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Research Papers/Topics Education

Factors Affecting Teachers Implementation Of Educational Interventions For Mentally Retarded Children In Selected Regular Schools In Miriu Zone Of Rachuonyo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to detennine the factors affecting teacher's implementation of educational intervention in regular primary schools in Mirui zone East Karachuonyo Division Rachunyo district of the republic of Kenya. There are 17 primary schools of which 9 were randomly sampled to be target schools for the study. In the 9 sampled schools 65 teachers were found be present. Only 8 teachers have qualified to have qualified to handle learners with disabilities in regular prima...

The Effect of Teaching Methods on Students' Attitudes Towards Biology on Secondary Schools, Ilala District Tanzania

Abstract An attitude may be defined as a predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given attitude object (Oskamp, 2005). The focus of the study is on school student’s attitudes towards biology subjects taught in the secondary classrooms. The term subject refers to both theory and laboratory classes in secondary schools. Understanding of students’ attitudes is important in supporting their achievement and interest toward a particular discipline. Stude...

Teaching methods and the performance of english in an inclusive setting: A case study of primary schools in municipality zone murang'a north district, kenya.

ABSTRACT Considering the fact that English is one of the cores subjects in the primary school curriculum, one would have expected learners to perform in it but the reverse, dismal performance in the subject seems to be the case. Indeed, there is declining performance in English which largely contributes to overall poor performance in other subjects tested in the curriculum. It is ironical that in the Kenyan system of education, where there is great emphasis on the teaching of English languag...

The Impact Of English Language On Pupils’ Academic Performance In Primary Schools Of Busia County, Funyula Dwision Samia District Kenya

The research on the impact English language as a mode of Instruction to the Academic performance in Funyula division, Samia District. The study focused on how English language influences the pupils’ performance in other subjects in primary schools, classifying the different mother tongues in relation to English language towards the performance and to investigate the prevalence of the problem of language barriers in relation to the academic performance. Using a cross-sectional survey re...

The Factors Affecting The Performance Of Pupils In Primary Leaving In Gulu District A Case Study Of Bobi Sub-County

Abstract Education is the study only trend to development. It's an essential element for cultural, social and economic progress of any society in a society where education is sound; people are able to fight diseases and ignorance, poverty and oppression. Since the goal of much education is behavioral change, the understanding of behavior afforded by behavioral change theories provides in sight in to the formation of effective teaching methods that into the mechanism of behavioral change in an...

Factors Influencing Child Labour And Effects On Education In Likoni Division, Likoni Zone In Kenya

Through the efforts made by the research in trying to establish the causes of child labour, the research used questionnaire method to collect the data. The data was collected from different people distributed allover the division who were the respondents. The findings of the research were as follows: Children in Likoni division engage in child labour due to: o Ill health of the parents o Poverty • Ignorance of parents o Nature of employment In conclusion therefore since the findings...

The Academic Performance Of Girl Child In Primary Schopls In Matungu Division, Matungu District, ~

ABSTRACT I The study looked at assessing the perfor111ance of girl child education in selected pri111ar) schools in Matungu Division. Matungu District. Kenva. ' '-' .... ., There are direct and opportunity costs of education which has strong negative effects on fe111ale educational 'opportunities. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing perfor111rn1ce or girl child educatiop in relation 1,o access. participation and co111pleqo11 rates in Matungu Division. Matungu Dist...

An Investigation Into Factors Affecting The Academic Performance Among Learners With Hearing Impairment In Lambwe Division, Mbita District-kenya

The study was to investigate the causes of poor academic performance among the hearing impaired learners in regular primary schools. The researcher used questionnaires used to collect information from the respondents, the respondents were 25 teachers and 50 learners from the five sampled schools. The researcher found that in comparison with their hearing counterparts, hearing impaired learners performed poorly in academic work due to a number of factors.  These include: o Poor methods of...

Teaching Methods And The Acadeic Performance Of Students In Mathemetics Of Githaithi Secondary Schoo

ABSTRACT  This study was conducted in Gathaithi secondary school, Githunguri Division, Kiambu District, Kenya. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of teaching methods on the academic performance of learners in mathematics subject in Gathaithi secondary school. The study used teachers and learners of the above school This book is made up of five chapters. Chapter one deals with introductory part of the research. It gives the general background of the research i.e. bac...

An Assessment Of Teachers Motivation On Academic Performance Of Primary Pupils In Tabaka/ Rigena Zone Nyamarambe Division Gucha South District Kenya

ABSTRACT The research project topic is an assessment of teacher's motivation on academic performance of primary pupils in Tabaka Zone Nyamarambe Division Gucha South District, Kenya. The research project was divided in five chapters which dealt exclusively in all matters that the researcher believed would be of value to the research project. The objectives of the study were to find out whether the quality of education has changed on inception of free primary education. The challenges faced b...

Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Learners With Epilepsy In An Inclusive Setting In Dagoretti Division, Nairobl

ABSTRACT The central problem of this study is that despite the fact that epilepsy is a disease like any other and that an epileptic has normal intelligence, teachers and the society know little or nothing about it and have negative perception towards this problem. Factors leading to negative perception and discrimination have not been fully investigated and understood. The purpose of this study was to find out the teachers knowledge of epilepsy in an inclusive setting. This was clone in selec...

Play And Its Effects On L<'.Arly Childhood Education In Wen.Je Division, Tana River District, Kenya

The purpose of the study was to investigate the importance or playing 011 the early childhood education in Wenje Division. Tana River District. Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the profile of the respondents in regards to: age. gender and acade111ic level. to investigate the i111portance ot· playing in regards to academic achieve111ents. proble111 solving. so_cial· and egoistic competence confidence building and health development and to identify the hindra...

Relationship Between Resource Utilization And Academic Performance Of Physically Challenged Learners In Ototo Zone -Homa-Bay District Kenya

ABSTRACT  The researcher was drawn into conducting this study by the report that revealed that the physically challenged learners of Ototo Zone in Homa Bay District—Kenya were performing very poorly in their national exams. The report had also touched on the under utilization of educational resources by teachers of the physically challenged learners. The purpose of the study was therefore mainly to assess the relationship between educational resource utilization and the academic performanc...

Challenges Faced In Education Provision For The Mentally Handicaped Children In Nyagachi Zone, Nyamira District Kenya

ABSTRACT The research study was conducted to investigate challenges ftJced in education provision for the mentally hamfspped learners in an inclusive setting in Nyagachi Zone, Nyamim Division, Nyamira District. The researcher used survey on teachers teaching in regular schools in Nyagachi Zone, where questionnaires were used to collect inti'Jrmation about problems mentally hanaspped learners face in an Inclusive set up in the zone. The researcher targel:Ed 17 primary schools in Nyagachi...

Socio Economic Status And Student's Academic Performance, A Case Study Of Kosir.Ii.I Division, Rift Valley Province - Kenya

The research sought to investigate whether parents' socio economic status can affect the academic performance of the students in Kosirai division in Nandi District. The main aim of this study is to establish the main course of poor academic performance among the students in Kosirai Division. The low grades at times relate to parents' socio economic status of the peop!e in the area. In carrying out the study, the researcher adopted descriptive survey design. A sample of four secondary sch...

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