INTRODOUCTION The velalive insufficiency of fund for capital investment is a common factor in every economy especially in developing counties of the world. In developing counties like Nigeria; the low level of capital investment manifest in high unemployment rates; low productivity and corresponding low standard of living for greater majority of the population. Finding a solution to this problem of providing fund for capital investment has been a major pre-occupation of fina...
Abstract In this article, I first examine the viability of comparative criminological research in a globalised world. Further, I test the validity of some global explanatory models against the local situation in countries that appear to resist the dominant trend, such as the Netherlands and Canada. I then zoom in even further to the intra‐national differences in some federal nations, such as Canada and Australia, where this situation is often linked to the overrepresentation of Indigenous p...
INTRODUCTIONBus 213 is a code given to a course titled Co-operative Development. The course is being offered the whole students in the school of business studies, but housed in the Department of Co-operative Economics and Management (CEM). It was offered during the first semester of my NDII.The course was provided with the aim to enrich the students involved, with the knowledge of the growth and development of modern co-operative in the world.The course was in mimeography written by M...
Summary Researchers have identified four common co-occurring parental risk factors—substance abuse, mental illness, domestic violence, and child conduct problems—that lead to child maltreat-ment. The extent to which maltreatment prevention programs must directly address these risk factors to improve responsiveness to parenting programs or can directly focus on improving parenting skills, says Richard Barth, remains uncertain. Barth begins by describing how each of the four parental issue...
ABSTRACT This research work was on a study of the roles of effective leadership in the achievement of organizational goals especially in the institution of management and technology, Enugu. The research work also looked at the roles played by the effective leadership in the achievement of IMT goals. Both primary and secondary data were collected to solve the research problem. The population of study was comprised the IMT management and staffs/personnels. The research instruments used fo...
ABSTRACT Central banks are general known to be concerned with the maintenance of monetary stability. This task involves the regulation of money in circulation consistent with the absorphic capacity of the economy axiomatically, excessive growth in money supply rates to high rates of spending on domestic or foreign goods given that domestic supply of goods and services in essentially in elastic in the short run, excess liquidity is likely to result in substantial inflationary is like...
CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Motivation has a history that falls roughly into three phrases. In the era of the 1st world war, the typical manager gave little thought to motivation. The pattern of leadership was fully Boss centered. The subordinates either did as they were told, or were fired or transferred at random. In the year 1st and 2nd world war. Motivation was based on various rewards. The typical view was to treat the employees well and the...
CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION Whenever a business fails, we tend to point at different typeof internal reasons like failure of major products, a bad investment decision, structural rigidity or management incompetence or the root cause, business failure could also result from external factor like competition, change in government regulations, scarcity of raw materials etc. Whatever may be the reasons, it is relevant for manager to get to know them with a view to optimizing then for their c...
ABSTRACTPolitical stability in Nigeria has led to a marked improvement in the general operating environment in the country. Hence capital maintenance is looked into in the period of inflation as the only way out.The word inflation is not a new phenomenon; it has been experienced by most countries in the world at some stages in their history. Mere looking at this statement, ones mind will really run to developing countries; but it is history that the UNITED KINGDOM in 1974 when they could ...
ABSTRACT Capital budgeting involve basically the estimation of the cash flow, estimation of the expected cash return and application of evaluation techniques in making investment decision.This study looked into the extent to which the Nigerian breweries do carry out proper evaluation of capital project before making their investment decision as well as the extent in which other factors are consider in the decision process.The study wills assertion the extent to which capital budgeting evaluat...
CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 Background of study Union Bank of Nigeria plc is one of the first generation banks started to the colonial era. Formally known as Baraclays bank DCO (Dominion Colonial and Overseas) it was opened in1917. In compliance with the directive of the government in 1968, that all companies (Including Banks) must be incorporated locally in Nigeria in1969 and its name was consequently changed to Baraclays Banks o...
CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYThis project work has a basis on the identification of the roles of community banking system in the promotion of rural development in Nigeria.At present, there are numerous community banks spread throughout the country. These banks with their services have tremendously enabled the government to fulfill its aims of catering in a controlled manner for the teeming population of the economically disadvantage people.A survey of the operation...
CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYThe goal of every government of nay economy is to archive equilibrium in the economic system. It is therefore important that the authorities concerned must regulate the system indirectly with policies. This necessitates that government of any country adopting certain economic policies in order to consolidate specific macro-economic goal or objective. Some of such major economic policies include the monetary policies, fiscal policies, exchange ...
CHAPTER ONE1.1 INTRODUCTIONIn most developing countries including Nigeria, government participation in economic activity is usually significant. One of the ways through which government has intervened in Nigerian economy is through the establishment of public enterprises and statutory bodies operating services of an economic or social character on behalf of the government. Since the colonial era, especially after independence in 1960, Nigerian public enterprises have witnessed a stead...
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Ours is an age of rapid change, unrest and conflicting ideologies. Society is unsettled and individuals are apprehensive as group, nations and organized groups within the nation struggle for power and control over material resources and man’s mind. It is in such a world setting of tension and clearage that we view the present day relationship between labour and management in Nigeria.In an organization, ther...