INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the Nigerian Banking system considering the last decade the Commercial Banking to be precise had under gone a rapid expansion both in terms of the number of Institution and the scope of Financial services rendered. As bank licensing was liberalized so was the seed of instability sown in these banking system at the same time. As these expansion trend continuous, a sign of lacked vision among the investors and the directors motive of quick ret...
ABSTRACT This research project titled “Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society of Federal Ministry of Industry and Technology, Owerri, Imo state. The study was motivated by the necessity of requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma in Co-operative Economics and Management of Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu. It aimed at identifying the causes of the study of co-operative thrift and loan society in Owerri, Imo State. To solve the research problems both primary ...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The term communication is as old as man himself. It is believed that as soon as a child is born into the world, he starts communicating by crying (Amadihe Ezugu: 1999, P.Z). it is a word, that so many people give different meaning to depending on how one looks at it. Meaning can include the equipment used in passing of information like telegram, telephone, television, radio etc. Communication is the process of transmitting and receiving of information. ...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND Just like water and air is important to the living human being for daily duties and a hitch-free survival, the importance of fuel to automobile cannot be over looked. A typical situation is in he case halts because of the fact that there is shortage of fuel. The importance of fuel in this our developing and technically, inclined economy is fast like the mixture of oil and salt as far as the economy forget growth as one of its goals. Fuel is used in a variety of ac...
INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF INFLATION AND UNEMPLOYMENT ON THE ECONOMY According to Mr. C.C. S. Okeke an economist “Inflation is a continuous rise in prices of goods and services”. That is a situation of persistent increase in price of commodities without a proportionate increase in the supply of the commodities. When the expansion in the supply of money is greater than the expansion in the supply of commodities, the effects is inflationary. The implication of the inflationary period is the...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Management is defined by many authors in recent years, according to Koontz (1963), management is the process, activity of carrying out the task or ensuring that a number of drivers activities are performed in such a way that a number of activities are performed in such a that defined objective is achieved especially the task of creating and maintaining conditions in which desired objectives are achieved by the combined efforts of a group of people (whic...
INTRODUCTION 1.1General Background of the Subject Matter The public and private organization in Nigeria have different people, sort various ways of increasing the employees performance and also maintain employee loyalty “According to management, introduction and Nigeria perspective by Akpala 18 “Employees wanted raising wages and managements wanted profit and depend on productivity which is their common quest. From the above, I can deduce that productivity is the glue which holds emp...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY At the federal level, the Nigeria Civil Service is the most important sectors of the nations economic systems at the same time when reviewed from the state level. It is seen as the most important sector of the states economics system. Specifically using Enugu state as a case study, one can observe that the civil service of the state is performing below expectations. This ineffectiveness notwithstanding, one sees it as a testimony that much priority is g...
ABSTRACT Research has become an important dimension of marketing. A country like Japan, noted for its technological feats and superior quality products, has attained its position through research. In Japan marketing research has been out in the forefront of business operations. But in Nigeria, the story is different. Most organizations in the country are not using or applying marketing research in their operations especially when introducing a new product in the market. This sad situation h...
ABSTRACT One of the major ways, organizations invest in their work force for greater returns today and even in employees. Training is like sharpening of an existing skill in order to reflect the trends in technology and other social cultural environment of an organization. Productivity is the goal of today competitive business. The major objective of training and development is to increase the efficiency of the employees with the resulting increase in corporate productivity. Human res...
ABSTRACT Every manager in organizations takes action everybody, which affects people. Most often he may create or avoid problems support or suppress creativity, inspire on frustrate his punition of the human organization. It becomes ever clearer when considered from the view point of appraising performances of his subordinates. Hence, the ability of most organization to appraise the performance of their employees accordingly has resulted in low productivity. Relevant literatures were re...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ORIGIN OF COMPUTER The earliest type of machine capable of performing some arithmetic operation was designed aid built by Professor Wilhem Schick hand in 1623. A more powerful one was built by a French Scientist, Blaise Rascal in 1642. In 1671, an improved one was built by a German Mathematical Gottfried Leibniz in the form of a calculation capable of performing multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. The Leibniz machine could be said to...
ABSTRACT Generally, our society today tends to misunderstand who a secretary is and his impact in improving the quality of services rendered by both government parastatals and private sector. As a result secretaries are looked upon and neglected because the society assume that their duties goes beyond typing and writing shorthand. In this project, the researcher aims at finding and investigating their impact in improving the qualities of services rendered by government parastatals and find ...
ABSTRACT This study. The problem of small sickle Industries in Enugu state. This is an attempt to present the framework which will help the enter pries and the mode and the need for financing them and the special problems those inhering may face with Inadequate financing and assistance. In terms of organization, this work is divided into three chapters. Chapter one is the introduction and analysis including the background of the study statement problems. Chapter two deals with Literatur...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY It is evident that whenever more than person is involved in an activity or organization, there is bound to be friction. Since it has been established that occurrence of most rational activities involve people there is therefore need fro guidance in order to achieve the aims, goals and objectives. Fuel shortage and their attendant distribution problems started in the later part of 1993 and were attributed to labour and political crisis of that year. Blac...