Abstract/Overview In option pricing the rate of change of asset price with time can be viewed to be directly proportional to the Walrasian [6] excess demand. Scholars such as Jacques [3] and Onyango [4], have used the excess demand concept with linearised demand and supply functions to derive and solve both deterministic and stochastic logistic differential equations for stock price. The underlying assets in option pricing are unique and can be seasonal and periodic like for electricity, ...
Abstract/Overview An understanding of menstruation and its relationship to fertility can help women know the gestational age of any pregnancies, and thus identify preterm births. It can also help women avoid unintended pregnancies. However, little is known about women, and especially men’s, menstruation and fertility knowledge, outside of research on adolescent girl’s stigma, and in low and middle income countries(LMIC). Additionally, little is known about practices surrounding the tr...
Abstract Different researchers have failed to reach a consensus after investigating how dividend policy and volatility of share price associate at over time and hence the endless debate on how dividend policy selected by a firm affects stock prices. The relationship between dividend decisions with finance, investment and firm value makes dividend decisions a central element of corporate finance. A more effective and efficient model for dividend decision making is required by managers and inv...
Abstract Investors today are more cautious when making decisions on matters investment. They request to be equipped with information for them to be able to make informed decisions on where to put their money. This trait has been attributed to a decline in financial performance and the rising trend of corporate failures both locally and globally. The study was aimed at determining whether corporate disclosure had an effect on financial performance of companies listed on Nairobi Securities Exc...
Abstract Globally, revenue is viewed as a critical element of any state as it provides needed finances used to support key government projects such as investment in human capital, infrastructural development, and administering services to citizens and businesses. Kakamega County initiated revenue reforms in 2019 to improve revenue collection. However, the county is still experiencing massive deficits and shortfalls in its revenue collection which has hindered the completion of key projects a...
Abstract Despite the fact that the National Police Service is mandated to protect the lives and property of the people as stipulated in the Kenyan constitution, it continues to face unprecedented pressure to improve its services to the public. Despite several changes being witnessed in the recent past including annual recruitment of personnel, increased recruits training duration, acquisition of sophisticated weapons, advancement in technology and most recently the merger of Kenya police ser...
Abstract/Overview Despite the fact that the government of Kenya has introduced free day secondary education (FDSE) many school going aged students are at home, also repetition and dropout rate continues to rise. Although many studies have been carried out in other parts of Kenya, none has investigated the factors behind the increased dropout rate of the boy child in secondary education particularly in Nyamira Sub County. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors facing the boy ...
Abstract Despite the initiative by the government to introduce devolved funds in Kenya, the real effect of these devolved funds is yet to be experienced on growth of the youth enterprises. There has been overemphasis by previous studies on the issues that address challenges and administration of devolved funds with less regard on the real influence on development. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of devolved funds on growth of Youth enterprises and develop a framework to i...
Abstract Management of account receivables is a significant problem for most utility service providers, particularly those still dealing with the post-payment system when services are delivered prior to payment. This study was aimed at determining the impact of the accounts receivable on Nzoia Water Services Company's financial performance. The average collections on financial performance, accounts receivable turnover and the moderating effect on accountability and financial performance by r...
Abstract The study examined the impact on the performance of insurance companies in Kenya using working capital management practices. The allocation of work assets is of major importance to the success of the organization. A moderate and vigorous style of working capital administration can be embraced by an organization. If working capital is poorly managed, funds are inappropriately linked to idle assets that lower the corporation's liquidity and vice versa. Efficiency in the allocation of ...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the monetary policy and performance of commercial banks in Kenya. Commercial Banks have on average been posting a continuous decline in their performance over the last decade. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the effect of interest rate and performance of commercial banks, to establish the effect of cash reserve ratio and performance of commercial banks, to establish the effect of open market operation and pe...
Abstract/Overview This article reports on findings from a quantitative research study on recruitment of teachers in Kenya’s secondary schools. Purpose: To identify issues and challenges facing school-based recruitment of secondary school teachers. Method: The study adopted a quantitative survey involving 81 secondary principals, selected purposively. Data was collected using a questionnaire (open and closed-ended, rating scale items). Data was analysed using SPSS resulting in descriptiv...
Abstract/Overview There is rich evidence that foreign assistance in the development of economies of Africa is widespread. Africa receives a greater share, at 36%, of total global aid to than any other part of the world. Over the past four decades, aid to Africa has quadrupled from around US$11 billion to US$44 billion, with a net increase of almost US$10 billion during the period 2005-2008 alone. However, the debate on how aid can be effective in Africa’s development is, still ongoing w...
Abstract/Overview The main aim of this study is to examine the effect of service quality dimensions on customer loyalty to the providers of retail banking services. It investigates the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer loyalty. To achieve this purpose, data was collected from a sample of 384 current customers of commercial banks on the five dimensions of service delivery: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The results indicate that ...
Abstract/Overview The aim of the study was to investigate Gender differences in adjustment to Loss and Grief among orphaned Kenyan secondary school students. The study was informed by Kübler-Ross Cycle model of loss and grief. Mixed method research approach was used and with it, concurrent triangulation design was adopted. The target population consisted of 47 schools, 20 focus group discussion students, 10 personal interviews and 1,245 Form 3orphaned students from public secondary schoo...