ABSTRACT This research focused on Trends in the use of Human Model in the Nigeria Advertising Industry. This study consists five chapters, the first chapter cover and introduction of study. The research problem, objectives of the study, formulation of hypotheses, the significance, the limitations and the scope of the study was also tested in this chapter. Chapter two described the theoretical framework and related literature review. In chapter three, Research methodology was ...
ABSTRACT The campaign for women employment and emancipation in Nigeria has taken a new dimension sequent to the new development in the literacy level of our women and the level of development in mass media. The right of women have been severally abused and neglected. Women have been relegated to the background and kept about from the scheme of things simply because of unorthodox beliefs. today, some women have been forced to accepts that their major role should be in the kitchen. Today, women...
ABSTRACT This research study focused on the influence of televisions adverting on consumers demand for soft drinks in Enugu metropolis, A case study of Seven-up bottling company. The objectives of which the study was carried out are to FIND OUT how effective the television advertising strategy of seven- up is all how advertising was affected the company. To measures the impact of the advertising programes on the performance of seven-up product of the performance advertising programmes on the ...
ABSTRACT Pornographic materials are the representation of erotic behaviors in books, pictures, statues, motion pictures etc. that is intended to cause sexual excitement. The effect of pornographic films on Nigeria youths was embarked upon with the intention of establishing the impression of youth exposures. It is apparent that youths exposure to pornographic films will have negative effect on them. Here lies the objective of our research which seeks to find out why youths watch pornographic ...
ABSTRACT In this study, the researcher set out to examine the role of the electronic media in the crusade for moral probity and youth development. Towards this end, 81 staff of NTA and Radio Nigeria were randomly selected to form the study sample. The members of this study sample were given of copies of structured questionnaires to complete. Their responses were analyzed using percentages and chi-square test. The result of the analysis revealed the findings discussed below. -The electronic m...
ABSTRCAT In times past, a great deal of research has been carried out at various levels in the impact of Television on the socialization process of children in several parts of the world by mass communication scholars Contrary what is regarded as the norms, this present study is specifically addressing itself to the positive contribution made by television on the socialization process of children. In obtaining a scientific conclusion, the research method adopted was the multi-staged sampling...
ABSTRACT This study treats or focused on sales promotion as a panacea for improved sales. The Nigeria Bottling company experience. Using NBC plc 9th mile corners as a case in point. The major problems investigated was to determine whether actually manufacturing companies derive benefits by engaging sales promotions and other business incentives. The primary objectives of this study was to find out the extent through which sales promotion can be used to improve sales. The review of other rela...
ABSTRACT This research work aims at finding out the role of electronic media on the crusade against religious intolerance. How electronic media mobilize and educate the religious intolerance and the best way to improve TV and radio station to help avoid religious intolerance in Nigeria. This work has been divided into four chapters, chapter one deals with the introduction with background of the study, statement of problem, significance of the study and research questions, hypothesis, chapter...
ABSTRACT Media industry contributed positively towards the up-liftment of socialization in Nigeria. This project work is bold step into media industry structure and then contribution to the nation at large. Several aspect of the media were analyzed. Important aspect of the media and problems that are believed to be hindering the social responsibility of the Nigeria mass media under military dictatorship were also looked into. TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Approval page Dedication Acknowled...
ABSTRACT There is a general feeling that rural urban health programme cannot be engineered by Mass media. But thanks for media pluralson. This term which refers to an increase in the number and variety of media structures and organizations has improved the variety of functions to which the media put in the society. The aim of this study is to access the extent at which mass media propagates health messages in the society to minimize death and ensure better health condition. In order to a...
This paper examines the influence of Boko Haram menace on the Nigerian economy. The word “boko haram” has become a household name spanning across various newspapers. It is also synonymous with insecurity, death, hostility and all social and moral vices having its negative tolls on various aspects of the Nigerian economy. This paper delves into the history, origin and the emergence of Boko Haram. It enumerates the various attacks stating their specific dates and venues of incidents as...
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at critically examining the effects mass media on rural development. The work also includes the origin of the programme, literature review, statement of the research problem. The hypothesis and the research methodology of the study, equally included are the data analysis, data interpretation, results, discussion as well as bibliography. The research problems is “The effectiveness of ESBS (ratio rural Enlightment programme “ONU OHA” The result of the study s...
1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY What is today known as national electric power authority is a merger of the electricity cooperation of Nigeria (ECN) and Niger Dam authority (NDA) the former was created by the federal government responsible for major policies of mines and power. It was empowered to generate transmitted distribute and sale electricity. Consequently to take over all government downed undertaken throughout the country and to establish new ones if considered economically viable. Th...
ABSTRACT Manufacturers put into the market new product from time to time in order to meet the going held of the society. However, every business is aimed at profit maximization and also the risk aspect most be put into consideration. Considering the number of new products in the market and the percentage that succeeds, one would discover that greater percentage fails in the market. The question then is whether those that fall a need to satisfy in the society if they have, why do they fail....
ABSTRACT This project aims at the effect of violent film on Nigeria children, expecially children in Enugu urban. Chapter one is the introductory part of this project and it also dewell on the background of the study. Chapter two reviews the literatures of other writers and elaborates more on the in. Chapter three dwells on the methodologies used in this research work. Chapter four is based on the data analyses and the results of the data collection and also the discussion of the result gotte...