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Research Papers/Topics Education

Learning Institutional Variables And Academic Performance Of The Mentally Challenged Pupils. A Case Of Regular Primary Schools Of Miriga Mieru West Division, Imenti North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to find out the factors affecting academic performance of leamers with mental deficits in regular schools; the study will look into attitude of teachers towards inclusion of leamers with mental deficit in regular schools. The study employed survey design and quantitative method was also preferred because it uses standardized tools for example questionnaire which are directed to the selected sample. The main instmment for data collection used in this study was ...

The Extend To Which The Social Economic Status Of Pare Ts Affects Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary Schools In Nzaui District, Eastern Provincekenya

ABSTRACT There is a strong correlation between socio-economic status and academic performance in Secondary Schools in Nzaui District-Kenya. This study investigated the socio-economic impacts of parents to academic performance in secondary schools in Nzaui District Eastern Province, Kenya. The study revealed that the common socio economic challenges that affects academic performance of students in secondary schools in Nzaui District, Kenya. Community sensitization is an appropriate measure for...

The Gap Between Teacher Demand And Supply In Secondary Schools In Kisumu District Kenya (2002- 2007)

ABSTRACT In order for a country to achieve its educational goals, the teacher demands and supply is a key important factor to be considered. Kisumu District being one of the largest Districts in Kenya had progressively been having high teacher demand since the freeze of teacher's recruitment in 1997 by the government. The problem became worse when the impact of free Primary Education started being felt in Secondary schools. The District had realized high enrolment rate from 2004 to 2007, yet ...

Causes Of Girl Child Drop Out From School: A Case Study Of Shariani Division, Kilifi District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Recent research statistics has shown that the prevalence of girls dropping out of schools in Kenya is expanding rapidly to the distraction of the society. This has meant that there is an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the factors responsible for school dropouts especially among girls. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This helped the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the factors responsible for school drop out among girls in Kilifi North dis...

The Impact Of Drug Abuse On Moral Behaviours In Secondary Schools Within Mfangano Division, Mbita District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study analyzed Drug Abuse and moral behaviour in Secondary schoolss a case study of Mfangano Division, Mbita District Kenya. The study aimed at investigating the influence of excessive drugs taking on morals behaviour in families in Mfangano Division. This was upon the background that, the increasing cases of domestic violence, school dropout, and child neglect and sex abuse in Mfangano are highly related to drugs taking. The study was guided by objectives that included establis...

An Investigation Into The Extent Of The Use Of Ict In Education Management In Public Secondary Schools In Naivasha District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of the use of ICT in education management in public secondary schools in Naivasha District. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish the status of the use of ICT in the management of public secondary schools in Naivasha District, to assess head teachers‟ preparedness for the use of ICT in the management of public secondary schools in Naivasha District, to establish the use ICT in the management...

Challenges Fa.Ced By Mentally Retarded Learners Ii\I Selected Inclusive Seetings In Soy Division Of Nandi East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Learners who are mentally retarded like any other handicapped learners are faced by so many challenges. These challenges affect their performance in self help skills and other cognitive abilities. The researcher wanted to carryout a research to find out the challenges facing these particular learners in special schools and units in Soy Division of Nandi East District. The researcher prepared and used questionnaires for teachers and interview guides for the parents to collect data. He...

Effects Of Livestock Rustling On Headteachers’ Instructional Leadership In Public Primary Schools In Laikipia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of livestock rustling on headteachers’ instructional leadership in public primary schools in Laikipia North Sub-County. This study was guided by the following objectives: to determine how livestock rustling affects headteachers’ supervision of instruction in public primary schools in Laikipia North Sub-County; to determine how livestock rustling affects headteachers’ provision of instructional resources in public primary s...

The Effect Of Thematic Curriculum On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Oyam District The Case Of Minakulu Sub-County

ABSTRACT This study was about the effect of automatic curriculum on academic performance in Oyam District. The study focused on the use of local language, continuous assessment, instructional materials and themes and how they affect academics performance of pupils in Oyam district. Information on the existing materials were searched from both primary and secondary sources. The researcher used both probability and non probability methods of sampling. The uses of questionnaires, interviews, obs...

The Role O Discipline In Academic Performance Of Children In Primary Schools: Case Study O Lambwe Division, Suba District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the relationship between discipline and the academic performance of pupils in Primary schools by taking the case of Lambwe Division in Suba District. The study particularly sought to establish the relationship that exists between discipline and the poor academic performance of pupils in Primary Schools. The study was conducted by correlation research design, data collected during the month of May 2008 using questionnaire responses from 200 respon...

Skills And Methodological Constraints To Effective Instructional Supervision In Public Primary Schools In Central Division, Mumias District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The overall research problem addressed in this study was that despite the Government having injected a lot of funds on supervision of schools, skills and methods employed are far from adequate. Little has been done to analyze the impact of skill and methodological constraints to effective instructional supervision. The continued decline in the quality of education especially in public primary schools has brought supervision to sharp focus. It was against this backdrop that the resea...

Factors Affecting The Girl-Youth In Educational Advancement. A Study Done In Central Division Of Kitui District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study examined the extent to which factors that include cultural practices, gender and age and the girl status in the society affect the girl youth in educational advancement. One thousand and eight hundred young women, eight hundred house helps, fifteen hundred parents and guardians, and ten secondary school head teachers in central division of Kitul district participated in the study. The findings indicated that the factors such as parental negligence, early pregnancy and marr...

Challenges Facing Learners With Visual Impairment In An Inclusive Setting In The Selected Schools Of Msambweni District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges of inclusion of children with Visual impairments in regular primary schools in Msambweni District, Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to assess the relevance of primary education currently offered to children with Visual impairment, to explore the disability specific challenges of children with Visual impairment; and to investigate the constraints to the provision of educational service for children with Visual impa...

Patterns Of Substance Abuse Among Secondary School Students In Bushenyi District

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE ........................................... : ................................................................................. I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... I I.! Background to the study ...................................................................... ~ ..................................... ! 1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................

Emerging Issue Of Alcoholism, Child Abuse, Its Effects On Early Childhood Development Education Centres Of Bugar Zone, Kamariny Division Of Keiyo District

ABSTRACT A qualitative study was undertaken to establish the effects of alcoholism on child abuse. In early childhood development centers. The following objectives were used to guide the stud~· To identify causes of alcoholism among parents. To establish the effects of alcoholism on early childhood education. To find out the transferred effects of alcoholism on early childhood education. A sample of 60 respondents was selected and it included teachers parents and ECDE officers. Findin...

3316 - 3330 Of 8072 Results