Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation Of Glycine Max (L. Merrill) And Lycopersicon Esculentum (Mill) In Remediation Of Crude Oil Polluted Soil

ABSTRACT The potentials of using Gycine max and Lycopersicon esculentum in remediating soil polluted with crude oil were investigated. The investigation involved screening of four accessions each of the two crops fro germination, survival and growth. The mitotic divisons of the accessions of G. max were further examined. The plant height, dry matter content, leaf area, chlorophyll content and pod production rate of the TGX 1440-1E accession of G. Max was also accessed. This was followed by in...

The Teaching And Learning Of Slow Learners In Mathematics At Secondary School Level In Gweru Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study focused on the teaching and learning of slow learners in mathematics at secondary school level in secondary and high schools in Gweru Urban District. The researcher's main objective was to find out how slow learners in mathematics are being assisted at secondary school levels, the challenges, if any, which are being faced by the teachers in assisting these slow learners as well as the slow learners' perspectives towards the assistance they are being given by their mathemat...

Implementation Of An Integrated Traffic Fine Information System For Namibia

ABSTRACT The Government of the Republic of Namibia as a multi-layered organisation of systems, desires to be effective, efficient and integrated in service delivery. Although it continues to invest significantly in the acquisition and development of information systems, active results and efficiency are not necessarily produced as expected. A concern in public roads traffic control are the various traffic fine information systems involved, which are heterogeneous and decentralised. This has c...

Designing an Interactive Game for Preventing Online Child Abuse in Namibia

ABSTRACT In the wake of digitalisation, technology has changed the world, connecting people with information and services at the touch of a finger. Regular Internet access, smartphones and other technological advances have made the world a global village by bringing people from various geographical locations together. Despite the positive changes, the pace and scale of this technological revolution have created space for nefarious actors. Identity theft, data breaches, fake news, phishing and...

A multi-level statistical modelling approach to multidimensional poverty alleviation in Namibia

ABSTRACT This thesis examined household demographic factors and how they influence poverty levels in Namibia. While most previous studies have used income and expenditure to define household socio-economic status levels, this study used a three poverty dimension approach namely health, education and living standard. This is because poverty is multidimensional. The data used came from the Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES) of 2009/10. Initially, the Alkire Foster method wa...

Harare City Council Vehicle Licensing And Impounding System

ABSTRACT This document outlines the author’s practical experiences in a real-life, working environment, within the operational structures of Harare Municipality. It gives a brief background of the organization’s history, core business, current operations and future business activities of the City of Harare. The report then outlines the problem definition, research instruments, and significance of the study and justification. The document further details the planning, design and implementa...

Mbizo high school integrated administration system

ABSTRACT The idea of developing Mbizo high school integrated administration system was hatched due to the lack of a suitable IT based solution to administrative processes of schools classified in class B. Many school administration systems available off-the-shelf are not fit for most of the school in Zimbabwe and study have shown that they are prematurely abandoned due to their unsustainability. The new system is tailor made to suite well in environments of class B school like Mbizo high scho...

New fungicides for the management of pythium root rot in floatbed seedling production system

ABSTRACT Pythium root rot possess major threats on float bed seedling productions. It is caused by oomycetes in the Pythium genus. It causes a huge of loss money as well as the seedlings. It is critically important to control this disease before it causes economic losses. A study was carried out from September 2013 to November 2013 at Kutsaga Research Station in the greenhouse. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of metalaxyl + mancozeb from a new source (Citchem) for the co...

Vehicle Licensing And Tolling Application

ABSTRACT This document provides a comprehensive overview of the Vehicle licensing and tolling application with the main aim of gathering and summarising facts, identifying as well as analysing alternatives thereby solving the problems faced at Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (ZINARA). Data gathering methodologies which include interviews, observations and questionnaires were used in identifying the problems currently being faced by the organisation. These included human errors and frau...

Auxiliary plant integration system

ABSTRACT Preeti Gupta(2005) A system is an association of components to perform a specific function .In this case the Auxiliary Plants integration system is a system that will allow ZPC to fully manage its auxiliary plants allowing the management to know the status of the water treatment plant and coal plant. The system will integrate the coal plant and water treatment plant, whereby operators will enter the readings of the plant in the system and the operator details will be known and the f...

Easypharm Android Application

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to come up with a mobile health EasyPharm Android application is a system that will integrate the manual functions being performed by the patients, doctors and the pharmacy. The development of this system comes out after the identification of numerous problems which are associated with the current system. The different types of information gathering techniques were used to unveil these problems. Techniques which were used are interviews, questionnaires a...

CDR Mining and Analysis System

Abstract The purpose of this research was to build an Information System based solution which would help address challenges of slow CDR requests, inaccurate response to requests, workload of data mining procedures and the risks associated with connecting manually to live database exposing live database to risks. CDR mining and analysis system is an electronic data mining and analysis system which is intranet based for security reasons. This system was developed to address risks (preventing wr...

Synthesis Of New HIV-1 Protease And Integrase Inhibitors Via Baylis-Hillman Reaction

ABSTRACT A series of the Baylis-Hillman adducts 133 were obtained by reacting unprotected substituted and unsubstituted salicylaldehydes with tert-butyl acrylate for three to fourteen days, using 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO) as nucleophilic catalysts in 25-69% yields. Oxidation of these adducts led to unexpected cyclization products: tert-butyl 6-bromochromene-3-carboxylate 149. Another series of the Baylis-Hillman adducts were obtained by reacting protected Obenzylated salicylaldeh...

Studies Of Prevalence and Subtypes Of Blastocystis Species In Lagos Nigeria

ABSTRACT The Genus Blastocystis was first described from the faecal contents of animals by Alexieff in 1911 and named Blastocystis enterocola, cyst of a flagellate and upon its isolation from the faeces of humans the following year by Brumpt; it was re-named Blastocystis hominis but classified as yeast and non- pathogenic in humans (Tan et al., 2002). As a result of the ensuing confusion of unsettled taxonomy, Blastocystis spp. was not included in any of the systematic classifications of the ...

Neural Networks Estimations of Downward Longwave Radiation in Nigeria Environmet

ABSTRACT The earth‟s surface is affected by three main types of radiation from the sun: global solar (or total), beam (or direct), and longwave (or indirect) radiation. Global solar radiation is composed of direct and indirect radiation. Approximately 99% of the total radiation from the sun that reaches the earth is beam radiation, which has a wavelength range of 0.29 to 3.9 μm and is not subjected to interference from any interspatial matter. The remaining 1% is longwave radiation, which ...

4576 - 4590 Of 8880 Results