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Research Papers/Topics Education

Disciplinary Measures For Effectiveness Of Class Control For Suneka Zone, Kish South District

ABSTRACT This research was about the measures pre-school teachers take when faced with misbehavior from children in and outside class. Efforts have been made to emphasize the aspects of misbehavior which the research is intended to investigate. In the statement of the problem, it is stated that the poor adjustment of young children, leaving the safety of their homes for the first time, does make it very hard for teachers to control them. The aim of the study was to find out the methods used ...

Teaching Methods And Academic Performance Of Visually Impaired Learners In Inclusive Setting In Chepterwai Zone Kipkaren Division, Nandi North District -kenya

The study was carried out in Chepterwai zone of Kipkaren division Nandi North district-Kenya. The main purpose of the study was to find out challenges of inclusion of visual impaired learners in regular schools. The sample population was composed of respondents who included selected teachers and learners in the school. The research instruments that were used to collect data were questionnaires and interviews. The findings of the study generally showed that there are some negative att...

A Case Study In Four Primary Schools

The study on the investigation of the causes of pupils’ indiscipline was carried out in thu rout uIii inc primary schools in Kängai sub—county, Dolcolo District. Ike respondents purposively chosen in the study were from four schools. These consisted of ciaht parents, twenty teachers and fourty pupils to make a total of sixty eight respondents. In the process oF collecting data, the researcher used designed questionnaire for teachers and interview guide lhr both pupils and parents. Th...

Factors contributing to the girls drop out of public primary schools in w alda! Zone, belgut division , kakiptui village of riftvalley province-kericho west district-kenya

ABSTRACT  The study focused on some basic factors contributing to the dropout of girls in Public primary schools in W ALDAI Zone. It took a cross sectional survey design which Involved head teachers and teachers as respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The findings revealed that poverty, limited community mobilization, cultural Factors, institutional factors and political factors contribute to girls dropout. There is need to adopt alternative strategies in orde...

The state of early childhood education in k..enya,after the implementation of free primary education. A case study of loki char zone, loki char division, turkana south district kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the impmtance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to detennine the progress of free primary education on early childhood education. The research study was conducted between December 2009 and April 2010. The study was can·ied in Loki char zone, Turkana South East district. The study benefits the early childhood pupils s...

Perception Of Learners With Learning Difficulties In The Mainstream Primary Schools In Mageta Island Kenya

ABSTRACT Most learners with learning difficulties in Mageta Island do not attend lessons in the regular schools due to the various problems they face. Due to their nature of impairment even those who attend the regular schools stiff find it hard to accomplish various academic tasks. In addressing the various needs, the researcher embarked on a strategy of research. In the research he collected views from teachers and pupils. TheABSTRACT Most learners with learning difficulties in Mageta Islan...

Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling Programmes In Alleviating Indiscipline In Secondary Schools In Ainabkoi Division, Uasin Gishu District, Rift Valley Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The need for guidance and counselling- Kenya became more important in the early 1960's. This was the time the country was anticipating independence. There was need to get Kenyans who would work in industries to replace the expatriates who were leaving the country. Therefore the guidance that was required then was vocational. Since then the guidance and counselling has been recognized and diversified in various government reports and educational commissions. Development plans and pol...

How The Teaching Methods Affect Performance Of English Language In Someselected Schools In Bungoma South District- Kenya

ABSTRACT  Every part of the world has embraced English language. It is assumed that one can communicate with one out of four in English. It is due to its popularity and importance that the teaching and learning of English language be emphasized for desired results to be ' . realized. Therefore, it is imperative that effective teaching methods be employed to enhance the teaching and learning of the language. If all efforts and energies were directed towards making English language excel, for ...

Play And Pupil's Growth And Development In Early Childhood Development Education In Katito Zone In Lower Nyakach Divission, Ny Akach District, Nyanza Province Kenya

ABSTRACT This is a study on the play and child growth and development in ECDE in Katito zone, lower Nyakach Division, Nyakach District, and Nyanza Province in Kenya. Play and childhood learning are too sides of the same coin as any child likes playing regardless of his status and the conditions at hand. The researcher thought it as necessary to carry out a research project on how much play is included in the programmes of learning in these ECDE classes. How the teaching community and the fam...

The Imp Act Of Environment On Performance In Schools: A Case Study Of Igembe Central Division Igembe South District

The study investigated the impact of environment on performance of schools in Igembe Central division of Igembe South district. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; Determining ways in which environment can be improved to be in line with school performance, Effect of environment on school performance and Roles of the school in our daily environment. The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one with introduction, chapter two consists of the related literature,...

An Investigation On The Factors Thailead To Poor Performance Of Mathematics In Secondary Schools Tn Kanjai Zone, Tigania District Kenya

Abstract Kaianjai zone is in Tigania District, Eastern province, Kenya. It has seven secondary schools, of which five are district schools and two provincial boarding schools. District schools are those schools that admit students from the district only. Provincial boarding schools are those that admit students from allover the province. Among the district schools, two are day schools,that is schools, where students do not board in the school. In all these schools. Mathematics is a compulsory...

The Relationship Between Female Education Level And Fertility Rates A Case Study Of Kagulu Subcounty (Buyende District) Uganda

ABSTRACT The present paper deals with the topic of fertility in KAGULU SUBCOUNTY and takes as its point of departure the need to reduce very high fertility, given its potential harmful effects. Two approaches to reducing fertility are identified, viz, coercion and voluntarism. As coercion is rejected, the paper works within a voluntary approach to fertility reduction. This entails trying to understand what causes high fertility to persist so these causes can be targeted. It is discussed how s...

Learning Resources And Students' Performance In Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Kapseret Zone,W Areng District, Kenya

There has been a deteriorating academic performance in Mathematics in the region. When children join class one from pre-school they usually have some basics about numbers. It is from this stage where teachers in Secondary one start introducing new concepts to the learners as well as introducing new symbols used in mathematics at that level. Children in lower Secondary are in concrete operational stage, where child canreason logically about concrete events and classify objects into differe...

Attitudes Of Physics Teachers Towards The Teaching Learning Process In Secondary Schools In Nyacheki Division, Gucha District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose or this study was to investigate the attitudes of physics teachers towards the teaching- learning process in selected Secondary schools ol' in Nyacheki Division, Gucha, Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine the role of teachers' attitudes on the teaching- learning process, to whether teaching attitudes affecting negatively the teaching- learning process. and to investigate whether the teaching competencies affect the teaching- learning process. The metho...

The determinants of students' perfomance in science subjects. A case study of selected secondary schools in makindye division kampala district.

Abstract This study will be about factors that determine the students' performance in science subjects in secondary schools within makindye division Kampala district. According to Baguma in the new vision of 10th February 2007,pg.l, over all results of science subjects (both "O' and A level) postulate that performance in science subjects continues to be problematic ( doubtful)as compared to the arts despite the government policy to make science compulsory-at O level . Amongst the science subj...

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