Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Identification Of A Subpopulation Of Immune Nigerian Adult Volunteers By Antibodies To The Circumsporozoite Protein Of Plasmodium Falciparum

Abstract. Collections of human sera from malaria-endemic areas would be valuable for identifying and characterizing antigens as malaria vaccine candidates if the contributing serum donors’ ability to resist infection were fully characterized. We prepared such a serum collection from 26 apparently immune Nigerian adults who failed to develop patent parasitemia for at least 20 weeks following a documented increase in antibodies to the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) from Plasmodium falciparum....

Using Number Recognition Techniques To Automate The Revenue Collection At Mini Bus Terminals A Case Of Dodoma Municipal

ABSTRACT Number Recognition (NR), is a modern technique that uses optical character recognition on images to obtain desired characters. The technique involves four steps Image acquisition, pre-processing, character segmentation, and character recognition. This technique has been used in activities like license plate detection as Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). The manual revenue collection process currently operating at the Dodoma Municipal minibus terminals have deprived the Loca...

The Use Of ICT Between Male And Female Teachers In Secondary Schools In Tanzania, A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

Abstract This paper presents the results of the study of the use of ICT between male and female teachers of secondary schools in Tanzania, where Dodoma municipality was used as a case study. The main aim was to establish the differences between male and female teachers in awareness and using ICT and attending ICT short training. The data were collected using questionnaires in which 231teachers from 16 secondary schools were randomly sampled. Using Chi-square tests as a measure of association...

Physico-Chemical Parameters, Plankton, Macrozoobenthos And Fish Fauna Of Ibuya River, Sepeteri, South-Western Nigeria

ABSTRACT Ibuya River runs across the Old Oyo National Park, a wildlife and recreational park. There is paucity of information on the limnology of the river which will provide information on the ecological status relevant for sustainable management. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the physico-chemical parameters, diversity and abundance of plankton, macrozoobenthos and fish fauna of Ibuya River. Surface water (72), plankton (72) and macrozoobenthic (72) samples were collec...

Proposing An Open Standard For Reporting Digital Audio Evidence Analysed By Open Source Tools

ABSTRACT The increase of technology in business processes, Tanzania has lead to a class of crimes known as cybercrimes. Towards the mitigation of the occurrence of the crime, Tanzania enacted the cyber law which helps in ensuring all necessary security measures maintained. However, with the growth of science and technology in the investigation process, the high court of Tanzania with the help of forensic professionals is in practice digital legislation whereby the analyzed digital evidence d...

Evaluation Of Secondary Schools Students Performance In Igunga District By Using Statistical Quality Control Methods

ABSTRACT In Tanzania secondary education, evaluating of students’ performance is a problem. In this study, students’ academic performance from six secondary for four years were assessed by using Statistical Quality Control (SQC). Data collected for the study were secondary data from academic documents which were students’ progressive reports. Statistical quality control charts were used to analyze the data collected. After evaluating out of 14 of Individual control charts, 12 charts we...

Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial Evaluation And Toxicity Testing Of New 5-(p-Chlorobenzylidene)-2-Imino-3- (ArylSubstituted Aryl)-1-Thiazolidin-4-Ones

ABSTRACT New series of four, (Z)-5-(4-chlorobenzylidine)-2-(Aryl/Substituted arylimino) thiazolidin-4-one and one (Z)-5-(4-chlorobenzylidine)-3-(2,5- dichlorophenyl)-2-iminothiazolidin-4-one were successfully synthesized from aryl/substituted aryl amines by employing nucleophilic substitution reaction with chloroacetyl chloride to form chloroacetamide. The formed acetamides were nucleophilically reacted with potassium thiocyanate coupled with Cyclization to form N-substituted thiazolidin-4-o...

Effects of soil properties on arthropod biodiversity in dumpsites in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria

Abstract: The impact of soil properties, temperature and relative humidity on arthropod species composition, abundance and diversity was investigated in Apete and Aba-eku dumpsites and in a control site in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Ten 250g size pitfalls one third filled with 5% formalin were placed in each point in order to trap and preserve the arthropods. The arthropods trapped in each pitfall were preserved in separate specimen bottle containing 70% ethanol before identification. A tota...

Statistical Measurement of Service Quality in Tanzania Industries: A Case of Said Salim Bakhresa & Co Ltd.

Abstract The study aimed to use statistical techniques to measure the quality of services produced by Said Salim Bakhresa & Co Ltd. The study was conducted among wholesalers and bakeries that sell wheat flour produced by the company. These were selected from four different locations representing the major towns where wheat flour and its products are widely consumed. These are Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Arusha, Moshi, and Tanga. The sample size for the study was 434. The study employed the cross...

Photophysical Properties Of Some Hetero-Aromatic And Carbonyl Compounds

ABSTRACT A large number of hetero-aromatic and carbonyl molecules are useful in pharmaceutical and dye industries. Studies of their transition dipole moment (Δμ) and transition polarizability (Δα) are important because they determine their solubility and usefulness. Experimental determination of these parameters and other electronic properties such as oscillator strength (f) using Solvatochromic Shift Equations (SSE) has proved to be unreliable. This is due to the large spread in their re...

Synthesis And Computational Studies Of 1-4-Η- Cyclohexa-1,3-Diene Derivatives Of Irontricarbonyl Complexes

ABSTRACT Metal complexes have interesting properties and varied applications in light emitting diodes. A number of substituted pyridine metal (Rhenium, Ruthenium and Iridium) complexes have been synthesised and characterised. However, the synthesis and characterisation of substituted pyridine iron complexes such as Tricarbonyl (1-4-η- pyridino-cyclohexa-1,3-diene) iron complexes for its light emitting property remain scanty. Therefore, this research was designed to synthesise, characterise a...

Plasmid Profile, Methicillin Resistance Determinants And Characterisation Of Staphylococcus Species Isolated From Clinical And Community Environments

ABSTRACT Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus (MRS) infections are of global concern in healthcare institutions and community settings with significant morbidity and mortality due to multidrug resistance challenges. In Nigeria, most methicillin resistance detection was based on phenotypic method with scanty reports on molecular characterisation of MRS. In this study, molecular techniques were used to determine the presence of methicillin resistant gene (mecA) with its associated resistance de...

Plasmid Profile, Methicillin Resistance Determinants And Characterisation Of Staphylococcus Species Isolated From Clinical And Community Environments In Ibadan

ABSTRACT Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus (MRS) infections are of global concern in healthcare institutions and community settings with significant morbidity and mortality due to multidrug resistance challenges. In Nigeria, most methicillin resistance detection was based on phenotypic method with scanty reports on molecular characterisation of MRS. In this study, molecular techniques were used to determine the presence of methicillin resistant gene (mecA) with its associated resistance de...

Physiological Studies On Bacillus Species Isolated Erom Fermented African Locust Bean

A B S T R A C T The physiological activities of Bacillus species that ferment African locust bean (Parkia biqlobosa (Jacq.) BenthJ to produce ' iru1 were investigated. The strains studied belong to the B. subtillis group and Were designated BS1 , BS2, BS3, BLl, BL2, BL4 and BP2. These seven strains showed significant differences (at c* = 0.05) in gtowth and extracellular proteinases production. The following (defecending) Order was obtained for the growth of the organisms in liquid medium: BS...

Physicochemical Characteristics And Amenability To Bench Scale Treatments Of Some Industrial Effluents And Sediments In Lagos Metropolis

ABSTRACT Untreated industrial effluents discharged into land and surface water are of great environmental concern. Previous studies on physicochemical characteristics of effluents and sediments from discharged points of various industrial sectors in Lagos metropolis are inadequate in scope, duration, chemical treatment options and estimated pollutant discharge load which are of importance in waste water management. This study was designed to investigate the physicochemical characteristics of ...

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