Abstract/Overview The legalization of betting in Kenya has resulted in widespread availability of betting in the society compared to when gambling was exclusive to casinos and clubs. A poll carried out in six African countries established that sports betting prevalence was highest among Kenyan youth, at 76%, notably among university students, with regrettable consequences. Despite being a social activity, inadequate studies had explicitly examined the social contexts of sports betting among ...
Abstract/Overview This study sought to analyse the Daily Nation framing of news on Kenya’s political parties in the 2017 General Elections. Despite the fact that media has a role to play in informing and educating the electorate, the modern day electorate continues to go to the polls with skewed understanding of the electoral process, the contenders and what their parties stand for. They therefore may end up making uninformed choices at the ballot. Several studies have been conducted on pr...
Abstract/Overview Bunge la Mwananchi (BLM) has been in existence for over twenty years and has been used by activists, politicians, and general members of the public to advance their causes. The platform has also acted as an open forum that encourages anyone to initiate a conversation for ordinary people to debate socio-economic and political problems impacting their lives. Despite its existence and potential as a form of alternative information that can shape opinions, researchers and vario...
Abstract/Overview This is a study of the art of rig r no v/hich is a genre of Luo oral literature. The terra ncoro is in the singular. Like1 some Luo words whose singulars end in ro, the two let tors are replaced by che in the plural which becomes ngeche. Scholars of Luo oral tradition and culture translate and define ngero mistakenly as the proverb, thus making it lexically and culturally English by assuming that their naming systems are universal for all mankind. This generalisation variou...
Abstract: The overall objective of this study was to assess the major factors that affect female teachers’ participation in secondary school leadership in East Hararge Zone. With this, an attempt was made to forward possible solutions for these problems. To conduct this study, descriptive survey method was employed. The participants of this study were 96 teachers selected using simple random sampling techniques. Out of this, female teachers constitute 48 whereas the remaining 56 were male ...
Abstract Political interviews have been used as genres for dissemination of political information. The way they are presented is a subject of concern as they are thought to be causing division among the Kenyan audience along political party and hence ethnic lines. The purpose of this study is to look at the discursive practices in political news interviews and the interpretation they are given by the audience that may lead to ethnic polarization. The main objective of this study was to analy...
Abstract This study is based on the premise that Luo and Luhya children’s singing games are creative works that subtly reflect the aesthetics of the two communities. The aim is to critically examine how the performance of the singing games and their texts reflect the aspirations, norms and values of the macro cultures of the two Nilotic and Bantu communities respectively. The sampled singing games include those done in the traditional setting, sung in vernacular and those that are taken fr...
Abstract The study analyzed the discursive constructions of masculine identities in newspapers’ pullout magazines in Kenya. It examined if there was a disconnect between the way Kenya’s mainstream newspapers’ pullout magazines constructed masculinity and the way the readers of these magazines constructed it. The objectives of the study were: to identify and describe the types of masculine identities that are constructed by lifestyle magazines and determine how these magazines justify o...
Abstract The history of conflict is as old as human history. From the dawn of human history, communities have been competing for control of resources and for dominance. These competitions inevitably led individuals as well as social, political, economic, and religious groups to conflicts. It is true that conflict has devastating effects and it is unwanted. It is also true that conflict is unavoidable and it continuous to occur. Conflict is a natural phenomenon in human society except that th...
Abstract/Overview Youth unemployment is a global challenge. According to Kenya National Human Development (KNHD) report of 2009, unemployment in Kenya stood at 23%. The youth form two - thirds of the total labour force in the country yet the majority (61 %) is unemployed. The youth in Rarieda district number approximately 41,443 while the rate of unemployment is about 17% above the national rate. The Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) is one of the interventions that the government has...
Abstract/Overview Millions of girls in Sub-Saharan Afri:a are disernpowered by the simple biological process of menstruation. Affordable an ! hygienic sanitary protection is not available to adolescent girls in many areas. Intr duction of reusable sanitary towel aimed at enhancing economic and environment sustainability has still not been fully utilized because of lower acceptability. In the MVP Sauri intervention programme on the adoption of re-usable sanitary towels, it was noted that mens...
Abstract/Overview The provision of safe water and sanitation in schools is fundamental to realizing national commitments on "basic education for all" by the year 2015. Children with poor health have deprived learning ability and this influences their prospects in life. A study by Protos (2005), for instance, shows that children with worm infections have higher school absenteeism than noninfected children. Ideally, this means that children with worm infections spend less time in school and ar...
Abstract/Overview Recidivism is a global phenomenon that afflicts all societies and cultures. Despite the fact that prisoners are expected to reform after serving sentences, the number of recidivists continues to rise. In Kenya, the rate of recidivism has greatly increased over the last decade despite efforts by government and the prison departments to work with and rehabilitate the prisoners while in custody serving sentence. Nearly two thirds of prisoners in Kenya re-offend within two year...
Abstract/Overview Child participation is a human right framework demonstrating that many different provisions in the conventions on the rights of the child which reject the punitive treatment of children explicitly promote the child's human dignity, physical and mental integrity, free expression influence in decision making in their wellbeing. Soapstone mining and carving at Tabaka Division has been ongoing since 1895. The bedrock of the soapstone spreads across at 25 square kilometer area. ...
Abstract/Overview The study was intended to assess the coverage of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) food crops in Kenya by the Daily Nation newspapers. Public controversies will increase the penetration of the mass media and thereby reduce the disparities in the representation of biotechnology in public. Controversies thus raise awareness and educate the public. Concerns have emerged that though most journalists are well' trained; many lack a scientific education to satisfactorilyhandle s...