This project work is a computerization of cash receipt system of an organization. Different source of receipt whose scope and limitation are based on; a. Sales and purchased receipts/invoices inquiry on total balance and generation of report. But before we venture into that, attention should be drawn to the introductory part, the literati on review, and later the analysis of the existing system, and the design of the new system. Since there is constrain in time, this project wil...
This work deals extensively with the design and construction of an electrodice display (EOD) with audio unit. The device displays the value of a ludo dice in numerical form and also produces sound as it displays the number. The device works with principle of chance employed by ludo game players. The output of the display is usually very rapid that the player does not actually see the number when the device is switched ON so that it will purely be a game of chance. When the off key is pressed,...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to computerize quality control system in production (A case study of Anammco Nig. Ltd Enugu) and to develop a computer packages whereby the technique observed from the manual method can be improved on. It is a known feet that the manual method of quality control in production has been associated with lots of inaccuracy in quality control and this has lead to early break down of parts when in service. The software when developed will facility and enhanced t...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to computerize the warehousing information system (A case study of NPA – Lagos) and to develop a computer package, whereby the techniques observed from the manual method can be improved upon. It is a known fact that the manual method of warehousing information system has been associated with lots of inaccuracy in warehousing information system. This has led to some set back that has cost some obstruction on some parts, when in service. The software,...
Most marketing, production, and manufacturing firms have the basic problem of information flow between the various departments within the organization. This research is intended to highlight the role of a computerized marketing information system in Guinness (Nig) Plc Compare to the manual system of marketing. To identify the various problems involve in the existing marketing information system of Guinness (Nig) Plc is the purpose of this research and to the proffer solutions to them. Data...
ABSTRACT A system to control a hydraulic industrial arm using a4- bit microcomputer is described. A supervisory minicomputer can handle global routines such as science analysis and task and trajectory planning while the microcomputer attends to the control of the arm. The microcomputer monitors arm joint positions and sensors, and maintains current joint position when no motion is desired. The supervisory in the form of a sequence of macro- commands. The microcomputer interprets and...
The software package used in this protect is quick Basic which centered on soloing the problem of relational business activities arising from modern transactions. For the fact that individual, private and public organization have problem of visiting their clients or customer in different locals for a particular purpose, this then given the need of using complementary cards which may be thousands in numbers so, because of these cards in large number, it development a problem of sorting diffe...
ABSTRACT Edible vaccines offer exciting possibilities for significantly reducing the burden of diseases like hepatitis and diarrhoea, particularly in developing world where storing and administering vaccines are the major problems. Edible vaccines are prepared by molecular farming using the science of genetic engineering. Selected genes are introduced into the plants. The transgenic plant is then induced to manufacture the encoded protein. Owing to its low cost, it will be suitable for develo...
ABSTRACT Colocynthis citrullus (Egusi) are seeds of a creeping annual and intercropping plant made use in traditional farming practices while Irvingia gabonensis (Ogbono) are seeds of small mango-like fruit found in West Africa. The seeds when ground into paste are highly mucilaginous and are used in thickening soups. They also add to the nutritive value of soups. They also add to the nutritive value of soups. Samples of Colocynthis citrullus (Egusi) and Irvingia gabonensis (Ogbono) were rand...
ABSTRACT The ethanolic leaves extracts of Hymenocardia acida was screened for anti-diabetic activity based on folklore and little or no work cited in literature. Hymenocardia acida (Family: Hymenocardiaceae) has a very high anti-diabetic potentials which appeared comparable to the control glibenclamide in alloxan induced diabetes mellitus. The study evaluated the ethanolic leaves extract of H. acida for anti-diabetic activity in a rat model of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)....
CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction Nitric oxide (NO), colourless is a toxic gas that is formed by the oxidation of nitrogen. Though it has few industrial applications, nitric oxide performs important chemical signalling functions in humans and other animals and has various applications in medicine. It is also a serious air pollutant generated by automotive engines and thermal power plants (Abubakar, 2011).
ABSTRACT Preservatives in foods are designed to prevent bacteria growth and spoilage, but sometimes they can also prevent you from enjoying good health. While the effects of food preservatives on the body can vary with age and health status, looking into the potential harmful effects of preservatives in foods may help you reclaim good health and protect your personal well-being against toxic damage. Food preservatives are meant to improve food safety and that is why laws authorized their us...
ABSTRACT The use of dye and bleaches on hair have been dated back to early ages, as the process of civilization and advance technology take place, many different dyes are been sold in the market. The side effects of dyes and bleaches on human include burning, discoloration, hair breakage and cancer. This review discussed the different types of dyes, their chemical composition and the detrimental effects associated with the use of dyes and bleaches.
ABSTRACT Lecture timetabling is a very important process in any educational institution. It is an open-ended program in which courses must be arranged around a set of time slot ’T’ and remains so that some constraints are satisfied. It constitutes a class of difficult-to-solve optimization problems that lacks analytical solution method. Data gathering on the current system was analysed to create a requirement definition for the improved timetable system. Literature review was carried out...
intro applicayins names of drugs