Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (Znfpc) Client Management System

ABSTRACT The chief purpose for this research was inclined towards solving the challenges that were being faced with regards to manual client tracking and updating at the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC). The new ZNFPC Client Management System is a web based system that utilizes internet facilities to deliver on the routine recording, tracking and updating service records and statistics at the organization. At the organization comes new and old clients for different family pla...

Zrp Cadet Recruitment System

ABSTRACT The main aim of this project was to develop a computerised online Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Recruitment System that will store information of every applicant and be able to process, evaluate and produce feedback to the applicants efficiently and manipulation of information. Officer recruitment at ZRP was facing problems with the manual filing system that they were using to store information, and hence processing of applications and evaluation was now a tedious and unfair process...

Comparison Of Gsm Promotion Subscribers’ Application Services

ABSTRACT The degree of confusion/illusion and domestic revenue wastages by GSM subscribers due to GSM promotional products increase annually. The GSM network operators are often ingenious and are typically motivated by money, anonymity or both. Due to the rising competition in the GSM promotion, network operators are becoming more collaborative, and as a result, more ingenious. Because of this, comparison of GSM promotion subscribers’ application services is required as an advisor to keep p...

Decision Support System For Finding The Shortest Path To A Destination

ABSTRACT This study is concerned with the design of a Decision Support System for finding the Shortest path to a destination. The objectives of the study is to determine the optimal shortest/fastest path to a given destination or optimal shortest distance/fastest time to a given destination amongst others. The shortest path algorithm used is Dijkstra’s algorithm with finite nodes in the road network for optimum performance. Hence, the system developed in this study, seeks for an optimal sol...

Strong Convergence Of Modified Averaging Iterative Algorithm For Asymptotically Nonexpansive Maps

ABSTRACT Let H be a real Hilbert space and K a nonempty, closed and convex subset of H. Let T : K ! K be an asymptotically nonexpansive map with a nonempty xed points set. Let fng1n =1 and ftng1 n=1 be real sequences in (0,1). Let fxng be a sequence generated from an arbitrary x0 2 K by yn = PK[(1 􀀀 tn)xn]; n 0 xn+1 = (1 􀀀 n)yn + nTnyn; n 0: where PK : H ! K is the metric projection. Under some appropriate mild conditions on fng1n =1 and ftng1 n=1, we prove that fxng converges strongly ...

Evaluation Of The Fuel Properties And Thermal Efficiency Of Sub-Bituminous Coal-Biomass Blends

ABSTRACT The improvement of the combustion properties of coal and biomass by blending and carbonization was investigated. Proximate and ultimate analysis of coal, sawdust, corn cob and their blends were carried out using ASTM methods. The proximate and ultimate analyses were repeated on the five blends after carbonization at 500oC for one hour. Ten mixtures of coal-sawdust and coal-corn cob blends were made into briquettes using starch binder. The calorific values of the samples were determin...

Assessment Of Two Local Plant Dyes As Colourants For Petroleum Products (Petrol, Kerosene And Diesel)

ABSTRACT Dyes from Pterocarpus osun Craib and Lawsonia inermis Linn. were extracted using ethanol and methanol respectively. The extracted dyes were subsequently purified using chromatographic methods. Purified pigments were characterized using Ultra-Violet Visible Spectrophotometer, Fourtier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer and Lovibond Tintometer. The UV spectra of the dyes in petrol, kerosene and diesel showed presence of chromophores. The FTIR spectra of the dyes showed presence of ph...

Physico-Chemical And Toxicological Profiles Of Five Species Of Mushroom In Anambra State, Nigeria And Their Potential For Bioremediation Of Trace Metal Polluted Soil

ABSTRACT Five species of Mushroom namely Termitomyces robustus, Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus tuber-regium, Amanita phalaoides and Amanita verosa were collected from eleven locations in Uke, Abatete, Ideani, Nnobi, Nnewi (Okpuno-egbu), Nnewi (Umudim) and Ozubulu between 2009 and 2012 in Anambra State, Nigeria. They were kept in clean collection bags and identified by a taxonomist. Some of the mushroom samples were later oven dried at 75 0 C for 4 hours and kept for chemical analysis while some...

Computation Of Efficient Nash Equilibria For Experimental Economic Games

ABSTRACT Game theory has been used to study a wide variety of human and animal behaviours. It looks for states of equilibrium, sometimes called solutions. Nash equilibrium is the central solution concept with diverse applications for most games in game theory. However some games have no Nash equilibrium, others have only one Nash equilibrium and the rest have multiple Nash equilibria. For games with multiple equilibria, dierent equilibria can have dierent rewards for the players thus causing ...

Preventive Aspects Of Malaria In Pregnancy In Badagry Local Government Area Of Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study focused on the Preventive aspects of malaria in pregnancy in Badagry Local Government Area, one of the 20 LGAs in Lagos State in Southwestern Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to determine the knowledge, attitude and practices of the community on malaria; determine the effectiveness of Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) using Sulfadoxine-pyremethamine (SP) [IPTp-SP] in the prevention of malaria; and ascertain the safety of SP during pregnancy by ...

Biochemical Studies Of Secondary Metabolite Of Penicillium Chrysogenum Grown On Selected Agro-Wastes

ABSTRACT Selected agro-wastes found in Lagos, Nigeria (cassava peels, corncob, sawdust, and sugarcane pulp) were compared with glucose and lactose as microbial substrates for cultivating P. chrysogenum (wild strain). This study was designed to give added value to agro waste as substrates to cultivate P. chrysogenum and subsequent production of secondary metabolite with antibiotic and anticoagulant properties. In the growth studies, corn cob and cassava peels significantly (p < 0.05) produced...

Potentials Of Alkaloids From Panicum Maximum Florets Infected With The Fungus Tilletia Ayresii In Controlling Uterine Contraction In Spraguedawley Rats

ABSTRACT The potential of alkaloids from Panicum maximum floret infected with the fungus Tilletia ayresii in the control of uterine contraction in Sprague-Dawley rats was investigated using bioassay guided fractionation technique. Disease incidence study revealed that smut disease was significantly higher in Ikorodu site (95.00%) when compared with Akoka site (69.00%) and Isolo site (72.00%). The height of disease incidence was between the months of August and November. Thirteen species of f...

Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates In Kenya Using Time Series: A Case Of Usd/Kes Exchange Rates

ABSTRACT In October 1993, Kenya adopted a floating exchange rate system where the exchange rates are determined by forces of demand and supply for the local currency. Exchange rate forecasts are necessary to evaluate the foreign denominated cash flows involved in international transactions. Therefore exchange rate forecasting is important to evaluate the benefits and risks attached to the international business environment. This study therefore sought to fit a Seasonal Autoregressive Intergra...

Numerical Computation Of Steady Buoyancy Driven Mhd Heat And Mass Transfer Past An Inclined In_Nite Flat Plate With Sinusoidal Surface Boundary Conditions

Abstract In this paper we study the eects of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) uid  ow on a two dimensional boundary layer  ow of a steady free convection heat and mass transfer on an inclined plate in which the angle of inclination is varied. The  uid is taken as viscous, incom- pressible, electrically conducting. The mathematical formulation yields a set of governing partial dierential equations (PDEs) under a set of appropriate boundary conditions. The PDEs are transformed into ordi- nary die...

Association Between Ncr3 Promoter Polymorphisms With Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria Outcomes In Paediatric Population (Aged Below 3 Years) In Siaya County In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Malaria is the main cause of paediatric morbidity and mortality in holoendemic areas. The populations in these areas have similar transmission intensity and infection rates of Plasmodium falciparum malaria but present different malaria outcomes. The cause of the different clinical outcomes is poorly understood. Pf. has exerted selective pressure on the human genome leading to genetic variability in the host’s immune response genes mediating protection and susceptibility to Pf. mala...

4486 - 4500 Of 8880 Results