ABSTRACT The study attempts to determine whether the mood of teachers have any direct bearing on the academic performance of students in class. The study area was Morso D/A J.H.S. A sample size of forty students from form two was used for the study. The affect theory by Tomkins and the behavioral theory by Bandura was adopted as framework for this study. The random sampling technique was employed to select the samples into two groups of students each comprising of twenty, the groups were tau...
Abstract Advances in radio astronomy are allowing for deeper and larger observations than ever before. Source counts of future radio surveys are expected to number in the tens of millions. Source finding techniques are used to identify sources in a radio image, however, these techniques identify single distinct sources and are unable to identify multi-component sources, that is to say, where two or more distinct sources belong to the same underlying physical phenomenon, such as a radio galaxy...
ABSTRACT The hydrogeological system of the Ga East and Adentan Districts of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana was studied using numerical modelling on the Groundwater Modelling System platform (version 10.0). Historical hydrogeological data and groundwater monitoring data on twenty wells drilled in 2012 were relied on in conceptualising the hydrogeological system of the study area. A single aquifer system made up of quartzite-schist formation was identified. The borehole logs reveal four lith...
ABSTRACT One of the most spectacular changes in Ghana since the 1980‘s after World Bank and International Monetary Fund programmmes (ERP and SAP) has been the dramatic demographic shift skewed in favour of cities. With fewer than 49 percent of its people being rural, the 2010 population census indicated that the country is currently 50.9 percent urbanized. Accompanying such demographic explosion is the challenge of developing the needed infrastructural resources to deal with urban growth an...
Abstract Drought poses a threat to socio-economic activities across eastern Africa and its river basins. While there are indications that global warming may continue to enhance evaporation and intensify droughts at all scales, most drought projections over eastern Africa are based on rainfall alone and are limited to meteorological droughts. The present study combines rainfall and Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) to examine the characteristics of meteorological and hydrological droughts in ...
ABSTRACT Citrus plants are regarded as the world’s second fruit crop consumed by volume next to banana, providing food nutrients, foreign currency, raw materials for agro-industries and source of employment. The production and productivity of citrus in tropical Africa including Ghana is threatened by a number of diseases. Pseudocercospora leaf and fruit spot PFLS of citrus caused by a fungus P. angolensis is the most destructive disease of citrus in most citrus growing areas. The disease wa...
Abstract Pristine and transition metal (Fe, Mn, Co and Ni) doped ZnO powders were synthesised us- ing a hydrothermal method, and characterised by x-ray powder diffraction, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, and photoluminescence (PL) emission spectroscopy. Synthesis was carried out at pH 3 and pH 5, and the powders annealed at 280 ◦C and 600 ◦C. Doping was done at concentrations of 1, 2, 4 and 8 mol %. Computational studies were also carried out on undoped and transition metal (...
ABSTRACT Microwave signal attenuation due to harmattan and rainfall are two of the major constraints in selecting microwave bands in Ghana. With customer complaints of signal loss during these seasons, telecommunication companies compensate for sudden losses in signal strength by amplifying the signal wave. This study investigates the effect of harmattan and rainfall on communication link for frequencies ranging from 10 to 100 GHz for two locations in Ghana, namely Axim and Tamale. Visibility...
ABSTRACT Marine-derived endophytic fungi isolated from mangrove plants are an important and novel resource of natural bioactive compounds with their potential applications in medicine, agriculture and food industry. There are many instances that seem to suggest that, some of the novel metabolites previously isolated from certain species of marine plants and invertebrates are actually metabolites of marine-derived endophytic fungi. In this project, chemical screening of mangrove plantsConocarp...
ABSTRACT Kenkey, is a maize based sour, stiff dumpling, and it is among the most common fermented cereal food products in Ghana. There are several types of kenkey, and while some are made from whole maize grains others are produced using degermed/and dehulled maize grains. The kenkey types made using dehulled maize grains are less popular and have largely remained at the level of “ethnic food”, restricted to very few socio-cultural communities. Current trends in urbanization, and the incr...
ABSTRACT Mango (Mangifera indica L.) production in Ghana has the potential of a being an economically viable venture capable of replacing cocoa as a major export earner. However, the crop is bedeviled by a miscellany of disease of the plant itself as well as the fruits. Recently a disease described as the ‘mango decline disease syndrome’ has been found in Ghana gradually taking a heavy toll of the crop in the field and a survey was carried out to substantiate this and prescribe a remedy. ...
ABSTRACT The hydrogeological conditions of University of Ghana, Legon Campus was assessed using geophysical and numerical techniques. Data from borehole lithological logs and electrical resistivity survey was used to conceptualize the hydrogeological system of the terrain whiles using MODFLOW to generate groundwater flow simulation models under steady state conditions. The objective of the study was to conceptualize the hydrostratigraphy through geophysical techniques, develop a groundwater f...
ABSTRACT Though the promotion of resistant bacteria worldwide has mainly been attributed to the injudicious use of many antibiotics, the role of non-antimicrobial drugs used in the clinical management of pathological conditions of non-infectious diseases in the modulation of microbial drug resistance or susceptibility needs to be assessed. The effects of the antibioticnon- antibiotic drug-drug interactions against bacteria in SCD patients and in other chronic diseases cannot be overemphasized...
ABSTRACT Halloysite, a natural mineral mined in many parts of the world has gained a lot of attention recently due to its ability to control and sustain the release of drugs and other active agents. It is a hollow tubular structure composed of double layer of aluminosilicate minerals in the nanometric range. They are non-toxic and biocompatible as compared to other nanocarriers. Its unique structure can be modified to improve its properties for control drug delivery applications. In this stud...
ABSTRACT Mafi-Tsawla and surroundings geologically belongs to the internal zone of the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogenic belt, in southeastern Ghana. The geology of these internal units requires a total understanding of the structures and lithological types and their sequences. However, the structural and petrologic evolution of these internal units is unresolved, and this results in limited understanding of the geology of the terrain. The objectives of this study are to conduct a systematic fi...