INTRODUCTION 1.1General introduction and background of the study The management of an organization’s capital relates to the finance and investment of non-human resources, that is, physical and monetary assets, for the purpose of maximum benefit in terms of profitability. According to Frear (1980) profitability is determined in part by the way in which a company manages its working capital elements, especially the company’s management policies in respect of cash and account receivable/pa...
1.0INTRODUCITON The major fact the characterize the parents economic science in Nigeria is the man reduction of workers under utilization of factory capacities profit margin closing down of so many factories lost/ shortage of very essential industrial out put and consumer good etc. There problems emerged from how the level of productions in industries have be developing difficulties in the requisition and handling of raw material in any production process. No organization or firm can effec...
ABSTRACT This research work scrutinized the role of Banks in Export Financing. Export financing is very important, as Nigerian exporters have to compete with exporters from other pats of the word. Particularly those from industrial countries who are already in the market and have easy access to various type of export finance sources. To be able to complete effectively with such exporters, Nigeria exporters must be willing to offer attractive terms to overseas buyers especially through def...
ABSTRACT The currency of a nation is made to appreciate. Is this appreciation made at the expense of the foreign market determinant? Or is it as a result of the country’s effort? It is the aim of this research work to find out if Nigeria apply foreign exchange rate controls, is naira appreciation what we attain to achieve. This research work has five chapters. Chapter one contains a general discussion of the foreign exchange rate fluction as seen by different people. It went further to ...
INTRODUCTION TRAINING OF STAFF DEVELOPEMNT OPPORTUNITIES IN UNION BANK PLC Training is one of the ways to improve the talent up to date on what activities in the industry. Importance of training cannot be over emphasized human resource are of major asset of any organization and asset they need to be maintained and keep in proper shape to perform. Training help to developed the individual knowledge skill and attitudes, which are directly related to the job. It should be bring specific t...
ABSTRACT Banking industry in Nigeria has come of age. It started in 1894 by the statement of first bank of Nigeria. Since then the number of banks in Nigeria has been on the increase. In 1993, the guest for indigenous banking started and later in the decade natwnal bank was registered the flood gate for banks was opened with the affainment of independence. Merchant banks to off in 1964 with Nigeria industrial development bank. In 1992 to be precise. The government of babangida considered it...
ABSTRACT This research was prompted by the obvious dominant role of the oil sector in the Nigerian economy. The urge to know the extent to which this sector affects the economic life of the people, led therefore to the analysis of the impact of the oil industry on the Nigeria economy. The economic impact which was categorized into positive and Negative on the bases of their economic contribution was thus revealed by the result of the regression analysis. The study discovers therefore that t...
ABSTRACT This study the effect of leadership style on workers performance in a manufacture firm looks forward to know that reactions of students toward leadership and also about workers performance in a manufacture firm. Efforts where made to know that actually motivated leadership style The study were cairned out two perspectives the historical method involves oral interview and questionnaires to as certain what motivated leadership style in a firm. The analyzed data in tubular from showing...
ABSTRACT This topic that is being treated (the role of a statutory auditors in controlling fraud in government owned establishments) is very important to our present economic condition if people will blend with the results and findings of this term paper. In the chapters of this project, it is clear that an auditor is very important in all government establishment. This is because the Nigerian citizens, see government properties as nobody’s property. The auditor is just an impartial ...
ABSTRACT Generally speaking, this academic work “THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTING IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT”, shows how accounting play a major role in the sustenance of economic viability, political stability and social harmony in any given state or nation. The reason for this obvious fact as regarding our national development is not far fetched considering the enormous multisectoral dimension of Nigerian economic activities both in the public and private sector. The first chapter tries to introdu...
ABSTRACT This project was carried out in order to examine the extent of senior management recruitment practice in Anambra motor manufacturing company Enugu (ANAMMCO) the study was conducted in Enugu metropolis. This research made use of life orientation from oral interview, questionnaires and certain analysis of published material. The highlights of the result are. 1.The study found out that recruitment practice by the organization enhances the morale of senior management. 2.It was found ...
ABSTRACT This project gives a description of the practical knowledge and working experience acquired by me, during my staying in school, and some research made so far. In that case, I started this project with a brief description of the introduction/background, statement of problems, and objectives of the study and its significance etc. Furthermore, my special achievement is that I gained some practical experience that can help and forward work in any bank. The project covered for the 2 ye...
INTRODUCTION The planning of the establishment of Institute of Management and Technology Enugu, there not in progressive forms till 1967 to a college of technology up to the ordinary diploma level. An institution of administration which provide short come in-service training courses for civil servants of various grades and a co-operative college offered a certificate course in co-operative studies to co-operative inspector from the ministry of industry, trade and co-operative. These insti...
ABSTRACT This term paper is written to help show the contributions of the Nigeria capital market and it’s contribution to the economy. It is a term paper that brings out the whole system of Nigeria capital market, it’s problem and contribution to the economy it also provide the recommendations that are supposed to be made to the capital market as a whole so as to effect it’s growth and efficiency. Its also talk about the review of related literature, the second tier securities market, t...
ABSTRACT The concept “source documents” is a familiar term with those involved in keeping accounting records or watch dogs of limited liability and public liability companies and organizations from time to item, most often on annual basis, the independent Auditors call to review the accounting records kept by their clients. This they do by studying and evaluating the internal control systems in the company. This approach makes it possible for lapses, discrepancies, deficiencies and bo...