
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Screening Maize (Zea mays L.) Germplasm For Nonparasitic Weed Tolerance in A Tropical Rainforest Agro-Ecology

Abstract The study determined genotypic effect of weed infestation on maize germplasm, identified plant traits conditioning weed-stress tolerance, and identified maize varieties that are weed-stress tolerant for further improvement under weed infestation with a view to providing information on the genetics of weed-stress tolerance in maize. The study was carried out at the Teaching and Research Farm of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, in the early and late rainy seasons of 2018. One hund...

Screening of Some Common Weeds for Nematicidal Activities Against The Root-Knot Nematode on Tomato (LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM L.) in Plateau State Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The screening of some common weeds for nematicidal activities on Meloidogyne incognita infestation on tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) was carried out at the Botanical nursery and Biology Laboratory, Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin ladi, Nigeria, with a view to establishing their potential for organic amendment or as trap weeds for the control of Meloidogyne incognita. The common weeds were surveyed and identified by a taxonomist based on botanical nomenclature and voucher numb...

Effects Of Stocking Density On The Production Of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) In Floating Net Cages On The Volta Lake

Abstract Stocking density is an important factor affecting fish production in cages. However, information related to its impact on the growth performance of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings during cage culture under the ecological conditions of the Volta Lake in Ghana is limited. Hence, healthy Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings (2.12 ± 0.02 g) were randomly stocked in triplicate 8 m3 cages at densities of 50 fish/m3, 100 fish/m3 and 150 fish/m3 and fed a commercially extruded d...

SSA Research 126 PAGES (23843 WORDS) Fisheries Thesis
The Occurrence And Diversity Of Indigenous Bradyrhizobia That Nodulate And Fix Nitrogen In Soybean And Pigeonpea In Three Ghanaian Soils Under Different Levels Of N And P Fertilizers

ABSTRACT The need to feed the projected world population of 9.7 billion by 2050 has received much attention and increased food production has been recommended to address the problem. Soybean and pigeonpea are important global commercial and food legumes that have been recommended for food security and sustainable agriculture particularly in tropical and subtropical regions where the majority of the world’s resource poor live, and where agricultural production is constrained by low soil fert...

PSN Africa 209 PAGES (48278 WORDS) Soil Science Thesis
Credit Use And Its Effect On Profitability Among Smallholder Maize Farmers In The Brong Ahafo Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study assesses credit use and its effect on profitability among smallholder maize farmers in the Brong Ahafo Region. A multistage sampling technique involving purposive sampling, stratified sampling and simple random sampling technique were employed to select the region, two municipalities from the region and 200 smallholder maize farmers respectively for the survey using well-structured questionnaires. The study took into consideration a description of the sources of credit whic...

Genetic Characterization, Association Mapping And Evaluation Of Heterotic Patterns Of Tropical Maize (Zea Mays L.) Inbred Lines Under Drought And Non-Drought Conditions

ABSTRACT Genetic diversity provides the capacity for plants to meet changing environments and farmers' preferences, and to establish heterotic patterns, essential for an efficient and sustainable hybrid breeding program. Group interviews and formal surveys were conducted in North and South-Sudan agro-ecological zones of Burkina Faso to assess farmers’ preferences and evaluate their perception of constraints to maize production. Fifty-nine INERA and forty one elite CIMMYT, IITA, U.S and Euro...

Sustainability Of Maize-Based Cropping Systems In Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Northern Ghana with the objective of assessing the sustainability1 of five maize-based cropping systems in the area. The cropping systems are maize-cowpea rotation, maize-cowpea relay intercropping, maize-cowpea mixed intercropping, sole maize continuously cropped and maize-sorghum-groundnuts mixed intercropping. The study also sought to establish any variability in the cropping systems of Northern Ghana, strategies adopted by farmers to increase crop yi...

Smallholder Maize Farming Households’ Vulnerability To Climate Change In The Brong-Ahafo Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigated smallholder maize farming households’ vulnerability to climate change, factors affecting the vulnerability of the households and households’ constraints to climate change adaptation strategies in the Wenchi and Techiman Municipalities in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana. Primary data were collected through a personal administered questionnaire. One Hundred and fifty (150) smallholder maize farming households were randomly sampled. The Livelihood vulnerabili...

Adoption Of Agricultural Innovations A Case Study Of Maize Narrow-Crib In Southern Benin

ABSTRACT An important aspect of agricultural development involves, the adoption of innovations by farmers. Several activities were put in place by extension services in Benin to get wide spread adoption of innovations by farmers. One of these actions was the introduction of maize narrow-crib in rural areas in Benin ; but still some farmers are not adopting. After four years of the introduction of this maize narrow-crib, it is important to appreciate the factors that are affecting the adoption...

The Economics Of Post-Harvest Handling And Marketing Of Legumes In Ghana: The Case Of Cowpea, Groundnuts And Bambara Beans.

ABSTRACT The study examined the efficiency of the legume market with respect to post - harvest handling and the structure, conduct and performance of the marketing process. The legume crops involved in the study are cowpea, groundnuts and bambara beans. Bambara beans was however studied only at the farm level because of its limited sale at the wholesale level. The techniques employed for primary data collection include Rapid Reconnaissance Survey, Participatory Rural Appraisal, Direct Observa...

The Contribution Of Enterprise Establishment Factors To The Growth Of Pineapple Industry In The Nsawam-Adoagyiri District In The Eastern Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT The establishment of agro enterprises is influenced by various factors identified in the theories of enterprise establishment which most entrepreneurs do not pay particular attention to when establishing and managing their enterprises. The aim of this study is to examine how enterprise establishment factors contribute to the growth of the pineapple industry. The enterprise establishment or founding factors identified and examined in this study are the basic tasks identified by the en...

The Contribution Of Enterprise Establishment Factors To The Growth Of Pineapple Industry In The Nsawam-Adoagyiri District In The Eastern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The establishment of agro enterprises is influenced by various factors identified in the theories of enterprise establishment which most entrepreneurs do not pay particular attention to when establishing and managing their enterprises. The aim of this study is to examine how enterprise establishment factors contribute to the growth of the pineapple industry. The enterprise establishment or founding factors identified and examined in this study are the basic tasks identified by the en...

Evaluation Of Five Varieties Of Onion (Allium Cepa L.) In Two Different Savannah Ecozones In Ghana

ABSTRACT Two separate field experiments were conducted at Sogakope (Tordome), in the South-Tongu District of the Volta Region and at the University of Ghana Research farm, Legon, in the Greater Accra Region from August, 2017 to March, 2018. The aim of this study was to evaluate the yield performance of four introduced varieties of onion namely, Dayo, Trophy, Red-Creole, and Orient against the commonly grown variety ‘Bawku-Red’ under two different ecozones in Ghana. The experimental design...

PSN Africa 153 PAGES (31961 WORDS) Crop Science Thesis
A Quantitative Analysis of the Potential Fertilizer Value of Poultry Generated In The Accra-Tema Metropolitan Area

ABSTRACT The rapid population growth and urbanization has brought about the challenge of organising food on asustainable basis with the use of inputs such asfertilizers. The present study was conducted to investigate the potential fertilizer value of poultry manure produced in the Accra-Tema metropolitan area.Structured questionnaires were used to interview 30commercial farms. Also, three farms were chosen for case studies. The results indicate that poultry manure contains high levels of...

Phosphorus Reactions In Three Contrasting Soils Amended With Biochar

GENERAL ABSTRACT The reactive nature of phosphate leads to the formation of insoluble Fe, Al and Ca bound P compounds in highly weathered tropical soils. Biochar amendments can change the surface chemical properties of highly weathered tropical soils, and hence affect phosphorus retention and distribution in soils. The overall objective of this study was to investigate P reactions with biochar and biochar amended soils of Ghana for effective P management. To achieve this, three major experime...

PSN Africa 301 PAGES (65530 WORDS) Soil Science Thesis

3391 - 3405 Of 4596 Results