ABSTRACT This thesis is in two parts. Part I involves a study of the straight chain alkanes containing many carbon atom. These are important analogues of polyethylene, a versatile industrial raw material. Although they can be derived from natural fats or waxes or Prom ethylene oligomers, they are never obtained pure. The physical properties of linear polyethylenes can be better understood if pure paraffing of comperable chain length could be synthesised and analysed. Here long chain aliphatic...
ABSTRACT The socioeconomic burden of pollen and fungi spores allergy are very high in terms of hospitalization, treatment, lethargy, poor concentration and behavioral changes which impact negatively on adults and children. The study of atmospheric pollen and fungal spores in the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria was carried out from June 2011 to May 2012. The aims of the study are to determine the seasonal prevalence of atmospheric pollen and fungal spores, examine the impacts of weather par...
ABSTRACT This thesis highlights the role that transionospheric radio propagation (with particular interest on global positioning system (GPS)) plays in enhancing aviation safety. The ionosphere over equatorial latitudes is characterized with high dynamics (irregularities) that may challenge the performance of transionospheric radio system, especially on phenomenal days. The objectives of this work are to: investigate how ionospheric irregularities grow and evolve, and thereafter assess their ...
ABSTRACT Midlands’s State University Skill Bundle is a system documented in this project file, which deals with the bundling of student with skills in one web application. Skill Bundle exist to take advantage of the skills in the university from all parts of world through faculties and departments for students to share resources and skills instead without the involvement of any kind of currency. This document explains that the system will offer users a form of digital currency or points fo...
ABSTRACT The research was carried out to assess small grain Post-Harvest Management practices in ward 22 of Buhera district. A case study research design was used and the research employed both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Two stage of multistage sampling technique was used. For the first stage, primary sample units (villages) were drawn randomly from all the villages in Ward 22 and for the secondary sample units, stratified random sampling was used to select households ...
ABSTRACT Trevor Dollar Real Estate Android Application is a mobile based software that helps people to sell or rent properties. The android application has a searching facility where people can search for a specific property utilizing different particulars, for example, that of value, location and so forth. Moreover the android application will send notifications of when a payment is expected and when there is another posting inside the firm. Aside from that the android application additional...
ABSTRACT ThebasisofthisprojectwastodevelopaTrainingtimeSchedulerforZimasco ShurugwiandSouthdykedivision(Trainingdepartment).Themainfocusofthe system istotrytocurbproblemsthatareassociatedwithschedulingofcourses, facilitatorsandvenuesthroughoutthewholeyear.Everyyearendthedepartment gathersnecessarytraining information from the training needsand begin the schedulingprocess.Thisisdoneonaspreadsheetonrowsandcolumns.Toderive anannualtrainingplanitdemandsadedicatedthreeweeks(workinghourbasis)at mos...
ABSTRACT This study sought to develop a framework for the implementation of mobile Enterprise Resource Planning (m-ERP) System to improve healthcare services in Zimbabwe: A case of Chitungwiza central hospital. Information was gathered using a case study research strategy accompanied with interviews, questionnaire, records review and observation approaches. In recent years, due to the development of cloud computing and portable devices, a new mobility era is starting. The popularity of smart...
ABSTRACT Mine accidents are one of the major contributors to occupational health problems faced world over. Various initiatives have been rolled out to deal with mine accidents including implementation of workplace wellness programs as a way to reduce and prevent accidents. This study assessed the effectiveness of the workplace wellness programs in accident prevention. The researcher identified wellness programs implement at PPC and analyzed the trend and differences in accident levels betwe...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the main factors affecting Quality of Service based on mobile Third Generation (3G) and Fourth Generation (4G) service in Angola. The main reason to stimulate the present study was the significantly low rate speed on 3G and 4G service among mobile users in Angola where unlike many other countries the rate of this usage runs in opposite way. Thanks to increasing advances in wireless communications devices, the number of mobile users has g...
ABSTRACT The past decade has been characterised by many firms migrating to clouding services which are powered by data centres. This led to a vast growth rate in the number of data centres in the world and as a result data centers became the most energy-consuming facilities. Researches conducted by different scholars reflected that these energy consumptions can be reduced by using free cooling in data centers and raising the data center operating temperatures but however both methods result ...
ABSTRACT Intrusion detection is a series of processes which involves the detection, warning and notification of the arrival of an unwanted entity within the vicinity of installed sensors and the execution of necessary actions required to be performed so as to alert the members of the asset to be monitored and increase the security of the building simultaneously. The growth of intrusion detection systems is largely attributable to a decrease in costs plus enhancements to the technology in term...
Abstract The main purpose of this study was to assess the nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices within the Mkoba South community and promote nutrition education with the aim of improving nutrition knowledge and food choices, to encourage a better quality of life and improve performance of learners. The research was qualitative in nature and the design used was the participatory action research. Due to the nature of the research design adopted, a purposive sample was drawn from the popu...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to design an Intelligent Zebra Crossing system using Arduino. The main objective of the study is to manage and prioritise a smooth flow of the road users without causing any accidents at the zebra crossings, and to enforce the road rule to all those who have been vandalizing it. The system incorporates the concept of passive pedestrian detection to sense the presence of pedestrians and in turn automatically controls the traffic lights. It also makes use o...
ABSTRACT Yellow maize is used as a raw material in many food industries but its use as an adjunct in beer brewing has not received much attention. This study was carried out at Delta Beverages Southerton Plant, Harare, to determine the suitability of yellow maize as an adjunct in larger beer brewing in terms of proximate analysis of its milled grits and wort analysis. The proximate composition of the yellow maize milled grits was determined through analysis of moisture content, gelatinization...