ABSTRACT Effort is made to access the effect of formal accounting reporting on the management of a business financial accounting covers those activities related to the preparation of certain reports which are known as financial statements. These statement report the financial status of a firm at a particular time. The firms activities and resulting profit/losses during the most recent period and the flow of resources occurring within the firm during the same period. I draw my research from ...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to access based on empirical research the exceptional qualities or otherwise of the present accounting principles and standards. Information was drawn from both primary and secondary sources. The primary sources were held with members of institute of chartered accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) on the subject matters. During the time, question on the general field of accounting principles and development were asked. The rest of the information came from libr...
ABSTRACT Risks and uncertainties are factors, which a business must face so long as it remains a going concern. Thus to avoid the effect of such risks and uncertainties, management and other potential businessmen are advised to adopt the tool of financial ratios. The financial ratios will expose the position of the business in terms of performance and efficiency of operations. They show whether the management are efficient or inefficient in utilization of resources such as capital, assets l...
ABSTRACT Financial intermediation is the process by which financial institution accept saving from house hold and lend this saving to business organizations. Since high level of financial intermediation has been associated with high degree of economic development e.g Nigeria has allegedly been said to experience low level of financial intermediation. The objective of this study 1.To establish the extent of financial intermediation in Nigeria and the likely effect on economic development. 2.To...
ABSTRACT This project work is carried out on problem of personal income tax generation and administration taxation can be simply defined as a compulsory contribution by individuals and organizations to a statutory Authority. The merits of taxations are numerous for instance, it could be used for re-distribution of income or for stabilizing the economy. In the recent past and till date it has not been easy to fully realized the objectives of taxation owing to the existence of inefficiency an...
ABSTRACT With the present economic predicaments in the country, most people found it very difficult to cope with the high cost of living. This is true, because the government is not generating enough revenue as expected and such things affect the budget of the year. It all meant that the government may not have enough money to provide social amenities for the individuals. Therefore the government, individuals depend on revenue for the execution of their projects. The need may be defense, edu...
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at appraising the liquidity problems in commercial banking in Enugu state with a view of determining how these problems affects commercial banking business, as well as determining whether the policies imposed by the central bank has actually solved the liquidity problems of commercial banks or not. In doing this, we want to classify the period under review (1980-1980) into want to pre-sfem period and the post-sfem period. In order words, the study intends to...
ABSTRACT There is a need for strong internal control system in manufacturing organization to make sure that organization assets are safe guarded. Considering the importance of internal control to life Breweries limited Onitsha the researcher deems it necessary to study the effectiveness of internal control. Officers of the organization were interviewed and their records were also examined related tools were also reviewed by the researcher. The researcher revealed that the organization applies...
ABSTRACT Internal auditing and stocktaking are characterized by paucity of literature mostly when it involves having a focus on a particular establishment. Most at the work on auditing have been centered on independent audit. However, effort were made to scrape as much as possible from the dired ground. Internal auditing is this an independent appraisal activity within the organization for the review of accounting, financial and other operation as a basis for services to management. The p...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the is to see how the accounting system of government owned companies meets the statutory requirement that such books of accounts must be kept as will give a true and fair view of state of affairs of a business, and to explain its transaction. Secondly, it is to see how far the system aids improving the efficiency of the management of the company. The various books of account were examined and the manner of recording transaction right from their points of origination ...
PROPOSAL In today’s economy, information and accountability have assumed a larger role in our society. As a result the financial statement with an independent audit report are of vital services to investors, creditors and other participants in economic exchange. Financial statements can only be valuable to those who know how to use them. As a result of their key role in business, the researcher has been spurred to embark on this work. Financial ratios have been used to analyze and i...
ABSTRACT When some banks in the system are distressed, it is in the best interest of the non distressed one that an effective resolution of the distressed is carried out. This is because, the distress in one bank which leads to a loss of confidence in the effected bank can also affected confidence in the entire banking system, the corporation requires enormous amount of money which it does not have at the moment given the age and size of the insurance find. Bank customers expect their bankers...
ABSTRACT This project is on computer an important system in the processing of accounting information the question is, to what extent is computer recreant in the processing of accounting information. Technology affords better ways of doing things. No one doing serous business today will claim to be totally oblivious of the importance of computers are vary helpful and generally time saving, some business can still so without it. Therefore while considering if to get computer one should be rat...
TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Approval page Acknowledgement Certification Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Banking services in Nigeria 1.2 Structure of banking 1.3 Commercial bank 1.4 Merchant bank 1.5 Development bank 1.6 Central bank of Nigeria CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Role of banking in general economic development 2.1 Polices 2.2 Characteris...
ABSTRACT The researcher has primarily examined some of the expenditure control techniques that are and could be applied in government owned hospitals. Noting the obstacles and their rate of effectiveness, emphasis are laid on the techniques already in application. Data for the research were gathered through interviews, questionnaires and financial regulations. Percentages were used in the data analysis. The following are the research findings. Budgeting, internal control and audits are com...