ABSTRACT The growth and innovation in the field of science and technology and the complex nature of modern business activities and the need for the expert handling of modern equipment and budget I call for the urgent training and development of organization manpower resources in order to meet these challenges. Today, we know that our problem is not how to avoid change but how to analyze the victim that all development spells opportunity and get ourselves equipped to handle the increasing comp...
1.0INTRODUCTION1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYThe ever-increasing volume of records being created as well as the rapidly increasing costs of maintaining these records necessitate the utilization of efficient records management. The smooth functioning of an organization is greatly dependent upon the efficient utilization of information. For any business organization to survive, progress and to continue in existence, there must be records of the part issues, events, stories etc., which must be k...
1.0INTRODUCTIONThis project is aimed at looking into the accounting profession in details and examining its role in societal development.A study of the evolution of accounting suggests that accounting processes are reactive because they have developed primarily in response to business needs. Also the development of accounting process has been related to economic progress and societal development of a country.History shows that the higher the level of Civilization or development, this more e...
ABSTRACT The research project was on cash budgeting as a basis for decision making (A case study of Aguata Local Government Area). The whole work has been divided into five chapters. Chapter one, Introduces the project Chapter two, talks on literature review Chapter three takes care of the methodology Chapter four is about data analysis and Chapter five is about summary, conclusion and recommendation. In carrying out this project the researcher applied two pronged approaches to sounding of ...
ABSTRACT Not, every Nigerian knew exactly the paramount impact of Community Banks to our dear nation and to economic growth and development of our father land Nigeria. Most of the time, it sounds aloof and appears trivial to the ignorant and the unconcerned. We just hear about this bank without really care how to set it up or even support it. However, Community Banks established in Nigeria to help remedy the problem of lack of development that has been facing Nigeria since after World war II ...
ABSTRACT The concept of corporate social responsibility has generated a lot of controversy our the tears. While some of business was business alone some strongly believe that business should become more involve with public interest. This study is thus an attempt to have an insight into the extent of which endless Nigeria PLC has been socially responsible to the needs of the different interest groups in the communities in which it operates. TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Approval page Dedica...
ABSTRACT This research was designed to ascertain the impact of employee participation in management decision- making in an organization, using ANAMMCO Ltd as a case study. Method / Findings: In order to test the hypothesis of the study structural questionnaires of fourteen (14) questions were returned back to the researcher. The questionnaire was designed to include questions that will reflect the statement of problems of the research hypothesis. By adopting a Chi-square test statistics to d...
ABSTRACT This paper aims of examining the problems new banks the impact of the problem on the banking industry and the possible strategies by which such problems can solved .however ,personal objective part from academic fulfillment made this plausible ,hence it did not subscribe to the particular economies theories ,rather the various problem of new banks prevalent in Nigerian are studies .To this end ,the look is designed to serve as a reference guide to both students who wish to know ...
ABSTRACT Agriculture is a science or practice of cultivating the land the keeping or breeding animal for food and for the promotion of the countries economy. The importance of improving Agricultural production through Co-operative Society especially in Anambra State, is their source of earning food and money for their survival, both man and animal around. It is also provision of raw materials for the Agro-based Industries, which helps in the production facilities programmes. Co-operative...
ABSTRACT This study by introducing the subject of the project work: the impact of auditing in controlling fraud and other financial irregularities. In chapter one, the researcher gave a domical background to the study, stating the problem, objective, scope, and limitation of the study and went further to define some terms relating to the study. In chapter two the related literature were reviewed, the indebt of the stud and how the auditing can control fraud was reviewed. Finally, the researc...
ABSTRACT This project is written in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma. Let me state that I was motivated to write on the topic “The effects of credit management on liquidity position of a manufacturing company” mainly because of the wealth of area of liquidity position in our society. Looking back at the quality of lectures received on the liquidity position of companies and its procedures, I can now happily say that this work is a dream com...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is determine the effect of motivational modern on the impact of motivational model on the impact of motivation on staff overall performance in ministry of education, headquarters Ebonyi and their management efficiency. To guide the study, for research questions were formulated. A review of literature was done to expose the researcher to what gas already been done to ensure ground based for reviewing books journals, etc. A structure questionnaire were de...
ABSTRACT One of the most prominent characteristics of under developed nation is the use of high proportion of cash, relative to demand deposit in business transaction. This cash relative to demand deposit has resulted to the existence of idle cash in such economics. In an under developed country like ours, a significant percentage of money is held in form of cash a sizeable portion of this cash is kept idle, with the resultant consequence that the productive sector is denied they of such f...
ABSTRACT The role of planning and forecasting in business organization is a topic chosen from the business administration and management field. The research was conducted mainly to examine the positive and negatives effect of not making good use of planning and forecasting in the business administration of an organization. For effective research on this topic. The ROLE ORGANISATION PLANNING AND FORECASTING IN BUSINESS ORGANISATION both primary and secondary data were used to elicit inform...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Communication is a very vital tools in carrying out our day today activities which makes the saying that if you don’t say here I am nobody will say there you are unique and outstanding from every business firms world wide today. Everyone needs communication with people around to share experience jobs, frustration, hopes and fears. From childhood we all learn how to communicate, as children, we are able to recognize and identify happiness and annoyance...