Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Mycobacterium smegmatis 'Proteome': Effect of Growth Phase on Total Protein Synthesis and on the Response to Heat Shock

Abstract As an initial step towards characterisation of the molecular processes that define the phenotype of the mycobacterial stationary phase, the effect of growth phase of Mycobacterium smegmatis on total protein synthesis and on the heat shock response was investigated. De novo protein synthesis was monitored by labelling with 35 [S]methionine and the protein expression profiles analysed using one- and/two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , autoradiography , and/or immunoblo...

A New Acceptance Sampling Plans Based on Percentiles for Odds Exponential Log Logistic Distribution

Abstract: In this paper, acceptance sampling plans are developed for the odds exponential log logistic distribution (OELLD) introduced by Rosaiah et al. [1] based on lifetime percentiles when the life test is truncated at a predetermined time. The minimum sample size necessary to ensure the specified lifetime percentile is obtained under a given customer’s risk. The operating characteristic values of the sampling plans as well as the producer’s risk are presented. One example with real d...

The Genesis of The Blue Amphibole Asbestos of The Union Of South Africa

ABSTRACT The blue amphibole asbestos, crocidolite, which occurs as interbedded seams in banded ironstones of the Lower Griquatown stage of the Transvaal System in the Northern Cape Province, is the finely fibrous form of the soda-amphibole riebeckite. Despite the widespread occurrence of the Precambrian type of banded ironstones, crocidolite is a mineral of rare occurrence and is only developed to a relatively minor extent in South Afric.a, Western Australia and Central China. The com...

The Design And Implementation Of An Online Inventory Monitoring System

ABSTRACT A significant part of Inventory Management is inventory monitoring. In recent years, many inventory management systems have been created. These frameworks allow stocks of products and items put away in amasses be taken up. It is important to track the inventory and that is where control systems for inventory come in. The stock data the board frameworks and stock observing frameworks are coordinated and sent together at a fixed point at store locations in some of the current inventory...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Inventory Monitoring System

ABSTRACT A significant part of Inventory Management is inventory monitoring. In recent years, many inventory management systems have been created. These frameworks allow stocks of products and items put away in amasses be taken up. It is important to track the inventory and that is where control systems for inventory come in. The inventory information management systems and inventory monitoring systems are coordinated and sent together at a fixed point at store locations in some of the curren...

Detection And Prevention Of Sniffing On Networks

ABSTRACT With the presence of some faults in online protocols and operating systems, any person who is connected to a network, especially in a Local Area Network (LAN) can fall victim to his information getting monitored by another person that is connected to the same network. Due to this problem at hand, an uninformed person can have his private information endangered to getting exposed to other unknown persons. Such act is called “Sniffing” and mostly occurs on networks. By sniffing the...

Determination Of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons And Selected Heavy Metals In Underground Water And Soil From The Vicinity Of Major Filling Stations

ABSTRACT Five different filling stations (Station A, Station B, Station C, Station D and Station E) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons and heavy metals concentration using Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometer respectively. The result of the analysis obtained indicated that the percentage range of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in soil is from 0.8061-34.3103%, respectively. Furthermore, the percentage range of underground water are from...

3D First Person Shooter PC Game

ABSTRACT Monsters Within is a fun 3D FPS horror survival game on the Windows platform that demands its players to have fast reflexes, quick thinking and deductive skills to survive in the game environment they have been thrust into; distorted humanoid creatures have overrun the city and continue to rapidly multiply. The player’s main objective is to circumvent this by destroying all nests in the vicinity. The quantitative research methodology was used to analyse the feasibility for the succ...

An implementation of the past question paper archive system model

ABSTRACT The proposed thesis is designed to be an online Baze University past question archiving system. The use of technologies has become critically important in the era of the Coronavirus pandemic which has required off-campus distance learning by students of Baze university. With no access to staff and on-campus facilities, the availability of easily accessible online study material has become critical. This project aims to provide students with the necessary materials needed to aid with ...

ISight: An Object Recognition Application for Visually Impaired Individuals

ABSTRACT Assistive technologies to aid the visually impaired have evolved over time from screenreading software, magnification programs and daisy book readers, there are a plethora of devices to aid the visually impaired in their daily activities. Despite the established utility of such devices they face certain limitations that have hindered their widespread adoption, such as cost, stigma attached to using the product in public, and lack of continued support for the product. In this time sma...

Face Recognition On Principal Component Analysis

ABSTRACT Facial recognition plays a significant role in different applications such as human computer communication, video surveillance, face tracking and face recognition. Efficient face recognition algorithm is required to accomplish such task. Face recognition is one of the most active research areas in computer vision and pattern recognition with practical applications. In present networked world, the need to conserve the security of information is becoming both increasingly significant a...

Design And Implementation Of Daycare Management System

ABSTRACT child daycare system is the care of a child during the day by a person other than the child’s legal guardian, basically performed by someone outside the child’s immediate family. it is typically ongoing for a specific period, such as parents work time. the system will be used to register a child, monitor and verify who drops and picks the child, log of child’s activity, parents/guardian details, parents will be able to update a child’s details (e.g. record allergy, drug admin...

Effects of Chemical Reaction on MHD Flow Past an Impulsively Started Infinite Vertical Plate with Variable Temperature and Mass Diffusion in the Presence of Hall Current

Abstract In this paper, the effects of chemical reaction on unsteady MHD flow of viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid past an impulsively started oscillating vertical plate with variable temperature and constant mass diffusion in the presence of Hall current have been presented. The dimensionless governing partial differential equations of the flow have been solved numerically by using the Crank-Nicolson implicit finite difference scheme. The numerical solutions for primary fl...

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