ABSTRACTThis study investigated the challenges of secretaries in model financial houses.The theoretical frame work for this study was provided by the review of related literature.Research questions were designed and questionnaires prepared to enable the researcher collect enough data as regards the study.Information were sought through secondary sources such as textbooks, journals, lecture notes etc. were used in data collection and the researcher made use of all the secretaries as the popula...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effects of modern technology on secretarial profession with special emphasis to NEPA Enugu. In order to obtain the required information, questionnaires were administered to secretaries in the organizations. Data collected are presented under discussion and findings in chapter four. From the data collected, collected, the researcher was able to identify the effects of modern technology on secretarial profession. These were treated in d...
1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Right from ancient time man has been conscious of developing himself within his natural environment. This inventive infinity gave him the impetus to invest certain tools that helped him to live comfortably in his own immediate environment. Subsequently in the effort to maximize the comfort and to perpetuate the skill, inventive skill, the need for training arose. A verification question may put as to whether our ancestors invented those fulets of the civilization. T...
ABSTRACT A lot of employees think that their secretaries are not producing as much as they should. That they are not working up to maximum capacity where as there is room for improvement in their job performance. In order for any organization to achieve its basic objectives, it must lay strong emphasis on the way it observes the environmental factors that affect their organizations as a whole and that of the secretary in particular. Efficient performance is contingent upon the proper matc...
ABSTRACT The main aim of the research project dwells on Globalization and Economic Development in Nigeria an Assessment. Globalization was viewed as the bilateral relations that exist betweens countries for either political or economical purpose and also as a means of developing the under developed countries with technological advancement from developed countries. The review of different literatures in the chapter of the work, looked at the challenges of globalization, in underdeveloped s...
ABSTRACT This research work examined the effects of management styles on works productivity in the Hotel industry with special reference to Hotel Presidential and Nike Lake Resort Hotel Enugu. In many establishments, especially the movement ones, it has been found that situations which are limical to the achievement of organizational goals do usually exist. These situation east because do usually exist being practiced by these establishments. Observations have shown that while those at the he...
ABSTRACT Every, business enterprise, big or small, public or private operate within the formwork of policies aimed at achieving a set objectives. These policies take into account the dynamic nature of the business environments, individual needs and aspiration and above all, the cultural from work of organizational effectiveness or production they much depends on the nature of these policies formulated and also on the mode of implementation. It is on this promise that this research work was im...
ABSTRACT This project work titled the “Role of middlemen in channel of distribution” an important element in the marketing mix of any form, is the system of marketing channels through which products and services are distributed to the final consumers or ultimate users. A marketing channel is a loosely connected system comprising of a manufacturer, middlemen and the ultimate users. Wholesalers and retailers are the functional middlemen for manufacturers. The writer described the problem un...
ABSTRACT This research on the causes and Effects of Deviant Behaviour in higher institutions of learning is designed to look into the main causes and effects of deviancy in out higher institutions. The school is a social organization nad has got it’s established patterns of behaviour expected from al its members. The non-conformity to the norms of behaviour by members of any group or organization is what sociologist called “Deviant Behaviour”. The researcher tried to find out the ...
1.0INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND TO THE SUBJECT MATTER The introduction of this write up will not be complete without the knowledge or knowing some facts about the company in our case study that is Emily Millionaire Industry Limited. Their head office is at Lagos. The Industry commenced business by Late 1978 and they have successfully introduced their cosmetic products to the market. The company’s management has made all necessary effort since its inception to improve and create quality of th...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The administration of staff incentive scheme has now become a popular phenomenon of the total personnel policy of nay organization. The scheme involves those extra benefits which may not necessarily be money, which emanate from the kind relationship of the employer to the employees, to supplement their usual wages, from the to time which are at most times geared purposely towards the enhancement of worker performance in the organization. This scheme...
INTRODUCTION Some years ago, the concept of training and development were widely misunderstood and not fully appreciated in most Nigerian organization. Today, the situation has dramatically changed such that many organizations, business and non business organization have come to appreciate the need for employee development and training as a very important instrument for organization development. Training and development date back to the beginning of man. In our own families, our parents direc...
ABSTRACT The degree to which computer is used in offices has been of serious concern to secretarial profession. This study investigated the impact of the introduction of the computer on the secretarial profession and how the secretarial react to the introduction of computer. In order to arrive at a conclusive decision on the above objective, the researcher carried out a library research, interviews and questionnaires. The populations of this study consisted of hundred secretaries in some sele...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at comparing secretarial profession of yesterday and today. The problem observed in the study was that there is need to examine the productivity an deficiency of secretaries of yesterday years ad today. The need for this comparison is justified by the fact that the modern business environment is one place that has witnessed various changes especially in terms of technology. This, this study was carried out among secretaries and business executives who have secret...
1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND. Agricultural is one of the most important sectors of our country’s economy. Enugu state is no exception. Enugu state, characterized by low farm incomes, primitive farming techniques which lower the level of production, and low level of capacity to satisfy the food and fiber need of the nation. Infant agricultural is in a part-type pf peascont agricultural which has been mentioned by many writers as caught in a vicious circle of property low income resulting ...