Abstract/Overview Communication is linked to work commitment because they go hand in hand to form a solid business foundation best for organizational growth. Unlike most organizations that create structures in order to be able to understand their employees and what is important to them in relation to information about their jobs and the organization, CAT has no written communication strategy which could have led to lack of communication, under communication or miscommunication. Without prope...
Abstract/Overview In parts of the developing countries, there is low access rate of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in primary education, despite support from the government and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Malanga zone is rural based and has the highest number of OVC-4782 in Gem sub County, Siaya County. It also has the highest number of NGOs supporting OVCs compared to other zones-Nyawara, Kambare, Bar Kalare, Komuor, Sirembe yet inspite of the support to OVCs in Malanga Zo...
Abstract/Overview This study investigates Marjorie Oludhe’s portrayal of male image in Coming to Birth and The Present Moment. Of primary influence to the study is that little attention has been given to the analysis of women’s writings in relation to the representation of male image even as the male characters are used as a foil to articulate the experiences of women which has risked perpetuating the derogatory views of women as victims and men as agents of social ills. The literary dev...
Abstract/Overview Cameron (2001) argues that linguistic forms can be manipulated to suit context and serve intended purposes. Although there is evidence of widespread coverage of proceedings of the English Premier League ( EPL) by media in Kenya and Kenyan football fans‟ deep interest in the EPL, few studies analysing how the Kenyan media presents the proceedings in the EPL have been done. This study focuses on linguistic features employed by Radio Jambo presenters in their presentation of...
Abstract/Overview Anaphors refer to expressions that are not capable of independent reference or meaning and cannot be used deictically. The Binding theory (BT), a sub-theory of the Government and Binding (GB) theory states that Condition A requires that an anaphor should find an antecedent in a local domain, while Condition B requires that a pronominal should be free within the same clause. Long-distance anaphors (LDAs) are found outside the local domain, where they are ambiguous and theref...
Abstract/Overview The significance of reading skills in the development of English as a second language cannot be underrated. The Kenyan secondary schools curriculum for English requires a student to have developed competence in reading skills by the time they sit for Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations at form four. However, some students do not meet the standards which are required by the Kenyan secondary schools English curriculum even though they have done the fourth fo...
Abstract/Overview Communication is the essence of human interaction. The nature of communication is dependent on interaction between two or more individuals. Construction sites in Gem sub-County, Kenya bring together a variety of people of diverse interests, lifestyles and specializations. Construction workers engage in communication processes which exhibit diversity, since they apparently have a specific language for the in-group which is explicitly understood by themselves to the exclusion...
Abstract/Overview The Local Believers Church hereinafter LBC is one of the new religious movements (Neremos) in Kenya whose origin and rapid spread is not only a matter of public concern but also her string of teachings that run contra to what is conventionally held by other Christian churches. Further, LBC is believed to draw most of her influence from one American Pentecostal preacher William Marrion Branham whose movement and teachings were largely considered by most mainstream churches a...
Abstract/Overview One of the ways in which people communicate in a society is through songs. Benga music is a genre of Kenyan popular music. Dholuo benga love songs have been in existence from 1960s to date. Aspects of language, like metaphors, usually vary over time due to external and internal influences on a speech community. The different linguistic expressions of love in Dholuo benga love songs are evidence of various conceptualizations of love over time by the benga artistes. Language ...
Abstract/Overview Death has been argued to be a “fear-based taboo” in which different fears co-exist namely; fear of the loss of loved ones, fear of corruption of the body, fear of evil spirits and fear of what comes with death. Man has traditionally avoided talking about the subject of death using explicit terms. Their avoidance to speak freely about human mortality may be making obituary writers to resort to a variety of linguistic devices in order to compliment the departed and show r...
Abstract/Overview Literature and history represent the morphing of social, political and cultural realities. The two employ similar techniques so that in a subtle sense literature is really an artistic reflection of history. The historical process is captured and transformed by literature. Miguna Miguna’s Peeling Back the Mask and Kidneys for the King have been dismissed by historians, the literati and even the common Kenyan as unworthy of academic pursuit. The commentators argue that bein...
Abstract/Overview The prevalence rate of female circumcision among the Abagusii community is over 96% whereby the rural areas of Kisii County are largely affected. These statistics are recorded after the use of mainstream media in campaigns against female circumcision in the region spearheaded by both government and non-governmental organizations. Contrary, Oral media, which represent the culture and tradition of people in a community, is perceived as the most effective form of media in the ...
Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT Kenya’s elections have been marred with conflict since 1992, with Tarakwa being hit the most. However, in 2013, conflict was contained. While conflict management in 2013 was attributed to many factors, the role of language is tacit. The present study illuminated the relationship between language, conflict management and Kenya’s 2013 presidential elections. The aim of the study was to analyze the lexico-pragmatic interpretation of conflict management in 2013 Ken...
Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT Rites of passage are a universal phenomenon marked by transitions during major life changes. In the Nomiya Church (NC), circumcision and baptism as religious rites of initiation are simultaneously performed on the male infant on the eighth day after birth whereas the female infant gets baptism on the fourteenth day, thus presenting the double rite of passage. The NC as the first African Initiated Church (AIC) in Kenya started among the Luo people, a community that ...
Abstract/Overview A majority of the people living in the arid and semi-arid parts of the world are pastoralists whose livelihoods are dictated by the upkeep and size of their herds. During the dry season, the harsh environmental condition forces them to migrate in search of pasture and water. With limited access to water and competing rights to pasture, inter-community conflicts often arise particularly when one community crosses over to others’ territory to share these valuable resources....