Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Determinants Of Milk Market Participation And Viabilty Of Community Milk Cooling Plants In Bungoma And Kakamega Counties, Kenya

Several community milk cooling plants were constructed and equipped in Western Kenya counties through joint funding of the World-Bank and the Government of Kenya between the years 2008 to 2016 to promote milk production and marketing. A recent study revealed that utilization of these milk cooling plants and farmer participation was low. Market participation in sub-Saharan Africa has been assessed mainly based on already producing households without considering decision to produce by non-produ...

Evaluation Of Antiplasmodial Activities Of Chloroquine Encapsulated Heparin-Functionalized Solid Lipid Nanoparticles

ABSTRACT Chloroquine was the mainstay of antimalarial chemotherapy because of its safety profile, effectiveness and the relatively cheap cost. However, the emergence of chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites has rendered this drug ineffective in most regions where malaria is endemic. Most antimalarial drugs that act through blood - stage - specific mechanism are no longer effective due to the rapid emergence of drug resistance while the costs of development of new drugs continu...

Customsteel Trading E-Customer Servicing And Expert System

Abstract The aim of research study is to construct a web based system that enables customers to order products and services online. This study aims to make products and services availability a must to all customers in need of the service. The project was guided by objectives listed below:  To develop a system that facilitate real time processing capabilities by enabling customers to register online and receive their login details on their mobile phones.  To develop a system that have a ...

Enhanced Newspaper Subscriptions Payment Platform

Abstract The drive behind development of The Patriots web based payment platform and marketing tool was to provide Zimbabwe Heritage Trust with a technological solution to market their authored books and to facilitate convenient fund transactions for customers and the organisations marketing department. The enhanced newspaper subscriptions payment platform project will provide benefits for the organisation by implementing a computerised system of the manual subscription process being used cur...

A Delayed Vaccination Model For Rotavirus

ABSTRACT Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe gastroenteritis infection in infants and young children, occurring even with very high standard of hygiene. The disease spreads by contact with infected faeces and might also be transmitted through faecally-contaminated: food, water and respiratory droplets. Rota teq and Rotarix are the two licensed oral vaccine intervention for rotavirus. However, it takes time for the development of vaccineinduced immunity to complete, hence the need to ...

Cropguard and pest control system

ABSTRACT This project was focused at designing and implementing an android cropguard and pest control application system which will assist farmers to acquire farming knowledge and know how they can deal with pests and diseases so as to improve the output. Experts in farming will be able to offer expert advice to farmers and as well acquire additional knowledge and try new crops. Farmers would be able to report their needs to the ministry of agriculture and make the ministry of agriculture rec...

Email System for the Visually Impaired

Abstract The purpose of this project was to find and address the challenges faced by visually impaired persons when trying to communicate electronically. An emailing system was proposed and built. Email System for the visually impaired is a software system that aims to empower the blind and the visually impaired. It makes use of artificial cognitive intelligence to mimic human intelligence by converting user supplied voice message into text and then creating an email message to send to the de...

Application Of Factorisation And Boost Transformations Procedures On Single Field Inflationary Cosmological Perturbations

ABSTRACT Inflation is a period of an accelerated expansion of the universe. Cosmological perturbations are created by the amplification of quantum vacuum fluctuations of matter and metric perturbations during inflation. The equation of dynamics governing the evolution of cosmological perturbations within the cosmological model in a single field inflationary scenario takes the form of a standard non-linear second-order differential equation, whose exact analytical solution has not been obtaine...

Analytic Solutions Of Call And Put Options Of Nonlinear Black-Scholes Equation With Transaction Costs And Price Slippage

Abstract A nonlinear Black-Scholes Partial Dierential Equation whose nonlinearity is as a result of transaction costs and a price slippage impact that lead to market illiquidity with feedback eects was studied. Most of the solutions obtained in option pricing especially using nonlinear equations are numerical which gives approximate option values. To get exact option values, analytic solutions for these equations have to be obtained. Analytic solutions to the nonlinear Black-Scholes Partial D...

Statistical Approach To Prediction Of Financial Distress Of Listed Firms In The Nairobi Securties Exchange

ABSTRACT This research project examined the phenomenon of bankruptcy prediction from a developing economy perspective using the Altman Z-score models. These models rank among the bankruptcy models, whose main purpose is to detect the impending bankruptcy in good time. Drawing an empirical data from audited financial statements of firms listed in Nairobi Security Exchange in Kenya, the author tested Altman original Z-score (1968)and the Emerging Markets (1993) models using the dataset of the y...

An Investigation Into The Impact Of Camfed Bursary Scheme In S3 Schools: The Case Of Mola And Siakobvu Clusters In Nyaminyami Rural District

ABSTRACT This study assessed the impact of Camfed’s bursary scheme in S3 schools focusing on five schools in Mola and Siakobvu clusters of Nyaminyami rural district. The study aimed at identifying outcomes of Camfed’s bursary scheme in S3 schools. A qualitative descriptive survey design was used and data were collected from a wide range of participants namely school heads, teachers, Camfed mentors, parents and learners. Questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and document study were the ...

Development And Validation Of A Drying Model For Rastrineobola Argentea Fish In An Indirect Forced Convection Solar Dryer

ABSTRACT Rastrineobola argentea, (R. argentea) is a commercially important fish species in Lake Victoria, with a characteristically smaller size compared to the other fish and high surface moisture content. However the prevalent preservation method of the fish is open sun drying, in which the fish is laid uncovered on the ground for a prolonged period exposed to; contamination, attack by bacteria, molds, rodents, birds and adverse weather conditions. Often huge losses estimated at between 20 ...

Scorpion Safety Products Pc Diagnosing And Fixing System

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to come up with a solution for problems that were identified at Scorpion Safety Products. The main objectives of the system are to ensure that computer users at Scorpion Safety Products are equipped with the knowledge to fix problem they encounter on a day to day basis in the workplace. Users in various departments depended on an external subcontractor for every little problem faced and this resulted in the company having to fork over huge amounts of ...

Integrated Online Delta Beverags Acquisition System

ABSTRACT The purpose of the project entitled “Integrated Online Delta Beverages Acquisition system” was to help Delta Beverages in offering its clients an outstanding service and also paying attention to the health of the business and that of the clients. The system was also meant to offer unswerving, faster and efficient means to assist Delta clients in getting better assistance than what the current system has been offering. Henceforth, the system provided a booking facility such that t...

An Analysis Of Patient Flow Using Markov Chains: A Case Of Kapsabet County Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Hospital is an essential welfare of society. It provides management of illnesses through treatment and prevention interventions by medical and health professionals. Due to growing population and rise in chronic diseases, there is an increased demand for health care services. This causes congestion and overcrowding in most hospitals. Hospital overcrowding is a major problem to patients, hospital administration and to the general health workers. Hospitals in many jurisdictions struggle...

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