconomic factors on school enrolment. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the socioeconom...
Abstract The announcement oftl1e presidential election resnlts' in 30th December 2007 led to an escalation of posts in various parts of Kenya. The post-election violence experienced in Kenya since 30th December 2007 has resulted in a number of deaths and displacement of people from their homes in various parts of the country. Various sectors of the Kenyan society have been affected. This paper examines the effects of the post election crisis on education in Kenya with reference to the learner...
ABSTRACT This study was intended to examine the challenges of inclusion of children of children with physical Disabilities (handicapped in regular primary schools in Awendo division, Rongo district, Kenya. The study adopted a Quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the physically disabled learners in Awendo division, Rongo District Kenya. The method...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted in TEMEKE municipal council, Dar-es-salaam Tanzania. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of teacher unethical conduct on primary pupils' academic perfonnance. . A total number of 259 respondents were involved as follows; Pupils Officers Teachers Male 91 6 11 female 109 11 31 total 200 17 42 Data was collected using questionnaires and oral interviews. The forms of ethical conduct included teachers, pupils sexual relationships, teachers' sellin...
ABSTRACT The study was to investigate the impact of school dropouts in Mengo Primary school. The objectives of the study include; establishing the causes of school dropouts in Mengo Primary School The impact of school dropouts in Mengo Primary School. The research survey design was used; the population targeted included teachers, political leaders and parents The conclusions of the study included poverty, corporal punishments and diseases The impact of the study includes; high cnme rates, il...