ABSTRACT This empirical study was conducted in the Kabbe Constituency of the Zambezi Region which is inundated by recurrent floods of varying magnitudes each year. The flood risk perceptions and coping strategies used by the indigenous residents have not been given much academic attention. Although the flood mitigation approaches applied in the Kabbe Constituency seemingly ameliorate the disastrous impacts, they have proved inadequate. This study used 150 unstructured interviews and field st...
ABSTRACT We studied two models describing transmission dynamics of tuberculosis (TB) and discussed their implications to human health. The first model is analyzed in the presence of treatment of active TB persons and the screened asymptomatic TB infectives. The second model is analyzed by looking at treatment of drug sensitive TB as well as drug resistant TB individuals. The models are built with a motive to study the dynamical behaviors of the trajectories which has the potential to guide T...
Abstract Biotic and abiotic factors can alter the abundance and community composition of mammals and in turn that of associated parasites. The aim of the study was to measure the impact of climatic variables (temperature and relative humidity) on mammal populations and on the population dynamics of associated micro- and ecto-parasites. For this, the current study described prevalence and diversity of pathogenic Leptospira, the etiological agent of leptospirosis, and fleas, arthropod vectors ...
Abstract Namibia is among the driest countries in the world, and with the current drought that the country is experiencing, there is a greater need to provide drinking water not only to Windhoek, but the greater Nation at large. The Gammams Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is responsible for treating domestic and some industrial wastewater, regularly experiences toxic pluses that result in the inhibition of nitrification in the activated sludge process, leading to poor removal of ammonia. T...
Abstract An understanding of the water used by vegetation in water limited environment is critical to fully understand water relations of natural areas with vegetation. Such information can be integrated in water management plans to estimate the influence of groundwater abstraction on the vegetation. Trees and shrubs are able to access water from: the upper unsaturated soil profile, the capillary zone of a groundwater store, from nearby streams and rivers. Previous studies have proven that u...
ABSTRACT Medicinal plants are rich in a wide variety of bioactive compounds associated with various ailments; including antibacterial activity and some of them have been used worldwide in traditional settings to treat diarrheal diseases. However evidence on safety and efficacy of some of these traditional medicinal plants is lacking, preventing their mainstream use. This study aimed at determining the antibacterial activity of Boscia albitrunca, Ziziphus mucronata, Combretum apiculatum, Sola...
Abstract The Langer Heinrich and Klein Trekkopje U deposits are located within the Namib Desert in Central Namibia. Both deposits are hosted by calcretes developed within palaeo-channel systems of Tertiary age. The sources of both U and V in the two deposits and the reasons why the two deposits differ in terms grade and tonnage have remained unclear to many researchers. The study aimed to resolve these uncertainties. During the study, the geology of the area was reviewed and a number of rese...
ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to assess solid waste recycling as an emerging source of raw material in Namibia. Recycling solid waste has become part of society. In striving to meet the high demand for raw materials and finding solutions to waste management challenges, countries worldwide are turning to recycling of solid waste. In developing countries, recycling is an emerging industry. While there have been numerous studies on recycling processes, very few studies have focused on recyc...
Abstract-The importance of recrystallization kinetics in metal process cannot be over emphasized in providing information as to the control of microstructure of materials for purpose of improving or impacting desired mechanical properties in processed materials. In this study, 0.12wt% C steel cold drawn between 20% - 55% were graduallyheateduptoatemperatureof900°C followed bysoakingtreatment between 600 seconds and 3600 seconds in a Gallenkomp® mufflefurnace model SVL-1009 with voltage regu...
ABSTRACT A number of environmental studies previously conducted in the Tsumeb Mining district analysed total metal concentrations in soils and vegetation; with results showing high concentrations of heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc which exceed international guidelines for different land uses. However, the actual concentrations of only potentially harmful species for each element were not ascertained. This study aimed at determining the concentrations of potential...
ABSTRACT ;/ descript ive cross -, section analysis 0/ five hundred patients who were symptomatically diagnosed of malaria in three locations: Saki (peri-urban), Ibadan (urban) and Lagos (highly urbanized) were recruited /01' this study using a well structured questionnaire between September 2005 and June 2006. The prevalence 0/ both malaria and HIV infections were higher in Peri-Urban town than the other two locations. We observed that 80% were HIV positive in Saki. 20% in Ibadan and 37. J % ...
ABSTRACT It is envisaged that population numbers of the species Hoodia gordonii will decline rapidly because of its commercial potential. To ensure that genetic materials are not lost due to lack of information, the research was conducted in order to examine the translocation potential of Hoodia gordonii, by assessing various factors affecting its initial establishment and survival. The study was carried out in the !Khob !Naub conservancy, located in the southern arid region of Namibia. Loca...
ABSTRACT Titanium Oxide (TiO2) as a photocatalyst produces free radicals upon receiving light energy; thus, it possesses antibacterial properties. The antibacterial property of silvernanoparticles-doped TiO2 photocatalysts (Ag-NPs/TiO2) could be further enhanced by visible light illumination, which also widens its practical applications. However, the major limitation of this Ag-NPs/TiO2 composite material is its poor miscibility, which subsequently reduces the antibacterial activities of the...
ABSTRACT Most African foods used in weaning are usually cereal-based gruels fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). The food mainly supplies carbohydrate; excessive intake of which might cause malnutrition in growing children. Minimum dietary requirements of a child could be met through fortification with protein-rich supplements. Soybean is rich in dietary protein but contains some antinutritional factors and raffinose, an oligosaccharide responsible for gas formation, bloating and flatulen...
ABSTRACT of the electrical resistivity technique, which red to the seismic technique in fault seal . .. ., ....... . . . , The Agu Abor fault is a prominent growth fault that provides insights on the processes of clay smearing at the fault zone. The properties of the sheared zone in the Cretaceous Enugu Shale were investigated to evaluate the dimensions of the fault, by the use is a cheaper method when compa study. The methodology used for evaruaang tnese possltmtles Involves tne resistivity...