
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Response Of Okra To Different Irrigation And Fertilization Methods In The Keta Sand Spit Of Southeast Ghana

ABSTRACT The sandy soil in the Keta Sand Spit, Southeast Ghana is infertile but is used for intensive vegetable cultivation. The vegetable production systems are managed with large amounts of irrigation water and fertilizers on sandy soils with low inherent water and nutrient retention capacities. The long term sustainability of a shallow groundwater lens which is used for irrigation in the area is threatened by several consecutive years of over withdrawal. Also, the shallow groundwater which...

Use Of Biochar To Enhance Bioremediation Of An Oxisol Contaminated With Diesel Oil

ABSTRACT Oil pollution is a worldwide threat to the environment, especially in oil producing countries, and the remediation of oil-contaminated soils is a major challenge for environmental research. Bioremediation is a useful method for restoring oil contaminated soils because of its cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness. However, the process is very slow in soils with low pH. Soils of the Western Region of Ghana where most of the country‘s oil activities take place are classifi...

The Determinants Of Health And Nutrition Of Children Under Five in Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines the determinants of health and nutrition of children under five in Ghana using data on 2127 children and their households drawn from the Ghana Living Standards Survey in 1987/88 (GLSS I). The study reveals that Ghanaian children of 0 to 59 months obtain 82.7 percent of the recommended required daily allowance of calorie intake. Also the children weighed 9.9 percent higher than the recommended weight of 12.0 kg. It was further shown that the level of undernutritio...

Yield, Quality and Nodulation Studies of Kersting’s Groundnut [Macrotyloma geocarpum, (Harms) Merachal and Baudet] in the Coastal Savannah AgroEcological Zone of Ghana

ABSTRACT Two investigations were carried out in the field and laboratory to assess variation in yield and nodulation potential as well as differences in the types of Rhizobia nodulating some local accessions of Kersting‟s groundnut (Macrotyloma geocarpum Harms) Marechal and Baudet in the Coastal Savannah Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana. The aim was to obtain information relevant to important yield and nodulation attributes of Kersting‟s groundnut under prevailing agro-ecological conditions ...

Monitoring Phosphorus Nutrition Of Maize On Four Land Form Technologies In The Vertisols Of The Accra Plains

ABSTRACT A field trial was started in August 1994, during the minor cropping season to investigate the efficiency of four Landforms in the production of maize with special emphasis in phosphorus (P) management in Vertisols at three localities in the Accra Plains of the Coastal Savanna zone of Ghana. The four Landforms were: Flat, Ridged, Ethiopian and Cambered beds. Generally, the soils were low in available P. Raising available P levels in the soil by the addition of fertilizer led to signif...

Effect Of Planting Date And Variety Of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp.] On Green Pod Production

ABSTRACT A study was carried out in 2012 in a Sudan savanna ecology in Ghana aimed at identifying the optimal planting dates and suitable cowpea varieties for green pod production. Six planting dates were considered starting from the onset of the rainy season (20th June, 30th June, 12th July, 25th July, 2nd August and 12th August), and four improved cowpea varieties released by Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) as Baaw...

Determinants Of Use Intensity Of Inorganic Fertilizer And Its Effect on Maize Yield Among Smallholder Maize Farmers In Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT Studies have shown that poverty rates in Northern Ghana are two to three times more than the national average. Poverty, low income generation, and chronic food insecurity remains a critical challenge among the people in this region. Smallholder farmers in northern Ghana have limited access to the assets that would facilitate a shift from low productivity subsistence farming to modern commercial agriculture. The major constraints to their livelihoods include lack of infrastructure a...

The Effect of Alachlor-ATRAZINE Mixture And Diuron on Weed Control, Growth And Yield And Their Residual Effect on Growth, Nodulation And Yield of Cowpea.

ABSTRACT Two field experiments were carried out from July 1993 to January 1994 at the University of Ghana farm, Legon. The first experiment investigated the effects of two preemergent herbicides alachlor-atrazine mixture and diuron at the manufacturers' recommended rates and at rates 50% above those recommended on weed control, growth and yield of maize variety 'Abeleehi'. The second experiment carried out on the same plots determined the residual effects of these herbicides on two varieties...

Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From The Gut of Grasscutter (THRYONOMYS SWINDERIANUS) in The Coastal Savannah Zone Ghana

ABSTRACT The intestinal microbiota is known to affect their host either beneficially or harmfully. Efforts have, therefore, been put into identifying and studying the microbial community in the gastrointestinal tract of livestock. Grasscutter is a promising micro livestock species with a short history of domestication, whose intestinal microflora is yet to be explored. Among the intestinal microflora, lactic acid bacteria confer probiotic benefits and are thus of special interest. This study ...

Studies on Oil Palm Based Cropping Systems in Ghana

ABSTRACT A survey was conducted in 1994 to gather information on the practice of intercropping food crops in oil palm on small-scale farms in the oil palm zones of southern Ghana. The objective was to identify and study intercropping systems used in oil palm production. Data was collected by interviewing a total of 72 oil palm farmers from the oil palm growingregions,(Eastern, Central,Western,Ashanti,Brong-Ahafo,and Volta) at their farm locations. The responses indicated that the small-scale...

Effect of NPK Fertilizer on Growth, Flowering And Yield of Fonio (Digitaria exilis) in a Coastal Agro-Ecological Environment of Ghana

ABSTRACT Fonio (Digitaria spp) is a neglected and underutilised crop traditionally grown in the Sahelian savannah agro-ecological zone of Ghana for its grain which is rich in crude protein, fibre and has medicinal properties. Decline in production of the crop is attributed to poor agronomic and yield characteristics and changing agro-climatic conditions as a result of global warming which has rendered traditional growing areas too dry to support cultivation of the crop. There is a need to ex...

Comparative Advantage And Rice Policy in Ghana

ABSTRACT ASSUMING-BREMPONG, SAMUEL, University of the Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB), October 1987. COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE AND RICE POLICY IN GHANA. Major Professor: Dr John C. Flinn. Even though rice is a minor staple in Ghana (WARDA estimated per capita consumption to be 6.7 kg. in 1983), and accounts for about 1 0% of all cereals, its imports to the country have been second only to wheat which is not grown domestically. Successive governments in Ghana have therefore declared an objective ...

Morphological And Genetic Variability in Ghanaian Populations of Noack's Leaf-Nosed Bat (HIPPOSIDEROS AFF. RUBER) Along A Latitudinal Gradient

ABSTRACT The Hipposideros caffer complex consists of several taxa whose taxonomic relationships are not fully resolved. Genetic diversity and skull morphology of Ghanaian populations of the Noack’s leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros aff. ruber (Noack, 1893) attributed to mitochondrial D lineages were investigated using nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and geometric morphometrics. Cytb sequences of H. aff. ruber populations from Ghana were compared to other available West Af...

The Effect of Some Growth Regulators on Sprouting And Field Performance of Three White Yam Varieties (Dioscorea rotundata) Poir.

ABSTRACT  A study was carried out at the University of Ghana from January 2001 to January 2002 to find out if Labreko and Pona yam varieties treated exogenously with some growth regulators will respond to yam minisett technique. Six experiments were set up consisting of three yam minisett sprouting studies and three field assessments of the sprouted mini setts The objective of the study was to use growth regulators to enhance sprouting of Labreko and Pona minisetts and to improve field perfo...

Genetic Studies In Some Cowpea (Vigna Pnguiculata (L) Walp.) Varieties In Ghana

ABSTRACT Variation in some growth and y ie ld characteristics were studied in 16 lo ca l and exotic cowpea varieties grown in the country. ELanting was done at three different times of the year representing three seasons. The characters studied were: days to 8C$S germination, days to 5 flowering, average dxy weight per plant at 5

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