INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY In various public company, the statutory requirement for the management is to present to the owners and other interested parties (creditors, tax authorities, potential investors etc.) a financial statement showing the way and manner in which the resources of the company at the managers disposal has been utilized or managed. This serves as the stewardship function of the management. However, before this financial statement can be accepted and is published. It must h...
ABSTRACT This research topic was on the role of advertising in the sales of a new product in Enugu metropolis using maters of Jumatex suitcase Some objectives at this studies are:- 1.To determine the extent customer pushes action of Jumatex suitcase being included by advertising. 2.To determine the role of advertising in increasing the profitability of the company. 3.To determine the import of advertising in increasing the sales volume Jumatex suitcase used. Based on this, a total of 411 ques...
1.0INTRODUCTION: Nigeria has been a victim of a monopolist economy and has been enjoying the so called “PETRO NAIRA” since the oil boom in the early 70s without involving adequately in a sound policy that will keep the nation’s economy in a firm foundation for study growth. The effect was that the non-oil producing sector of the economy was abandoned and the hope to Nigeria’s sustainable economic growth and development was shattered with the monopolist economy she embraced. Knowing ...
ABSTRACT The research work on the topic “improving Agricultural production through co-operative (A case study of Ndokwa West L. G. A Delta State Co-operative as was carried out to survey the past programmes and polities constituted by government to mobilize peasant farmers into agricultural co-operative and functional ones more productive as a way of facilitating the attainment of self-sufficiency in agricultural productivity in the country. The general constrains that affect the achievem...
ABSTRACT From the first chapter, Agro Base Industries is seen as one of the forerunner of mechanization of Agriculture in Nigeria. It is made clear from the research carried out that Agro Base Industries play a very vital role in the economic development of the country most especially in the level of National income. Moreover, the effect of low productivity was also discussed and a lot of suggestions given which had to be taken by government to wipe out this irritating problems being faced ...
ABSTRACT This study seeks to study the bank lending functions in Nigerian banks, with a view to ironing out the factors militating against the attainment of sound lending which contribute in no small measure to the non-recovery of loans. Investigating the extent to which ratio analysis assist bank managers in their decision in lending. Bank lending is merely the assessment and evaluation of bankable proposition with the objective of extending credit facilities on terms and conditions acce...
ABSTRACT This research investigation is focused on the use of Cost-Volume-Profit analysis as a Management tool for decision making using Nigerian Breweries Plc as a case study. Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis narrowly called break-even analysis, is the application of marginal costing and seeks to study the relationship between costs, volume and profits at differing activity levels and can be a useful guide for short-term planning and decision making. There are series of relationship betwe...
ABSTRACT This piece “Auditing as an instrument for ensuring accountability is carried out to explore the roles of auditing in Premier Breweries Ltd, Onitsha. It intends to identify and evaluate the roles of auditing as an instrument to ensure accountability in Premier Breweries and the likes in general. To do this, the researcher took necessary steps in ascertaining those factors that militate against the roles of auditing in this company. It is based on these factors that recommendatio...
ABSTRACT The management of revenue accruable in Nigerian Local government has been a thing of concern to well meaning members of the society. This is associated with the internal revenue source available to the local government, its generation method, mode of expenditure by council chairman, lack of proper auditing and accountability is achieved/seen to be the main problem of persistent poor management of these funds. The study carried out was used to appraise the existing managerial method...
1.0INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Fixed Assets are those assets of a business which are of material value, like property, plant and equipment and other assets with relatively permanent life acquired by the enterprise for use in production or supply of goods or instructed with intention of being used on a continuing basis or for administrative purpose and many include items held for the resale or for conversion into cash in the ordinary source of business. However, there are other l...
ABSTRACT This research work – Evaluation of Government Accounting system in Anambra State – “A case study of Ministry of Finance and Economic planning, Awka is divided into five chapters each chapter dealing with a particular aspect or research work. The overall aim of the study is to find out the functions of various ministries in relation to preparation of government account. A general review of what government accounting is all about the role of Anambra State Ministry of Finance Awka...
CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction: Accounting information and decision making, the two inseparable twins. For through understanding of the subject matter, the topic of this thesis has to be split into two parts for easy classification and understanding. Accounting according ,to AKPA (America Institute of certificated Public Accountings) which was advanced in1961, is the act of recording, classifying and summarizing in a systematic manner and in terms of money transaction and events which are in ...
INTRODUCTION There has been an eminent question on the part of most writer of industrial organization to study and find solution to some problem on the productivity of workers, how it can be measured and what factors influence the workers performance in the organization operation. However in this study it is a discussion on how incentives influence an organization operation. This leading to greater productivity as a result of workers performance labour, is know to be one of the major ...
1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY It is quite obvious to note that political and economic history of Nigeria has great influence on their trade relations as well on the consumption patterns of the people. The trend cannot be ignored by a meaningful study of consumer patterns in Nigeria whole constitutes. This research objectives “Nigerians towards both Nigeria makes goods and the foreign made one in obvious. This trace back to the early 19th century during the Nigeria colonization era by the Bri...
ABSTRACT This project attempts to establish the vital role which management Accounting techniques play in manufacturing firms , A case study of Nigeria breweries plc. ,Aba . The problem addressed under this topic were the impact of management Accounting techniques on firms profitability, decision making and management information. This study is significant, as it will help to reduce the risk involved in decision making. Literature review was done to know what other writers are...