ABSTRACT This study was conducted to examine the impact of computer innovation on commercial banks in Nigeria a case study of United Bank for Africa. This research work has become necessary to investigate the issue in all ramifications, with the view to identify changes in the level of activities of commercial bank as a result of computer innovation in business organizations and commercial banking services. Although, computer have tendency to reduce labour force but it makes banking operation...
ABSTRACTCrime and insecurity are threats to physical, human and social development. Crime has negative impact (disincentive) on foreign direct investment. Public insecurity impedes domestic and international tourism. Whereas, lack of investment hinders economic development with the result that majority of the citizenry become poor and marginalized. The purpose of this phase is to carry out intelligence gathering with the proposed system, to be used in Security / intelligence agencies. The sys...
ABSTRACT With the technological advancement in wireless communications, the industry demands better and more reliable technology for transmission equipment. One of the most important requirements for the wireless communications industry is to manage base stations effectively for communication purpose. In order to provide the best transmission service to customers, base stations have to be spread over a large area. A large network of base stations requires a secured, stable and effective mana...
ABSTRACT This project topic “Simulation of a Network Monitoring System” was carried out with a view to deploying effective monitoring for computers in a local Area Network. The project developed a system that lets administrators remotely monitor computers in a network. Our aim is to show how user interface can be applied to provide a complete solution for monitoring networks. Securing and monitoring a network is an important issue since computers connected in a network can be faulty a...
ABSTRACTCryptography in the past was used in keeping military information, diplomatic correspondence secure and in protecting the national security. However, the use was limited. Nowadays, the range of cryptography applications have been expanded a lot in the modern area after the development of communication means; cryptography is essentially required to ensure that data are protected against penetrations and to prevent espionage. Also, cryptography is a powerful mean in securing e-commerc...
ABSTRACT It is not uncommon nowadays to see computers entrusted with functions upon which human life are dependent, examples of such functions are embedded computers in heart pace-makers, anti-lock braking systems in cars, and fly-by-wire flight control systems for civil airliners. In recent times, the manufacturing industry has witnessed remarkable modernization in technology as well as the adoption of information technology and computer science on a massive scale. Automobile design and man...
ABSTRACT A carnivore is controversial program that is developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in US (United State) by which they are able to access the email activities of the person suspected. It was the third generation software of online detection. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) uses to configure the hardware with IP (Internet Protocol) address of software through which carnivore captures packets from a particular location. A carnivore is used to work on a phenomena of ...
ABSTRACT The project critically looks into the design and implementation of an e-Learning system for Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria. The project discussed various kinds of e-Learning platforms such as teleconferencing, virtual reality and video-conferencing. It also addresses the impact of resource materials on the design and implementation of e-Learning platform as well as the awareness creation of the technology. At the end, the system was able to complement the various activities in the...
ABSTRACT The process of examination pre-registration is aimed to obtain accurate information on the intended candidates individually and collectively. These information are used to make a multitude of decisions such as the nature and structure of examination questions, categories and number of expected candidates, and other information which might be personal such as bio information. Unless a sufficiently accurate and efficient methods are used for the data collection, the data retr...
Abstract Oxidative stress contributes to the pathophysiology of exposure to heavy metals. Beneficial renal effects of some medications, such as chelation therapy depend at least partially on the ability to alleviate oxidative stress. The administration of various natural or synthetic antioxidants has been shown to be of benefit in the prevention and attenuation of metal induced biochemical alterations. These include vitamins, N-acetylcysteine, α-lipoic acid, melatonin, dietary flavonoids...
ABSTRACT This study targeted two sweet potato varieties; TIS 87/0087, Umuspo3, evaluating their performance as composite flour with wheat at (30:70%) and (50:50%) respectively. Quality characteristics of the resultant production was analysed to ascertain its sensory properties. The Acceptable cake were produced from 70% wheat and 30% orange sweet potato flour (Sample 312) with regards to the colour due to the brilliant orange hue on it, it was accepted over Sample 309 (100% wheat flour). Sa...
ABSTRACT Musa paradisiaca is mainly grown in the tropical and subtropical countries and widely used for its nutritional values all over the world. The fruit as well as the peels and leaves are used to treat different diseases in human in traditional medicine. This study presents the mineral compositions and antifungal activity of ethanol extract of Musa paradisiaca peel and leaf.The ethanol extracts showed antifungal action against : Candidia albicans (peel:15.67±0.58, leaf: 12.67±0...
ABSTRACT Anthrax is an infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. its symptoms begin between one day and two months after contracting the infection. Anthrax is spread by contact with the spores of the bacteria, which are often from infectious animal products. Contact is by breathing, eating, or through an area of broken skin. It does not typically spread directly between people. Risk factors include people who work with animals or animal products, travelers, postal workers, ...
ABSTRACT Vitamin A production from the carrot involves the extraction and encapsulation of the beta carotene content of the carrot. Beta-carotene is the dominant carotenoid in carrot amounting up to 80% of the total carotenoid content of carrots. which is aimed at improving the shelf life or storage quality and also the bioavailability of the beta-carotene content of carrot with the application of techniques and principles that enabled the separation of the beta-carotene content from th...
Abstract Infant and mortality is the death of a child or mother caused by diseases and other conditions related to pregnancy and child birth. It is a health indicator which shows if a country is developed, developing or underdeveloped. The leading causes of the misfortuneare high rate of poverty, lack of government hospitals in rural areas, fairness of hospitals and some cultural practices. It has implication not only to the family and community but also to the nation at large. TABL...