ABSTRACT Development is the process of moving the world or mobilizing communities as a whole to engage in the task of self improvement with the available resources. This project work is mainly based on the theoretical and practical approach of the impact of radio broadcasting in improving the educational system in Nigeria. In this work, the researchers tried to evaluate the importance of radio broadcasting in improving educational system in Nigeria. This work is divided into five chapters ...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out with the sole objective of determining the Effectiveness of Radio in Educating Nigerian Women on Immunization. A Case Study of Oru-East L.G.A of Imo State. The researcher identified the research problems and used them to raise four research questions and four research hypotheses. Literature relating to the topic under study was reviewed through both primary and secondary sources of literature. The researcher used survey research design that enables her t...
ABSTRACT This study is aimed to ascertain the impact of mass media campaign aimed curbing the spread of the diseases AIDS among teenagers in Enugu state. The objective of the study is also to find out through survey method whether the teenager are really getting sufficient information about AIDS blue so as to enable them inform their opinion about the diseases. The study to...
ABSTRACT It has been observed by researchers that many children today are being influence by what they view or see on the television, especially when it comes to cartoons production. For instance, there are reported cases of children misbehaving after their exposure to television programme, of cartoon type. Based on the above observation, the researcher investigated the effects of cartoon advert on children. Tom and Jerry, a type of cartoon children enjoy watching, was chosen as the ca...
ABSTRACT Effective language use is a basis for communication. Language is a system of symbols which includes words and words make up sentences that in turn form a discourse. Each word and sentence exhibit different form, nature, element and meaning. Thus, lexico – semantic level of language analysis deals with the study of word and meaning. This study examined the use of word and sentence, word group, meaning relations and cohesive devices in five selected speeches of Is-haq Oloyede, the...
ABSTRACT Language is an integral part of our socio-cultural heritage that serves as the primary medium of communication for mankind. Pragmatics evolved to drill out meanings and to give interpretations to utterances beyond what is literarily said. This research work was carried out in order to give light to political interviews and to bring out meanings that are embedded in utterances made by politicians. One of the Nigerian daily newspapers was used, THE PUNCH, and 8 interview...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pagei Certificationii Dedication iii Acknowledgementsiv Table of Contentsvi Abstractix CHAPTER ONE General Introduction 1.0 Introduction1 1.1 Purpose of the Study2 1.2 Scope of the Study2 1.3 Justification3 1.4 Methodology3 CHAPTER TWO Literature Review 2.0 Introduction4 2.1 Conceptualization of Discourse4 2.2 An Overview of Discourse6 2.3 Versions of CDA8 2.3.1 Van Dijk’s Version of CDA: Social Cognition8 2.3.2 Halliday’s Version of CDA: Language9 2.3.3 Faircloug...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page i Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgments iv Table of Contents v Abstract ix CHAPTER ONE: 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background to the study 1 1.2 Purpose of the study 3 1.3 Justification for the study 4 1.4 Scope and delimitation of the study 4 1.5 A review of the play-let 4 1.6 Biography of the author 5 CHA...
ABSTRACT African writers have pre-occupied themselves with the happenings in the society. Thus, thematic focus has always been on societal ills, one of which is female oppression. This study examines the feminist perspectives in Hilary Rouse-Amadi’s Amina and Mobolaji Adenubi’s Empty Arms. The sociological approach was adopted, which enabled a better judgment of the characters, as presented by the writers. This research work has shown how Hilary Rouse-Amadi and Mobolaji Adenubi have rais...
ABSTRACTThis work focuses on the Lexico-semantic variation of the Nigerian English using Olu Obafemi’s text Naira Has No Gender. The aim of this work is to highlight meaning change according to context and environment. Element of Lexico-semantic variation in Nigerian English which are Transfer, Analogy, Acronyms, Semantic Shift and Extension and Coinages or Neologism identified by Adegbija (1989) are used to analyse data collected from Olu Obafemi’s Naira Has No Gender. In this analysis w...
ABSTRACT This work focuses on the metaphysical approach as portrayed by Amos Tutuola’s The Palwine Drinkard and D.O Fagunwa’s The Forest of God. This study shows how metaphysics was used in the two plays. Metaphysics is based on the use of myths, gods, medicine and use of god like creatures. The novels are used to show these facts.Research done has helped shed more light on what entails metaphysics and how it exists in our world and the belief people have in it. TABLE OF CONTENTS ...
ABSTRACT Generally, christain handbills and posters are meant to invite people for programs in churches. Different handbills and posters have different meanings. It has been observed that there are other hidden meanings to these sentences, to this effect, the researcher hopes to highlight the meanings pragmatically. Data have been collected from churches and placement centers in Ilorin, the data will be analyzed using some pragmatics elements such as presupposition, implicature, context, ...
ABSTRACT Given the fact that communication is chiefly achieved through language, it is therefore important to study and account for how speakers encode their utterances and how meanings are decoded from the utterances during communication. This has made us to attempt a pragmatic analysis of President Goodluck Jonathan’s inaugural speech, Nigeria: Our Nation in Mourning, because of its socio-political importance with a view to accounting for how the president has encoded his utterances an...
ABSTRACTThis long essay focuses on the pragmatics study of selected political posters imprinted in the pages of selected newspapers. It seeks to identify the influence of pragmatic elements on encoded texts or utterance; it analyse the thought provoking influence of such political posters; the rules of pragmatics governing the use of language in this aspect. The data of choice were randomly selected (from the pages of THE NATION, THE SUN and THE VANGUARD newspapers) and the pragmatic elements...
ABSTRACT The psalms explored the full range of human experience in a very personal and practical way. Its 50 “songs” run from the creation story through the patriarchal, theocratic, monarchical, exilic and post exilic periods. The tremendous breath of subject matter in the Psalms includes, diverse topics such as jubilation, war, peace worship, judgment, messianic prophesy, praise and lament. The psalms were set to the accompaniment of stringed instrument and served as the temple hymn boo...