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Research Papers/Topics Education

Socio-economic influences on pupils academic perfomance in ngonyek zone, trans-nzoia east disrict, kenya.

ABSTRACT This study focused on the impact of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils in Trans-Nzoi East district, Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted which enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problem of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils. Questionnaires and interview guides were adopted in the collection of data after which such data had to processed, coded and analyzed. An inte1pretation was made and this had to...

Hearing Impairement And Academic Performance In Matungu Division Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of hearing impairment on academic performance of children with hearing impairment attending primary school in Matungu division Kenya. Scores in academic performance for 10 hearing impaired children and 1 O normal children attending primary school in the division were obtained from the study schools. Questionnaires were also employed to collect data from teachers. Statistical analysis revealed that teachers have a positive attitud...

Challenges Faced By Mentally Challenged Learners In An Inclusives Setting In Mutira Zone Kirinyaga

ABSTRACT 111e researcher saw that mentally challenged learners in Mutira Zone are not learning well since some regular teachers have negative attitudes towards them. So sue lo this, the reseacher wants to investigate problems facing inclusion of mentally challenged learners in an inclusive setting. The researcher designed questionnaires and piloted to a few teachers within her working station. Later the qeustionnaires were distributed to different subjects in different schools and later coll...

Causes And Effects Of School Dropout In The Community Of Kawempe North Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study on the causes and effects of students’ school dropouts was carried out in Kawempe North Division, Kampala District in Central Uganda. The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes and effects of school dropout in schools. The research was guided by the objectives of the study which included; finding out the causes of school dropouts in Kawempe North Division, finding out the effects of students school dropouts in the community of Kawempe North division. The samp...

Social Interaction And Academic Perfromance Of Learners In Selected Schools In Nairobi North District West Lands Division - Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of social interaction on children's academic performance. The objectives of the study were to establish to the relationship between social interaction and academic performance of the learner. The researcher used a case study design. A representative sample was made from the target population though simple random sampling method. A representative sample of 30% was drawn from the target population to satisfy the requirement of data c...

Challenges Faced By Physically Handicapped Cidldren Among Selected Prima,Ry Schools In Matungu Division, Mumias District

ABSTRACT This document was meant to carry out an investigation on challenges faced by physically disabled learners among selected primary schools. The researc};ler used ·quantitative approach where numerical data to explore traits and situations . . was of great help to the intended research objectives. Since the research is based on education, the researcher used a survey technique in gathering the information about the academic and cocurricular performance; Environmental status; teachers'...

Students’ Attitudes Towards Physics Subject In Makindu High School, Kibwezi District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the attitudes towards physics in Makindu high school, Kibwezi District, Kenya.. The specific obleetives of the study ~ven~ to investigate some factors responsible for 11w a liii uclrecommendations that can ‘hange the n~’; tive attitudesThe methods used for data (‘OllCCtiOfl W~iS (IU(~’Sti0nioIires to the studentsof the school who were involved in the study.In chapter four, the findings were presented and interpreted in relation tothe...

Influence Of Guidance And Counselling On Academic Perfromance Of Visually Impaired Children In Chogoria/ Murugi Zone Maara District Kenya

ABSTRACT The putpose of the study was to investigate the Influence of Guidance and Counseling on Academic Performance of Visually Impaired Children in Chogoria/ Murugi Zone in Maara District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to; identify the causes of visual impairment Children in Chogoria/ Murugi Zone in Maara district Kenya, , Identify the methods of counseling that are effective on visually impaired Children and Investigate the impact of guidance and counseling on academic ...

The relationship between the teaching of english and academic performance in the uganda certificate of educationexaminations in kaproron sub -county, kween district.

ABSTRACT  The researcher set out to establish the relationship between the teaching of English and the academic performance in the Uganda Certificate of Education in Kaproron sub —county in Kween District. The study involved data selection which was collected from different categories of people who included the head teachers, heads of departments, students and teachers of English. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative methods in obtaining and analyzing data. Three research ...

Teacher's Attitudes Towards Leaners With Mental Retardation In Regular Primary Schools In Wote Zone Makueni Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to understand the Teacher's Attitude towards Learners with Mental Retardation. The study centers on the categories of Mental Retardation to measure Learners Retardation. The study has three objectives which were to describe systematically the Teacher's attitude towards Learners with Mental Retardation in Wote Zone Makueni District. It was to find out whether there are learners with Mental Retardation in regular Primary school and which category of Retardati...

Perception Of Early Childhood Education Teachers Towards Performance Appraisal: A Case Of Teachers Sergoit Zone, Uasin S District -Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the perception of ECD teachers towards performance-appraisal. The study was on perception. The study was carried out in Sergoit Zone ofUasin Gishu District, Kenya. The study adopted a theoretical framework i.e. systems theory. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the ECD teacher perfo rmance appraisal and its effect to effective school management. A case study was adop ted for the study. The target population was 46 comprising of...

The Impact Of Free Primary Education On Early Childhood Development In Kakuku Primary School, Yatta District Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the importance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to determine the impact of free primaiy education on early childhood education. The reseai·ch study was conducted between December 2008- April 2009. The study was carried in Kakuku primai·y school, Y atta district. The study benefits the early childhood pupils since t...

The Impact Of School Feeding Programme On Academic Perfomance Of Primary School Pupils In Ngagngati Primary School Athi Division Mutomo District Kenya

Table of Content DECLARATlON: ............................................................................................................... .! APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... II DEDICATION .............................................................................................................. iii ACI T.ABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................

Causes Of Poor Performance In Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Kiamokama Division, Masaba South District, Kenya

Abstract The benefits of education on economic growth and its contribution to increased productivity have been demonstrated. Investments in human capital, particularly in education, are more conducive to economic growth than investments in physical capital. Both society at large and individuals benefit from basic education.

Impact Of Teaching Methods On Students' Perfomance In Mathematics, Within Bo Met District, Kenya

Abstract The Study On Impact Of Teaching Methods On Students' Performance In Mathematics Was Conducted Within Bomet District In Kenya. The General Objective Formulated So As To Realize This Study Had Been Formulated As: This Study Is Intended To Determine The Impact Of Teaching Methods On Performance Of Students In Mathematics. In Order To Achieve The Objectives Of The Study, Research Questions Were Formulated. In Review Of Related Literature, All Other Authors' Works Or Contentions In Relat...

3061 - 3075 Of 8072 Results