Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Pathogenic Characterization And Distribution Of Bean Common Mosaic Virus (Bcmv) And Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis Virus (Bcmnv) In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) is an important food legume crop in Kenya. It is a major source of protein in human diet. The average yield is 530 kg ha-1 and the country production is estimated at 529,265 tons. Bean production is declining in Kenya due to various abiotic and biotic factors. Virus diseases are a major yield reduction factor in bean production. Among the diseases infecting beans, Bean common mosaic disease (BCMD) caused by Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and Bean c...

Some Aspects Of The Ecology Of Barbus Amphigramma (Boulenger, 1908) In Lake Naivasha And River Malewa, Kenya

ABSTRACT Some aspects of the ecology of Barbus amphigramma Boulinger 1908 which included distribution and abundance, effects of physico-chemical parameters on the species, growth parameters, food and feeding habits and reproduction in Lake Naivasha and River Malewa were investigated using standard methods and procedures. The study covered nine months from February to October 2003. There was an overall influence of seasonal long rains in Lake Naivasha and River Malewa on dissolved oxygen, chlo...

Development And Usability Evaluation Of A Mobile-Based Crossplatform Interactive Museum Guide- Imuseum

ABSTRACT Public participation and visitor satisfaction in museums are directly related to the experience of learning, discovery and involvement in motivating learning behaviours. In most cases, visitors’ experiences are significantly improved if they gain substantial knowledge on each artefact of interest from the museum guides and this is critical to user satisfaction, however, the ratio of human guides to visitors is grossly inadequate. A visitor touring in a group is hardly taken care o...

Designing A Cloud Based Elearning Implementation Model For Higher And Tertiary Institutions In Namibia

ABSTRACT Main stream academic institutions are aiming to improve from past trends and venturing into new emerging technologies for quality delivery of teaching and learning. One of these trends that enhance teaching and learning is termed eLearning. ELearning is when teaching and learning is facilitated through the use of information communication technologies. ELearning is highly popular because it is flexible, it supports self-paced learning, and learners can access learning material anywh...

Civil Registration System

ABSTRACT Civil registration system is a system used to register and display birth and death records of a certain group of people. This system is used in countries such as India to collect data on birth and death records. Chapter one highlights the existing manual system and its weaknesses. It also discusses the problem definition, justification, scope of study, aims and objectives of the current system. Chapter two covers literature review which discusses on the existing civil registration sy...

Primary School Finance System

ABSTRACT Information Management of students and staff in schools is a tedious job. This is because· there are many activities that go on concurrently at any given time. The bulk of information that has to be processed, and the number of decisions that have to be made in a daily basis is just massive and without proper methods of managing this, the information is bound to get lost or the entire information management system may just give in. As in any system, a streamlined flow of ...

On The Generators Of Codes Of Ideals Of The Polynomial Ring For Error Control

ABSTRACT Shannon introduced error detection and correction codes to address the growing need of eciency and reliability of code vectors. Ideals in algebraic number system have mainly been used to preserve the notion of unique factorization in rings of algebraic integers and to prove Fermat's Last Theorem. Generators of codes of ideals of polynomial rings have not been fully characterized. Ideals in Noetherian rings are closed in polynomial addition and multiplication. This property has been u...

IT Governance as Requirements and Status of Implementation in Namibia

Abstract  This study investigates barriers to a successful IT governance implementation. The paper is not purely theoretical but a practical means of looking at ways to increase IT governance efficiency as a guideline to serve as a best practice of IT for better competition in the market.

Chama Online Management System (Coms)

ABSTRACT Over the weekend while chatting way forward with friends, on how we could invest or venture into business, someone mentioned something about the table banking concept. Interestingly I realized from the conversation, most of us didn’t understand it at all. I mean, what is it anyway? How does It work? How is it different from the chama (informal saving and investments groups) concept we know so well here in Kenya? I remember for example some of my friends in Campus who had Chama’s ...

The Effects of Pollution on The Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water And Diversity of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates: A Case Study of The khami Dam.

ABSTRACT The impact of industrial effluent discharged into Khami Dam was assessed through physicochemical parameters and also by bio-monitoring of benthic macro-invertebrates. Samples for physico-chemical parameters were measured at three sites over a period of six months and sampling was done once each month. Composite samples of 1000ml for nitrates and phosphates were collected using a beaker on all sites and placed on schott bottles and placed on ice filled cooler boxes and were then take...

Split-split plot design analysis, in exploring the efficacy of plants as natural measures, (biocides) of maize stem borer control.

Abstract In this paper, comparison between the use of botanical methods of pest control and dipterex 25% grounded in controlling maize stem borer was done. An experiment was carried out at Midlands State University main campus during the rainy season of 2015-2016. A split-split plot design was used with two nitrogen levels as whole plot factor (0kg/ha and 100kg/ha), two varieties of maize as subplot factor (SC627 SeedCo and Pioneer 30G95) and six treatments of maize stem borer control method...

Dynamics Of A Fishery Model With Allee Effect In Population Growth

ABSTRACT Sustainable exploitation of renewable resources such as marine sh has been a con- cern to both ecologists and economists with threats of species extinction due to over - exploitation a stark reality. Fish exhibits co-operative and social characteristics among individuals which increases its survival through predator surveillance and enhanced spawning. Overshing compromises this con - specic interactions and socialism. In this study, a mathematical model of a shery with an Allee eect ...

A Model For Exploiting Mobile Health Technologies Potential To Curb Child Maternal Mortality

ABSTRACT  Zimbabwe has a fairly developed maternal-care delivery system that is served by public and private hospitals at district, provincial and national level. The public health-care system is the largest provider of maternal-care services and caters for the majority of the population but this is done in a resource-restricted context, typical of a developing context. In this context, this research sought to establish the potential of Mobile Health Technologies in Zimbabwe‘s maternal hea...


Abstract This project report outlines the development of Maasai Mara HR Management system whose main goal was to analyze some of the challenges faced by the Human resource department and come up with a system which could automate the operations. The report has seven chapters and the first one being an introduction part which details the background of the system, the problem statement, objectives, scope, justification, budget, time schedule and the system requirements. The report also...

Trackforce Safety Compliance System

ABSTRACT  Trackforce Safety Compliance System is a system that will be used to ensure that all the contractors and employees who are contracted to perform different task are qualified and in good health to perform the assigned tasks. The system will ensure that before the contractor or employee commences their work, they have undergone the necessary physical checkup, test including environmental awareness of the different hazards that they are exposed to in the heavily mechanised environment...

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