ABSTRACT. The research is based on the teaching and performance of English Language in Kenya certificate of secondary education (K.C.S.E) A case study in Kikuyu Division, Kiambu District central province, Kenya. The research objective was to determine the relationship between teaching of pupils and their performance in English Language. The researcher investigated on the relationship between the use of English Language, native Language and other Languages. He also dealt on the relationship b...
ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the factors that account for poor a cad em ic pe1formance in rural secondaiy schools. It was carried out along a number of objectives which included: assessing the relationship between students' discipline and academic perfo1mance, to examine the accessibility of students to learning materials and their effect on academic petlormance and to find out the effect of teachers' motivation practices on the students' academic perfonnance. From these objective...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out factors affecting girl-child education in Bungokho South Constituency. It was realized that in other parts of Uganda girl-child education had deeply taken place while as in Bungokho it has not. In this research a combination of both quantitative and qualitative design were used for this study. Also purposive sampling as a method in research was used to find out the necessary informktion pertains the study. The findings revealed that the factors affecti...
ABSTRACT The study carried out a critical analysis and investigation on the impact of late identification of the mentally handicapped children on their quality learning as well as their academic performance in regular school settings. The researcher carried out this study from Central Division, in Embu District. Previous studies indicate that the impact of late identification of the mentally retarded learners has an effect on their intellectual functioning, educational functioning, affects th...
ABSTRACT This study explored the survival of the farmer by morning vending in Kampala CBD. This was after the realisation that liberalisation and rapid urbanisation of Kampala City have lefi tens of thousands of the city residents in squalid conditions where abject and absolute poverty rule. The study specifically sought to achieve the following objectives: to explore the basis for the growth of morning vending in Kampala CBD; to examine the effects of morning vending on the economy of Kampa...
Abstract Discipline is the key aspect of the secondary school students for them to excel in their academic performance. Discipline varies from one school to another, although, in general, young children are expected to respect school rules, such as lining up, tidying up after lessons, and undressing and dressing themselves for physical education classes, in an attempt to promote independence and resourcefulness. The study was carried out in five (5) secondary schools in Masinga Divion, Yatta...
ABSTRACT This study intended to establish a relationship between the teaching strategy and the academic performance of the mentally retarded pupils studying in an inclusive setting in Mara Division Narok District Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to find out the behavioral characteristics portrayed by the intellectually challenged learners in an inclusive setting; to find out the challenges faced by the intellectually challenged learners in regular schools and society at large; to fi...
ABSTRACT The research was conducted in Bungoma South district in Kenya and is used both qualitative and quantitative collection methods. The research was conducted in line with the research questions of the study that guided the researcher effectively. The first research question was "What is the depth of teachers' knowledge on handicapped pupils?" The findings revealed that many teachers had deeper understanding of children with disability. The second research question was "What is the teac...
Abstract :::onsidering the contributions of mathematics, science, and technology to today's world, one ;vould have expected mounting interest in these disciplines, but the reverse seems to be the case. :ndeed, there is declining emolment in mathematics and science subjects among the youth, and Joor performance in examinations, such as those taken in high school math and science courses :especially physics) by the brave few who email (Ezeife, 2004). t is ironical that in our pro-science and te...
ABSTRACT The study was found at finding out the effects of mental retardation on academic performance of learners in Kaundu primary school Kakuyu zone Kyuso district. This was done through setting objectives and research questions which were to be presented to teachers and learners for data collection. This data was to be analyzed and presented to come out with a clear pictures of the problems faced by mentally retarded learners. The researcher had also to read widely and thoroughly together...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of the gender issues on the academic performance of learners in selected schools of Lari division, Kiambu west district, Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: examine the impact of gender on academic performance of learners Lari division, Kiambu, Kenya and to examine strategies used by schools to improve on the academic performance of the girls and boys in Abothuguchi west division. The methods used for data collection...
ABSTRACT The research is aimed at identifying the root causes of poor performance in mathematics at Muukan Secondary Schools. The research involves the students, mathematics teachers and principal of Murkan Secondary. The education officer within Kirindon Division has also been involved in this research. To facilitate the research I have developed the questionnaires that have been responded by selected students, mathematics teachers, principal and quality assurance and standard officer withi...
Abstract A nation, most important and precious is its children who constitute its hope for continue achievement and productivity. There is no more crucial period of life that the age up to six years it's during this period than the child is most complaint and it is then that many barriers to normal development are erected. Today we are passing through a stage where the mental health of youngster in Uganda is a matter of much concern for the sociologists, Educationist and Psychologists. Early ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration . Dedication Acknowledgernent Acronym:. Operational Definitions of Terms Abstract . Chapter One .. Rationale of the study; Specific Objectives . Statement of the null hypothesis . Significance of the study .. Chapter· Two ... Literature review Chapter- Three .. Research methodology .... Research Design .. Data Collection Procedures ... Statistical Treatment of Date; ..... . Limitations of the Study ... Chapter Four Data Analysis Interpretation
ABSTRACT This research report contains fiye major chapters as follows:- Chaptci· 1 Introduction The research investigated effect of environment and academic performance of physical handicapped learners in regular school and.suggests solutions to these problems under recommendations in chapter five. Chapter 11. Review of Related Literature rhe researcher reviewed related literature on the following sub headings:Tvpes of learners with physical handicap ilrth,,pacdic·all impaired. Neurologic...