ABSTRACT My interest in this work its assess the effects of Television programmes on youths. Using a Minaj Broadcast international (MBI) programme Campus Circuit” as a cash study. Television is widely acknowledged as “a powerful medium of age? The is astounding, its visual immediacy gives its audience a feeling of participation more than any other medium. It is necessary to find out what effects television has on youths. I want to observe the youths watching campus circuit a tele...
ABSTRACT This study was designed to critically examine “the role of the press in Nigeria’s polarization and National Development” The method of content analysis was adopted and also, three Nigerian daily newspaper were selected. This include, the New Nigeria Newspaper a federal Government owned newspaper published in Kaduna state, The National concord and the champion, each being privately owned by differently individual (s) but published in Lagos. Three publications were selected per...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Advertising is a powerful and persuasive machine. It is an exciting, dynamic and fully challenging enterprise. It is a subject that cannot be ignored in our day-to-day life; infact “a world without advertisement is a bleak world” Awake 1988 Pg 1-6. Advertising is always ahead of us to greet us, Infact it has almost become a thorn in the flesh that the average individual cannot do without. He or she is exposed to several kinds of advertising messages...
ABSTRACT This work was done to final out the assessment of the mass media’s role in the campaign against drug abuse, because drug abuse has become a serious problem we are facing both in Nigeria and in other parts of the world. The objectives of this research is to find out if drug abuse has increased crime rate in Nigeria, to find out if the mass media is performing their functions effectively, its assessment in the campaign against drug abuse in Nigeria and what impression...
ABSTRACT Development is the process of moving the world, of engage in the task of self- improvement with the available is necessary, not only for all aspects of a person'’ development, but also for all aspects of a nation development following this, the broadcast media are the most vital instrument for influencing the masses to either consumer or conserve. In development countries an issue which does not appear on television or radio does not even exist. Here in the developme...
ABSTRACT Rural development is a very important aspect in the development of a nation nd for a nation to develop very well, it must reach the rural dwellers and the rural masses must be aware of the developments and for the government to reach the rural populace they have to use certain strategy like through the media or going to them face to face. THE PROJECT ‘’ THE ROLE OF ESBS RADIO ON RURAL DEVELOPMENT OF OBUOFFIA AWKUNANAW’’ is carried (outto...
ABSTRACT In this study, the researcher examined the impact of information technology (IT) on media development in Nigeria. Towards this end, the researcher randomly selected 78 staff of radio Nigeria and the guardian newspaper to form the study sample. The 78 members of the study sample were given 78 copies of structured questionnaires to complete. Their responses were analyzed using percentages. The analyses of the responses revealed the following findings. i.The use of IT resources had pos...
ABSTRACT This global modern technologies in the nineties had been such a glaring and widely exciting experience. This leaves no body even a Thomas in doubt of what situation and trend will look like even as we are now in the 21st century. Expectedly, there will be an era of complete and total information revolutionary Age. This period which is entire world finds themselves how is a peculiar and highly sophisticated communication age that is characterized by a “Net-compact technology�...
ABSTRACT The core theoretical framework on which this study anchors is to assess the legal problems/dangers vis a vis others that exist with the practicing of journalism in Nigeria, under the military with particular reference to General Sani Abacha’s regime. The study revealed that journalists were arrested and detained in their thousands thereby providing little or no room for the pursuit of the TRUTH which is the hallmark of journalism profession. Sometimes they loose their lives while ...
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at pointing out the function of pubic relations officer in customer’s satisfaction in Nigeria Airways Enugu. Research method: The data for this study were collected through questionnaire. Thereafter the data collected were analyzed using chi – square method (X2) = (0 -e) E Which served to out qualitative characterizes In the data into numerical form and relationships. The research find...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page i Dedication ii Acknowledge iii Table of Contentsiv -Answers1 References TO DISCUSS IN DETAIL THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WRITING FOR PRINT AND NEW WRITING FOR BROADCASTINGANSWERFirstly, print journalism is a division in the Mass Communication that gathered news, prepared them and disseminate for public readership Via (books) newspapers, magazine etc. In Nigeria, Rev. Henry Townsend published the first newspaper Iwe Irolin in Abeokuta in 1849. A newspaper is a ...
ABSTRACT Media staff welfare and effective journalism in Nigeria look into the problems the Nigerian Journalists face as the carry out their duties. The results of the methodology shows that the media staff are not taken good care of. The journalism in Nigeria based on what is obtainable and that the proper welfare of Nigerian journalists will ensure effectiveness in the discharge of their duties. Journalist also should be objective and honest so as to bring journalism in Nigeria back to he...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The role which the mass media play in the day-to-day running and shaping of the society cannot be underestimated. The mass media, especially the electronic media, which include Radio, Television integrate the communal functions of the society: relating both the internal and external environment. This they do by re-creating, maintaining and reinforcing people, this means in their daily operations, the electronic media operate as essential tools for t...
INTRODUCTION Pidgin English came into existence as a result of the coming of the colonial masters to Africa, the highly respected philosophers – said and I quote, “No language is an Island meaning that language only came into existence through a pre – existed one. Pidgin English came into existence through English Language. The coming of the white men to Africa really changed a lot of cultures, languages, norm, ethnics and non – ethics values etc in African. The language pidgin ...
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYFinance ahs been described as the bold of any business organization and its vital need is double realized where it is Ladcing Lease financing is becoming one of most important sources of finance for a firm.According to J.Iloh (2002) leasing is sources of long term financing involving a contractual agreement between two parties the lessor who owns the assets and the leases who is utilizing the asset in consideration of a periodic payment called lease r...