INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Hotel industry is defined as the establishment responsible for prevision of food, drinks and accommodation to guests who are willing to pay for services rendered to them and who are in the state to be received. It occupies a significant place in industrial sector of Nigeria and the world at large. It provides job opportunity, foreign exchange as well as helping in the light of all these that every country likes to manage its hotel industry well t...
INTRODUCTION 1.1GENERAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Over some years ago, psychologist, manager and the student of management have given increase attention to the need for human motivation at the work place. They found this concept useful to both explaining human behaviour, particularly in work situation to increase the productivity of workers. The purpose of motivation is to optimize one’s performance and to attain a standard of excellence in any endeavour manager in all types of organisation...
INTRODUCTION Retailing is the final link between producers of goods and services and the ultimate consumers. Retailing is the last stage in the distribution of goods and services, the earliest retailing activity could be seen from the European craftsman and those people that produces what they gold to the users, craftsman could be gold smiths, silversmiths and tailors, the traveling merchants made the development between European and other outside countries by carrying goods from place t...
INTRODUCTION The study will place emphasis on the community development efforts of women in the economic development in Nigeria. Community development involves some kind of co-operative actions by every member of a particular community to improve the well being or welfare of town members, Battern, R.T.R. (1957, p.8) in recent times, there has been noticeable change in people’s community development as the great provider. There is now remarkable awareness that the people can now develop th...
INTRODUCTION The management of financial resources in the public sector is the heart of government administration of financial planning and control in public sector. Financial control can then be see as the process, which usurps that financial resources are obtained economically and used effectively and effectively in the accomplishment of desired goals. Thus it can be said to be an assurance process, which includes the process of decision-making. In the light of current economic problems in ...
ABSTRACT There appears to be little doubt about the fact that frauds in banks is a matter of the greatest concern to bankers, the monetary/political authorities and the generality of Nigerians today. It is so for many reasons. The methods acquire sophistication by the day. The size increase in geometric progression. The people involved hitherto were among the respectable members of the church, the mosque, the community. Fraud leads to unwarranted losses for the banks and put the man...
ABSTRACT The success of any enterprise depends cargely on the effectiveness of its human resources in their work. The need for apprcising the problems and propects of timber Business in Enugu state is apparent. This project therefore is a research on timber business in Enugu state. The problems encountered in timber business is a Kin to any other business and the prospects of the timber business is encouraging. This is because virtually all the things we produce today entails the use ...
ABSTRACT The research used questionnaires personal interviews and observation during the research work. The research work goes to NEPA Onitsha branch and the field of study. The questionnaire were distributed to the staff of NEPA by the researcher and subsequently interacted with them on Personal interview. All data collection were grouped into references computed and arranged in tables for easy reference. The data were presented according to the respondents ensures based on research questi...
ABSTRACT This study concentrated on Trade fair as an instrument increasing marketing performance. A case study of Emily Millionaire Industry Ltd Enugu. In the light of this, the researcher commenced this work by taking a quick and eursory look at the definitions, evaluation and background information of trade use of several data collection techniques which include: Questionnaire, personal interviews, observations. The analysis of this data collected revealed certain prospects and problems sho...
ABSTRACT This research looked into the marketing problems and prospects of the bakery industry in Enugu metropolis with references to Ify bread industry. To solve the research problem both primary and secondary data were collected. The research instruments used in collecting the data were questionnaires and oral materials. The respondents of the study comprised customers, distributors, management and relevant staff of ify bread industry. The size was determined using bourley’s formular and ...
ABSTRACT Traditionally, business has been considered as an economic institution, which has developed a common unique measurement of efficiency-profit. It is therefore plausible to assume profit maximization as a mutual business objective. This objectives was rejected because it was unrealistic difficult, in appropriate and immoral. To wealth maximization, the decision-making authority lies in the hands of management usually, management is concentrated in the hand of a few, who decisions are c...
ABSTRACT The office of recruitment selection and placement on organization. Effectiveness in many firms we investigated upon and analyzed. The 60 respondents from 17 insurance companies in Enugu metropolis, the hypothesis that formalized policies have significant and positive impact on organizational effeteness was tested. The issue between placement on qualified personnel in key functional areas and attainment of organization effectivesss was also tested. It was found that through recrui...
1.1INTRODUCTION Many people think of accounting as a highly technical field which can be understood only by professional accountants. Actually, nearly everyone practices accounting in one form or another on an almost daily basis We live in an era of accountability. Although, accounting has made sits most dramatic progress in the field of business, the accounting function is vital to every unit of our society. An individual must account for his or her income, and must supply personal a...
ABSTRACT The title of this project is “The prospect of accounting as a profession; implication for accounting students. The project was written to highlight the prospect of accounting profession, to identify the problems associated with accounting students in their pursuit /of academic certificate and the implications of the problems for the students. The study aroused the interest of the investigator because he felt that the study of accounting have been impeded with multiplicity of th...
ABSTRACT Profit maximization is the pursuit of every business organization. Profit itself is the excess of revenue over expenditure. To obtain this profit, increase in selling price of the product or reduction in the cost of production is inevitable. Since excessive price increase is dreaded by the public, it becomes necessary to achieve the business objective through controlling the cost of production of each product. This project, therefore, is undertaken to give actual background on ...