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Research Papers/Topics Education

Childhood Care And Education In Namanga Primary School Kajiado, Kenya.

The purpose of this study was to establish the problems of early childhood care and education in Namanga Primary School Kajiado Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate some factors responsible for poor early childhood care and education in Namanga Primary school. The methods used for data collection was questioners to the teachers in the school who were involved in the study. In Chapter four the findings were presented and interpreted in relation to the study objec...

Impact Of Learning Materials On The Academic Performance Of Young Learners In Pre-school: Iase-line Survey Of Kisumu Municipality Schools.

The study dwelt into the effectiveness oflearning materials, on the academic performance of young learners in pre-school. The study aimed at examining the effect of introducing the learning material as opposed to cases where teachers go to class with their notes without physical examples. A test was used as a research instrument to measure the knowledge thus the study employed the experimental research design. The prepared test was used to determine whether there is a significant differe...

A Situational Analysis Of Hiv/Aids On The Socio-economic Environment Of Orphaned Children In Kakuzi Division In Kenya

The HIV/AID is a pandemic as it affects people worldwide.The first recognized cases of AIDS occurred in the USA in the early 1980s. A number of gay men in New York and California suddenly began to develop rare opportunistic infections and cancers that seemed stubbornly resistant to any treatment. At this time, AIDS did not yet have a name, but it quickly became obvious that all the men were suffering from a common syndrome. Beith national and international travel undoubtedly had a major ...

Class Room Management And Academic Performance Of Intellectually Challenged Learners A Case Studyof Luikuyani South Zone Lugar! District Kenya

The study focused on the class management and academic performance of intellectually challenged learners in likuyani south zone, lugari district, Kenya. This "'as undertaken by the researcher after discovering that their academic achievement is far much below average raising eye brows among parents, teachers and pupils. The researcher wanted to establish educational resources available, trained teachers in special needs education , attitude of teacher and teaching strategies used and kno...

Causes Of Street Children In Kibera Suburb, Nairobi City Kenya

The study about causes of street children was carried out. The objectives of the study were to find out the major causes of street children in Kibera Suburb, problems faced by street children, out street children survive on the street and what has been done to reduce these problems. The methods used to collect data were:- observation, interviews and questionnaires. Respondents were included in the study. It was found out that there were very many causes of street children like death of ...

The Academic Performance Among Primary School Pupils In Science Subject In National Examinations A Case Study Of Kamwangi Division Primary Schools, Thika District- Kenya

The general objective of this study was to assess the learning resources and performance of pre~-schoo1 children. The study was conducted in Kamwangi Division primary schools, Thika District Kenya. Ten political leaders, 20 pupils, 20 teachers and 30 community inhabitants were interviewed. Teachers, political leaders, pupils and community inhabitants participated in the study. A total of eighty (80) participants therefore participated in the study. The study question was investigated in...

Effects Of Motivation On Academic Perfomance Of Leaners With Learning Disablities In Public Primary Schools In Amu Division Lamu District, Kenya.

The study set to find out how learners with Learning Disabilities are motivated to learn by their teachers. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the causes of learning problems among learner. The methods used for data collection was questionnaire to the staff members of the schools. The findings were presented and interpreted in relation to the study objectives and research questions. The findings concluded that there are some teachers who can not identify learners with leave...

Learning Resources And Academic Performance In Chemistry Biashara Ward, Nakuru District, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between learning resources and academic performance in chemistry in Biashara Ward, Nakuru district, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the levels of performance in relation to availability of text books, curriculum implementation, facilitation, better classrooms, laboratories and practical materials. Quantitative data was categorized according to the research variables and data generated from questionnaires w...

The Impact Of Child Abuse On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Primary Schools In Kenya A Case Study: Kirinyaga District

Child abuse is the physical, psychological or sexual maltreatment of a child It's categorized into four: neglect, physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse and sexual abuse. According to various researches on the causes, impact and prevention of child abuse, It was discovered that there exists a difference between pupils academic performance in primary schools and this problem was attributed to the pupils background where some pupils were believed to have faced maltreatments from ...

Reproductive Health Services And Women With Disabilities A Case Of Gaturi Zone In Muruanga District

The study explores the topic: Reproductive health services and women with disabilities. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the accessibility of women with disabilities to reproductive health services. The study is guided by three specific objectives, thus: To establish the extent to which people with impairments access reproductive health service; to find out the channels used in dissemination of reproductive health information and other services by programmers in the area of st...

Mother Tongue and Performance In English Language In Some Selected Secondary Schools In Wajir District, North Eastern Province- Kenya

The study sought to assess the effect of mother tongue and students' academic performance in English language in selected secondary schools in Wajir District, Kenya. The study was conducted in five schools. The specific interest areas on the philosophy and understanding of education by different scholars were reviewed addressing similar issues. The researcher used both random :and purposive sampling procedures. Purpose was used to select different ac iYitie s in the area of investigation i...

Challenges Of Teaching The Mentally Retarded Learners In Githambia Primary School, Thika Dictrict, Kenya.

In the year 2003. free primary education was introduced in Kenya. This enhanced the Jomtein Conference. 1990 in Thailand and Dakar Conference in the year 2000 which advocated for free education for all. (EF A). In this regard, every child irrespective of nature. religion race, color or creed has a right to education. In reference to the under privileged in the world, even people with disabilities of which ever nature, should have access to education. It is now upon the teachers handling ...

Poverty And Pupjls Academic Perfomance In Selected Primary Schools In Tulimani Division~ Makueni District Kenya

This study was carried out in Tulimani Division Makueni District. It covered poverty and dropout rates in primary s~hools. The ' major objective of this study was to examine the poverty and its implications 11n the school dropout and educational sector, the existing government interventions and also sought the effective policy recommendations for better conditions in the education sector. The study employed beth qualiunive and quantitative approaches, interview and structured questionnai...

Challenges Faced By The Physically Handicapped Learners In Inclusive Settings In Emuhaya Division Primary Schools

Looking at the plight of learners with physical disability in inclusive setting in Emuhaya division primary schools, the study seeks to unveil the current appalling situation in view of the policy and practice of inclusive education of learners through improved practice approaches, like early intervention, finances, provision of facilities among others. For instance, the work of educational assessment centres should be spread throughout the district. E.g. introducing mobile services, the...

The Impact Of Kikuyu Speaking On Performance Of English In Iyiego Location, Kangema Division, Kenya

The performance of English in lyego location, Kangema division, Kenya is way below expectation of the education officials, board of governers, teachers and parents. English is a core subject and compulsory in the Kenyan system of education. It is, therefore, necessary to pass in English for one to be absorbed in the colleges/university or get a job (employment). Most students, teachers and the family members speak in Kikuyu and have negative attitude towards those who speak in English. T...

3031 - 3045 Of 8072 Results