ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the factors affecting academic performance of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. The study had the following objectives. To find out whether there are teachers in regular schools with appropriate skills to handle learners with mental retardation. To find out the attitudes of teachers towards inclusion of learners with mental deficit in regular schools. The other objective was to find out the existence of learners with mental reta...
ABSTRACT This study set out to explore the student enrollment and selection of public day secondary schools in magumoni division, meru south district, Kenya" In this chapter the major findings of the study are discussed and interpreted. The discussion of the findings of the present research was based and centered on the major research objectives and questions directing the study. To determine the social and economic constraints /problems facing day secondary schools in Magumoni division...
ABSTRACT This study examined th e barriers that hinder inclusive education of hearing impaired children in the selected schools of Kabasis Zone, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to assess the relevance of pnmary education currently offered to children who are hearing impaired; explore the disability specific challenges of children with h earing impairments and also to investigate the constraints to the provision of educational service for children with hearing impairments. Qualitative...
ABSTRACT The study was about educational challenges facing double orphans in Kiganjo Zone, Thika district. There are many double orphan learners in the zone whose parents could have died due to accidents or diseases like HIV/AIDS. cancer and others. The method used in the study to collect data was qualitative approach, The research design was survey method. The targeted population was teachers and double orphan learners in the zone. The zone had twenty schools. The researcher sampled five sch...
ABSTRACT The m'ior purpose of the study was to describe the social influences of drug abuse among the youth and young delinquents in Ruchu Zone; Kandara District, Kenya. The study was a quantitative, descriptive ColTelational survey, using a sample of ninety two youth selected using purposive and convenient sampling techniques. a self administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using SPSS 's means, standard deviations and the Pearson Linear COITelation coefficient. ...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to analyze the challenges that teachers face in teaching the visually impaired learners in Ongata Rongai zone in Kajiado District, Rift Valley Province Kenya and this was used as a case study. Data was collected through the use of interviews accompanied by observation and questionnaires. The study involved a sample of 70 respondents that is 50 teachers and 20 pupils. 8 teachers from each school and 3 pupils from each school while Kiserian Primary was repre...
Table of Contents Page Tittle Page ..........................................................................................•.......... i Declaration ............................................................................................ .ii Dedication ............................................................................................. .iii Acknowledgements ................................................................................. .iv Table of Contents ...................
ABSTRACT This study aimed to deterrnine why girls. perform poorly in science subjects. The marz objective of the study ·was to investigate why girls;fotmpoorlyinseiencesul~jects in Kibaale District. The re.~pondents to the research ·were students as 'well as the teachers of the sampled secondary schools in Kibaale District. One of the findings of the present study relates to the method of teaching normally employed in the science classrooms at the secondary level in Uganda. The method was ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS I ) I :t 'I_, R/1 TIC) N: ___ . __________________ ---- __ -- ________________________________ . ___ . ______________________________ ---------- __ I : PP R 0 VAL . .. . _.. . _. _. _. _.. _.. _. _,. __ ... __ .. ,. ____________________ . __ . _____ .. _. __ . _______________________ . _ . _____ . __ ., _. __ II DEDIC AT! 0 N _________________________ --------.----.-, .. __ . _ . _ . __ . ____________________ . _ ... __ .- .. ,. __ . _ .,,. ___ . --- ___ iii _ C, K N 0 \I Jo...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the effect of poor heath on academic performance. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; identif;ring the cause of poor health, the effects of poor performance on academic performance and the relationship between poor health and academic perforrnance. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where purposive sampling was used to select population. It employed 50 respondents. Data were analyzed and presented using frequencies and per...
ABSTRACT The study is aimed at finding out the effects of HIV/AIDS in social development of children aged 4 - 6 years in Kiviu Primary School, Mutomo zone, Mutomo District, Eastern Province of Kenya. Most of the African communities have not accepted HIV/AIDs as a disease but it is associated with witchcraft and curses. This has led to a lot of deaths in our societies hence leaving many children in our societies affected and others infected. In most African societies, the effects of HIV/AIDS ...
ABSTRACT The research carried out was on the problems encountered by physically handicapped children of St. Joseph Primary School in Egoji Division, Meru Central District, Kenya. The researcher who is more knowledgeable on the problems of physically handicapped children failed to understand why the number of physically children in school is few in comparison with the normal children, hence the researcher wanted to investigate the problems encountered and address the problem. The study employ...
ABSTRACT This study labored to analyze the factors responsible for the persistence female circumcision among the Pokot ofK.ipsaina division in Trans Nzoia district. It was realized that despite the tireless efforts by the international community to stop Female circumcision the practice still goes on in Kenya. The indigenous people take it for cultural, religious, social conformity, sexuality control; among other items thus perpetuate it. Chapter one contains the historical background of Femal...
ABSTRACT The objective of the study is to investigate the impending challenges faced by leainers with low vision on the integrated programmes in Kisumu District. The predicainent of these leainers remains unresolved if vital resources, personnel and environmental modification are not upgraded to suit their needs. The insensitiveness of the general school community to involve these leainers in facing difficulties with adequate assistance rather thai1 placing these leainer in Special schools fo...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the Teacher's perceptions of the use of teaching learning aids in social studies, in selected schools of Kawempe division. The study set out to explore the different perceptions which teachers held about. The concept of teaching learning aids, their importance, how to select and make an appropriate teaching learning aid and how to use them effectively and the problems encountered when using them. Using Random sampling 30 social studies teachers were selected from ...