Abstract For decades, climate variability has had great effect on human life; both positively and neg122`atively. These effects include rise in the global temperatures, changes in the precipitation patterns, increase in drought incidents and heat waves, stronger and more intense hurricanes, rise in sea level (1-4 feet by 2100), arctic regions likely to become ice free and negative impact on human health. Changes in climate have impacted negatively on human health where by it has led to incre...
Abstract The world is faced with an increasing threat of violent extremismthat is preceded by radicalisation processes. Kenya faces this threat from Al-Shabaab who recruit Kenyan youths to join their ranks and executive terror acts internally. Secondary and university students have become their target in Kenya, which formed the foundation of this study. The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of public secondary school preparedness in countering radicalisation towards violent extrem...
Abstract Student conflicts in secondary schools are one of the most common challenges faced in the 21st century in the modern world. Kenya has faced several incidents of student conflicts in Secondary schools mainly attributed to the cases of indiscipline and conflicts among students in the schools. In Kericho County, several incidences of student conflicts have been witnessed in the different schools, which have caused widespread material losses and other social impacts. The study therefore...
Abstract The role of themedia in conflicts has been a concernacrossthe world. Its effecthas intensifiedenormouslyand scholarsare yet to concuron the extentof the media effect on conflicts and peace-building. The general objective of the study was to assess the media influence on the conduct of electioneering process in Kenya with reference to Kisumu County. The specific objectives of the study were to: investigate the typeof influenceof the media duringelectioneering process in Kenya with re...
Abstract Kenyan secondary schools, student conflicts pose significant challenges in the 21st century. This study aimed to evaluate the structure and functions of student councils in secondary schools in Kericho County, Kenya, based on the functionalism theory.The evaluation research design was employed, targeting students, teachers, and schoolprincipals, school boards of management, County director of education, and sub-county directors of education in Kericho County. A combination of probab...
Abstract In Kenyan secondary schools, student conflicts pose significant challenges in the 21st century. This study aimed to evaluate the structure and functions of student councils in secondary schools in Kericho County, Kenya, based on the functionalism theory. The evaluation research design was employed, targeting students, teachers, and school principals, school boards of management, County director of education, and sub-county directors of education in Kericho County. A combination of p...
Abstract/Overview Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are major public health concerns in most developing countries and in under resourced settings. Provision of safe motherhood is of utmost importance in the reduction of maternal mortality. Increasing the proportion of babies that are delivered in health facilities is an important factor in reducing the health risks to both the mother and the baby. This study explored maternal healthcare choices of expectant mothers in Lunga Lu...
Abstract This study focuses on tense and aspect in the verb structure of Lutsotso, a dialect of the Oluluhya macro-language. While numerous studies have been conducted on the analysis of the Oluluhyia macro-language at phonological, morphological and syntactic levels, these studies were exclusive of inflection on the Lutsotso verb. The present study discusses the morphological configurations of tense and aspect in Lutsotso. The study also establishes that the Lutsotso verb inflection can be ...
Abstract Religion, life and death are entwined and the knowledge of one requires the knowledge of the other. Religions have addressed the question of how one should live with awareness of inevitability of death. Consequently, societies have developed systems of belief and practice to help their people cope with the prospect of death and the attendant sorrow and grief. Drawing interest from the complex intertwine surrounding death and religion, the main problem of the study was to investigate...
Abstract As a result of the liberalization policies in the early 1990s, the broadcast media in Kenya has grown exponentially. The number of radio stations has multiplied significantly bringing with it cut throat competition among licensed FM radio stations. These radio stations are grappling with challenges that threaten their survival. The study presents an assessment of the sustainability of FM radio stations in a competitive environment whose objectives include: to explain the resource de...
Abstract Several studies have been carried out on the role of social media in political democratization where most of the mbased on national elections in different countries.However,little attention has been given to university students who are increasingly utilizing social media as a way of engaging politically with aspirants, thereby influencing their voting patterns.Therefore,the focus of this study was to assess the utilization of social media in university students elections in Kenya. S...
Abstract Ethnic conflicts have been witnessed world over; where, different communities fight each other over territorial boundaries, limited natural resources and political supremacy. This worrying trend disturbs livelihoods, access to social amenities and affects local and international economies. As a limited resource, with cultural and economic value, land has generated inter-ethnic conflicts across the world. In Kenya,communities like the Maasai and Kipsigis have recently fought over lan...
Abstract Currently, numerous FM stations have mushroomed in Kenya, many of them using vernacular languages in their broadcast. The radio programmescover a variety of topics including politics, business, relationships, lifestyle, family, education, environment and health. However, very few of these programmesspecificallytackle issues related to culture. Limited research has been carried out regarding the place of radio programmes in transmitting cultural values. Westernization and apingof wes...
Abstract Migration is a spatial phenomenon involving movement of people between distinct places, locations imbued with meaning and power. It explicitly refers to people changing their places of residence, where they live on a habitual basis, embracing not only their actual physical structures, but also in some sense the wider community in which they live. The study focused on the Abagusii migration patterns from their ancestral land specifically to the South Rift (SR), Kericho County. It ack...
Abstract The borrowing of lexical itemsas one of the outcomes of languages in contact may affect a speaker’s communicability with other speakers of the same language in differentsettings.In this perspective, thisstudy investigated lexical borrowing in spoken Lukabaras in Chepsaita Scheme. The languages spoken in this setting include Lutachooni,Luwanga, Lulogooli, Lubukusu, Lukabarasand the native Nandi. In view of this multilingual setting,this study investigatedthe influence of the native...