ABSTRACT The main objective of mobile operators is to enable mobile users to stay connected while roaming across heterogeneous networks. As cellular networks evolve from the third generation Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) to the Long Term Evolution (LTE), a new Evolved Packet Core (EPC) will support heterogeneous radio access networks on the same platform. UMTS provides voice services in the circuit switched domain; while LTE operates in the packet switched domain. Cellular ...
ABSTRACT Aphids (Myzus persicae nicotianae) cause damage by sucking sap from the plants leading to distortion and wilting of the foliage, and eventually reducing economic yields. In order to minimise losses to viral diseases, it is important to use insecticides in association with fungi to control insect pests in an environmental and ecological friendly way without contaminating the environment. A study was carried out from October, 2013 at Kutsaga Research Station in the laboratory to evalua...
ABSTRACT Aeronautical Publications and Flight Permits Processing System is a web-based computer system that automates all the processes that are involved in issuing flight permits, as well as recording and management of publications. Its major thrust is to provide a secure platform to issue flight permits for over flight and landing, and to conduct Airport surveillances online. The system deals with the creation and management of applicants or operators’ accounts since some Aircraft operato...
A BSTRACT “Technological process is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” (Einstein 2015).The non-existent mobile payment security governance framework for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) is directly or otherwise, causing constant challenges to mobile payment systems (MPS) subscribers who include systems and service providers, and operators and general clients in Zimbabwe. Consequently, there is perceived yet undetermined lack of clientele trust, confidence and convenience...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to provide a working and lasting solution to the challenges being faced by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) at Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Central Criminal Bureau (CCB) in particular. To achieve the best results for this project, a number of methodologies, information gathering techniques and development tools were carefully used. The researcher used Interviews, Observations and Questionnaires to gather data from the users/CID officers...
Abstract A study was carried out at the Midlands State University during the month of September 2016, to compare the antibacterial properties of Elephantorrhiza elephantine (Muzezapasi) and Zanthoxylum chalybeum (Mukundanyoka), against those of the commercial drug Azithromycin on Escherichia coli. Plant extracts were purchased, sun dried and ground into fine powders. Azithromycin tablets were also purchased. Escherichia coli bacteria were isolated from the University toilets. Confirmatory tes...
ABSTRACT This dissertation looked at the fertility rate, fertility pattern and some of the diseases that cause fertility problems which leads to pregnancy wastage and fertility differentials in women within the reproductive age using binary Logistic and Multiple regression. The result shows that the average Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of sample I, sample II and sample III are approximately five (5) children per woman, seven(7) children and six (6) children respectively. The histogram and ...
ABSTRACT The research also examines the relationship between the ARDL procedure and the fully modified OLS approach of Phillips and Hansen to estimation of cointegrating relationship between all the variables, and economic growth, these results provide strong evidence in favor of a rehabilitation of the traditional ARDL approach to time Series econometric modelling. The ARDL approach has the additional advantage of yielding consistent estimates of the long-run co-efficient that is asympt...
ABSTRACT In this study attempt was made to asses government effort in the provision of portable water water supply in Bida local government area. The study investigates the extent and condition of water supply as well as source of portable water in the study area. However, in the course of the study, questionnaire was developed and used to generate data. The data obtain from the administration of questionnaire was presented and analyzed using both descriptive and influential statistics. The s...
ABSTRACT This research work examines the socio-economic impact of Zobe Dam on its neighboring environment. Specific objectives includes how the construction of the dam has brought about changes in farming techniques, their standard of living and its potential contribution to the overall development of the area. The problem hinges on how the construction of dam has triggered changes in farming techniques in the area. The proposed hypothesis (Ho) that: there is no relationship between Zobe Dam ...
ABSTRACT Despite many buildings have fire fighting systems installed in them; many people are still losing their lives and properties due to fire accidents. In this research, an automatic cost effective device for the detection and control of fire has been designed and constructed. The system has an additional feature of sending signal to a pump/sprinkler through a relay. It is made up of two sensors, microcontroller, buzzer and a controlled fire fighting equipment (pump/sprinkler). LM 3...
ABSTRACT A laboratory study was carried out to determine quantitatively the degree of compatibility between Biomphalaria glabrata, B. pfeifferi and B. sudanica and Schistosoma mansoni. The effect of host diet and mode of exposure to miracidia, continuous darkness, origin of host species and parasites strains, miracidial dosage level, age and intensity of primary infection in dual infections were examined by measuring snail survival, growth, fecundity, prepatent period, infection rate and cerc...
Abstract In recent years, the inventions in communication systems require the development of low cost, minimal weight, compact and low profile antennas that are capable of maintaining high performance over a wide spectrum of frequencies. This technological trend has focused much effort in the design of micro strip patch antennas because of its inherent characteristics that fits the requirements of modern communication devices. This dissertation presents the design and simulation of a compact ...
Abstract The proportional, integral and derivative (PID) technique is a reliable and widely used art to control and regulate complex processes. The PID block and signal conditioners are constructed by hand inside a small memory Schneider PLC without inbuilt process control loops using software. Analogue input module of the PLC receives the analogue unconditioned signal from the rtd/thermocouple sensor, passes it through the signal conditioning phase to the pid block. The PID block executes th...
ABSTRACT The potential of the antiretroviral drugs zidovudine and nevirapine to induce genotoxicity was evaluated using the Allium cepa and the mice models. Four doses per antiretroviral were used in the Allium cepa chromosomal aberration assay while three doses per antiretroviral were used for the mouse study. The Allium cepa study consisted of the 96hr root growth inhibition, the 48hr recovery and the 48hr chromosomal aberration phases to determine the EC50; ascertain if root growth inhibi...