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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Magnitude And Determinants Of Teenage Pregnancy In The Cape Coast Municipality

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of teenage pregnancy and identify the factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy in the Cape Coast municipality. Women in the fertile age group (WIFA) who were obviously pregnant and those who had delivered within the last year (April 1996-April 1997) were enumerated through a household survey. Three hundred and two households were surveyed in 21 randomly selected communities based on the population size of the four sub distr...

Adherence To The Revised Malaria Treatment Guideline By Prescribers In Health Facilities Inthe La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality

ABSTRACT Background Although malaria is a preventable, it still remains a major public health problem worldwide, particularly in sub-Sahara Africa where it is associated with high morbidity and mortality especially in pregnant women and children under five. Due to resistance to monotherapy, in 2004 Ghana employed the Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) as first line treatment policy which was also revised in 2014. The revised treatment guideline makes provision for surveillance which ...

Assessment Of Household Solid Waste Management Practices In The Sunyani West District

ABSTRACT Background: Sanitation is an important foundation for health, economic development and well-being hence waste management (Bartram &Cairncross2010; WSP 2010).The perception of household waste as unwanted material with no intrinsic value has dominated attitudes towards it management. Waste management is therefore defined as the collection, storage, transportation, processing, treatment, recycling and final disposal of waste. The study was conducted in the sunyani west district. The obj...

Effects Of Advertisement On Alcohol Consumption Among.Students Of University Of Ghana

ABSTRACT In recent times, alcoholism has become very common among youth. The growing incidence of alcohol consumption among the youth has become a topical issue within healthcare industry because of its potential negative effects especially on student youth. To address these concerns, this study sought to identify the student youth source of information on alcohol consumption, explore their knowledge level on harmful alcohol consumption, benefits they derived from alcohol consumption and the ...

Assessment Of The Chemical Quality Of Sachet Water Sources In Accra Metropolitan Assembly.

ABSTRACT Background: The inhabitants of Accra rely largely on sachet water since most consumers perceive packaged drinking water as a safer alternative to other water sources. Despite this however, the chemical qualities of these sachet water sources remain largely unstudied. Objectives: Assessment of the packaging characteristics of sachet water across different vending points, the contamination hazards in production sites, reasons for selecting different water sources and the chemical quali...

Sexual Communication Within Families And Influence On Sexual Behaviour And Contraception Among Young People In The Brong Ahafo Region

ABSTRACT Background: Young people aged 10-24 years represent a significant proportion of the Ghanaian population. Many are sexually active and are at considerable risk of negative health outcomes due to lack of adequate sexual and reproductive health knowledge. Although growing international evidence suggests that parent-child communication about sex has significant positive influence on young people’s sexual behaviours, this subject has been poorly explored among Ghanaian families. Little ...

Establishing A Relationship Between Uterine Myoma And Thyroid Nodules Using Medical Ultrasonographic Pattern Approach.

ABSTRACT Background: Every cell in the body depends on the thyroid hormones for regulation of their metabolism. About 5-10% of thyroid nodules are suggested to be malignant. Many philosophies explain myoma growth through different pathways and most make mention of estrogen as a contributor. Estrogen is known to have influence on thyroid function, and suspected to have a role in formation of thyroid nodules. Estrogen receptors have been found in normal and neoplastic thyroid tissue and have in...

Assessing Nutrition Knowledge And Nutritional Status Of Sickle Cell Disease Patients

ABSTRACT Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a common haemoglobinopathy that is acquired by inheriting the defective gene from both parents. In recent years, it has become an important public health issue among people of African descent especially those in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Ghana, SCD occurs in almost 1 in 50 (2%) of all births annually. The disease is characterised by chronic haemolytic anaemia, vaso-occlusion and inflammation. These events increase the resting energy expenditure o...

Prevalence Of Type Ii Diabetes And Derterminants Of Health Seeking Behaviour In The Ga South Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: Type II Diabetes (T2D) has been on the rise in recent times all over the world with the worst upsurge occurring in developing countries. In developing countries such as Ghana about half of diabetics are undiagnosed. This high number is found to be associated with the poor utilization of health services which is key in detecting hidden diseases. Health seeking behaviour is found to be directly associated with incidence and prevalence of diseases such that it ensures early ...

Factors Associated With Detection And Reporting Of Suspected Yellow Fever Cases In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT Introduction: Yellow fever is a viral hemorrhagic fever transmitted primarily by the Aedes aegyptii mosquito and is characterized mainly by fever and jaundice. It is endemic in Africa and South America. The possibility of eradicating yellow fever is quite remote but a drastic of disease burden can be attained through vaccination of populations living in or visiting places considered to be high-risk areas in endemic countries. The WHO surveillance case definition for a suspected...

Monitoring And Evaluation Tools For Sanitation: A Comparative Study Of Mobile Phone And Traditional Paper Based Survey Of Defecation Practices In The Ningo-Prampram District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Introduction The Millennium Development Goal targets for sanitation seems unachievable by the 2015 deadline. Therefore, the 2010-2015 Joint Monitoring Programme strategy requires sustainable and continued efforts at all levels to improve this. However, there are data challenges and limitations from existing Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) survey tools. In most developing countries such as Ghana, data collection is traditional paper based. However, mobile phone use and access is hig...

Working Conditions Of Electronic Waste Workers At Agbogbloshie, Accra.

ABSTRACT Background: Ghana’s increased use of technology has resulted in massive generation of electronic wastes in the country. These wastes contain toxic chemicals which are injurious to human health, yet there is only little information on how these wastes are managed at the informal level in the country. This study, therefore, investigated the informal level e-waste processing activities at Agbogbloshie and described its associated working conditions. Methods: The study used a descripti...

Assessing Implementation Outcomes Of Joint Tb/Hiv Control Programme In The Accra Metropolis: A Qualitative Study

ABSRACT Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) has been identified to be a leading cause of early death among People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and HIV has emerged as one of the key factors hindering global TB control. In SSA, although there are many HIV/TB intervention programmes, structural, contextual and individual factors prevent targets from being met. In Ghana, collaborative HIV/TB services have been incorporated into health services since 2007. However, targets are n...

Adherence To Community Directed Treatment With Ivermectin For Onchocerciasis Elimination In Abekwai, Tain District, Ghana

ABSTRACT Introduction Onchocerciasis is one of the debilitating neglected tropical diseases that manifests in blindness at later stages. Ivermectin has been proven to clear microfilariae and is therefore being distributed in endemic communities. Adherence to ivermectin treatment is a major challenge in the implementation of the community directed treatment strategy. Some individuals do not adhere to the bi-annual treatment accounting for the continuity of onchocerciasis transmission. Objectiv...

Caregiver Crisis And Coping Strategies Adopted By Parents Of Children Living With Epilepsy In The Ga South Municipality Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Caring for children who live with epilepsy can be very demanding, difficult and stressful burden for parents. Caregiver crisis and coping strategies adopted by parents of children living with epilepsy was explored to ascertain the crisis parents faced, the meaning they ascribed to epilepsy and caregiving and the resources at their disposal using the ABC-X family stress model as a guiding framework. A qualitative descriptive-exploratory approach was adopted for the study. Participants...

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