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Research Papers/Topics Education

The Effects Of Teachers' Pr.Epai{Ation On Pupils Performance In Schools In Bat A Sub-County Dokolo Distl{Lct 2004-2008

Abstract Bala sub-county is one of the sub-counties in Dokolo District in 'Jorthcrn 1 l:111:l:1 •.: hi:1• ; /', '' 1 with the most troubling question as to why there is poor performance in most primarv schools wt there are qualified teachers and enough teaching learning materials. Several attempts have been made by inspectors of schools (DIS) from the ministry of Education and Sports (MOES), District coordinating centres like !gar, Amatiburu, Auda and even Lorn Core PTC for a long time bu...

An Assessment Of Intellectual Challanges Facing Learners In Secondary Education; A Case Study Of Wangirabose Mixed Secondary Schoo~ Kuria East District Kenya

Abstract Since 1940s when the main course of education was started in Kenya with the rehabilitation of victims of the Second World War, there have been a lot of changes in education policies. The initial concern was to provide health and social rehabilitation for those with physical disabilities. These facilities later changed their concern and became custodial care centers following models seen in Europe at that time. Programmes were also started for those with sensory and intellectual chall...

Factors responsible for sustaining the practice of female circumcision in tumaini zone, nyandarua north district of kenya.

ABSTRACT  This study attempted to analyze the factors responsible for the persistence female circumcision among the people of Tumaini zone, Nyandarua North district of Kenya. It H,s realized that despite the tireless effons of the international community to stop Female Circumcision the practice still goes on in Kenya. The indigenous people take it for cultural, religious, social conformity, sexuality control among other items thus peqJetuate it. Data was gathered using qualitati·e methods l...

Social economic factors and academic peerformance of form four students in st. Annes kiboko secondary school makueni district kenya

ABSTRACT In summary my research was investigating how social economic factors, positively or negatively affect academic performance. The research was carried out in Makueni District Kenya between the month of January ( 2007) to March 2007. My respondents were form four students of St. Annes Kiboko secondary school. Other researchers have also researched on relationship between social economic factors and academic performance. This is what made me to decide to find out whether this was true b...

Motivation And Teachers Performance At Kioge Primary School Masocho Zone Kiisi District Nyanza Province Kenya

ABSTRACT This study set out purposely to detennine the effect of motivation on teacher performance at Kioge pnmary school Masocho zone Kiisi district Nyanza province Kenya. Specifically the study intended to establish the motivation practices undertaken at the Kioge Primary school, find out the factors that affect teacher's performance at Kioge primary school and to find out the relationship between motivation and teacher performance. The study made use of a cross sectional research design an...

Teaching Performance Of The Mathematics Teachers Of Kwihota Primary School In Thika District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Objectives: This study determined the teaching performance of the mathematics teachers of Kwihota Primary School in Thika District, Kenya. Specifically, this study determined the profile of the pupils as to age, gender and class and it determined the level of teaching performance. Design: This study employed the descriptive survey method of investigation. Environment: This study was conducted in Kwihota Primary School of Thika District in Kenya.The school is located in Thika Distric...

Drug Abuse In Public Primary Schools In Kenya: A Case Of Central Divion In Kitui District, Eastern Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate Cause of drug abuse in public primary schools in Kenya. A case study of Central Division in Kutui District Eastern province Kenya with specific objectives which include; to evaluate the effect of Academic stress on drug abuse, to assess the effect of peer pressure on drug abuse, to examine the effect of peer group altitude or drug abuse. The study developed a correctional design employing descriptive summary methods in the collection of data and its an...

Learning Materials And Pupils' Academic Performance In Selected Primary Schools In Kajo-Keji County, Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between Learning Materials and pupils' academic performance in primary schools in Kajo-Keji County, Central Equatoria Statte, Southern Sudan. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between text books and pupil's performance, find out the relationship between library and pupils performance and establish the relationship between physical facilities and pupils achievements. The methods used for...

Corrporal Punishment And Postive Decipline On Studnets Of Eldoret Town, Uasin Gishu District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine effects of corporal punishment on pupils of Sos Herman Umeiner Eldoret, Uasin Gishu district Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: Ident[{v the Causes of corporal punishment Determine the P;ychological E:f!LpunL~hment, Investigate the Social consequences of corporal punishment, deteJ7!1.ine the Physical effects of corporal punishment, determine how Corporal punishment leads to School Drop Out and determine the effects of co...

The Influence Of Drug Abuse On Academic Performance Of secondary school students of sabotia Division Vihiga District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............

Challenges That Hinder The Academic Performance Of Learners With Physical Handicaps In Regular Schools: A Case Study Of Tuny Al Zone, Tharaka District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study carried out a critical analysis and investigation on the challenges faced and academic performance of learners with physical handicaps in regular schools. The study took Tunyai zone, Tharaka District, as a case study. Previous studies indicate that a number of factors ranging from the lack of learning/teaching equipment, negative attitude of teachers towards the physically impaired learners are among the many forces behind their poor academic performance in regular primary...

Stress And Alcohol Abuse Among Secondary School Students In Nakawa, Division, Kampala District - Uganda..

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v ABSTRACT CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1 1.3 Purpose of the Study 3 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 3 1.4.1 General Objective 3 1.4.2 Specific Objectives 3 1.5 Research Questions 3 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 3 1.6.1 Content Scope 3 1.6.2 Geographical Scope 4 1.6.3 Time Scope 4 1.7 SIGNIFICANCY OF THE SUDY 4 1.8 Hypothesis 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 LITERATURE REVIEW s 2.0 Introduction s 2.1 Stress...

The Poor Performance Of English Language At Primary Leaving Examination,A Case Study Of Bukwo,Mokoyon And Rwandet Primary Schools In Bukwo Town Council, Bukwo District.

ABSTRACT This study on the poor performance of English language at primary leaving Examination was carried out in Bukwo, Mokoyon and Rwandet primary schools in Bukwo Town Council,Bukwo District, Schools were purposively selected while pupils and the teaching force were randomly selected and data was collected by direct interviews, questionnaires to respondents and direct observation Although limited by time, the results are expected to indicate the extent to which the study areas have been af...

Teachers Support And The Challenges Faced By Teachers Who Handle The Intellectually Challenged In West Tigania, Kenya

ABSTRACT Teachers are faced by challenges as they handle the intellectually challenged. Some of the challenges include lack of curriculum guidelines, teaching instruments, lack of references, inadequate personnel as well as undefined curriculum. They also need support from parents, stakeholders and also the community. Support may be financial as well as~the moraksq~p~irt. The researcher used the questionnaire method and with permission she distributed all the questionnaires to different units...

Socio-Economic Determinants Of Pupils Academic Perfomance In Mutwot Zone, Nandi North Disrict, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study focused on the impact of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils in Nandi N01ih district, Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted which enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problem of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils. Questi01maires and interview guides were adopted in the collection of data after which such data had to processed, coded and analyzed. An interpretation was made and this had to be ...

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