ABSTRACT Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract of Mangifera indica peel was tested on some pathogenic organisms. The extract was tested for activity against, Baciollus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonela typhii, Pseudomonas notatum and Aspergillus fumigates. The extract exhibited activity against the organisms in varying degrees. In agar diffusion test, Escherichia coli showed the highest zone of inhibition (8mm) at the concentration of the extract test (1g/3m...
1.0 INTRODUCTION Daturastramoniumis an annual herb, with stem erect and spreading branches above. It is common in the waste land, fields and gardens in Baghdad district. Leaves, seeds and roots contain the alkaloid daturine (a mixture of the two alkaloids hyoscyamine and atropine) and also contain scopolamine alkaloid (Hyosine) acids, tannin and fatty oil. Plants are rich source of secondary metabolites with interesting biological activities (Palombo and Semple, 2001; Koduruet al., 2006). S...
This is a topic that deals with student database that is the student bio data and so on
Mutagenesis Lab Procedure 1. Clean your hands and work area. • Clean your hands with hand sanitizer • Put all the food away 2. Acquire a Petri dish from your instructor and label it using a waterproof marker. • Write your name in small letters around the outside edge of the bottom of the dish. • Draw lines on the bottom of the dish to divide it into 3 parts. • Label one area “control”. What is a control and why do you need i...
ABSTRACT The concept of Superconductors in relation to energy gap was considered in this study. The occurrence of the Meissner effect indicates that superconductivity cannot be understood simply as the idealization of perfect conductivity in classical physics. The major aim of this project is to study the concept of energy gap in super conductors other objectives of this study are to appraise the rate of superconductivity for energy gaps and to appraise the effectiveness of energy ga...
Abstract This review lays emphasis on the research works carried out across the globe on plastic degrading bacteria. The field of Microbiology is proving to have immense importance in eradicating pollutants from the environment in the long run. One of the most worked on research is on bacterial species that can degrade biodegradable plastic. Biodegradable plastics are made of monomers which bond via ester or ether bonds. Plastics are considered to be one ...
Production of Amylase by solid state fermentation process using the microorganism Aspergillus niger
ABSTRACT With the ongoing adverse effects of using Chemical fertilizers to both the plants, human and animal life, it has become imperative to seek an alternative to this menace. A biofertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. Some common agents in biofe...
ABSTRACTWiththis manual system, there are cases that some student and staffs cheat byasking their friends to tick or sign for them. This occurs because the studentsjust want to fulfill the 80% of the attendance so that they can seat for thefinal examination at the end of the semester. Lecturerand administration fine it difficult to take record of a populated class andstaffs it is difficult for lecturer to record the attendance of studentsaccurately and efficiently. Lecturers are responsible t...
ABSTRACTThe major problems that lead to this research are poor communication approach of the company to old and new customers which did not make provision for dynamic online/offline business. These computerized of this studies look into integrate and distribute enterprise resource planning with customer relationship management system. This is a business organization term for methodologies, software and usually internet capabilities that help an enterprise management customer relations in on o...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to design a computerized information system that will replace the manual procedures of carrying out operations in the existing management information system of RENTAL SERVICES. The designed system will be able to: - 1. make entries of all transactions made. 2. Make necessary equals of relevant information about all the transaction made between the firm and the client. 3.produce reports for managerial use to make good plans, With the numerous advantages of ...
ABSTRACTThis research project deals with the design and development of a malicious software removal application (antivirus) that will be able to identify and eliminate unwanted malicious software from the personal computer (pc). Examples of these malicious software are Virus, Worms, Trojan, Spyware etc. These unwanted programs replicates by inserting copy of itself (possibly modified). The moment the replication succeeds, the affected areas are then said to be infected, and thus they start to...
ABSTRACTMail is a system for physically transporting documents and other small packages. Intranet mailing system is to provide a communication system in an organization, which takes the chance of establishing channel for sending and receiving information between the users. The aim of this project is to provide a means of sending mail in computer science department. The present system faces some challenges which are lecturers do come to HOD’s office to receive mail or information which is co...
Abstract Despite the early success demonstrated with the hepatitis B vaccine, no other recombinant engineered vaccine has been approved for use in humans. It is unlikely that a recombinant vaccine will be developed to replace an existing licensed human vaccine with a proven record of safety and efficacy. This is due to the economic reality of making vaccines for human use. Genetically engineered subunit vaccines are more costly to manufacture than conventional vaccines, since the antigen must...