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Medical & Health Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation of Nutritional Status And Dietary Management of In Patients Diabetics in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital , Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study was carried out using randomized 121 in-patient diabetics in medical wards of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Ituku-Ozalla. The instrument for data collection was structured, validated pre-tested questionnaires, anthropometry and dietary study. Body mass index was calculated for each patient using weight and height measurements. The adequacy of nutrient intake was assessed by comparing the energy and nutrient intakes of patient with FAO/WHO requirements. The...

Evaluation of Hypoglycaemic Effect And Phytochemical Constituents of Methanol Extract of Vernonia Amygdalina Del Fam. (ASTERACEAE)

ABSTRACT Leaf of Vernonia amygdalina has been shown to have hypoglycemic activity. This may be as a result of the presence of secondary metabolites as its constituents. The major secondary metabolites present in the leaf are tannins, carbohydrates, reducing sugars, glycosides, steroids and proteins. This work was designed to identify these secondary metabolites responsible for this activity, test the lethality of the constituents and then determine the best solvent for extraction. A 1 kg cru...

Evaluation of The Antiplasmodial Activity of Methanol Leaf Extract And Fractions of Landolphai Owariesis P. Beauv (APOCYNACEAE) in Mice

ABSTRACT  Landolphia owariensis P. Beauv (Apocynaceae) is a woody liane commonly used in Africa for the treatment of gonorrhea, worm infestation and malaria. The methanol leaf extract (ME) of L. owariensis was obtained by cold maceration and then fractionated into nhexane (nHF), ethylacetate (EF) and methanol (MF) fractions. The methanol extract and fractions were tested against chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium berghei berghei in early, established and repository models of infection using Pe...

Preformulation Studies of Cyperus Esculentus Starch Used as Disintegrant And as Binder in The Production of Paracetamol Tablets

ABSTRACT Starch is a naturally occurring polymer found in parts of the plants such as leaves, stems, tubers, and fruits. It is a commonly used excipient in pharmaceutical formulations because of its availability, affordability and inertness. Cyperus esculentus (tiger nut) is widely cultivated in the country especially in the northern part of Nigeria. Until recently, the use of tiger nut had been limited to food products and few pharmaceutical applications. This research is aimed at character...

Common Hepatic complications of HIV infection among HIV infected adults in UNTH Enugu a four year review.

Abstract : Background: About 33 million people are infected with HIV globally with records of the greater burden of the disease in low and middle income countries. In the face of increasing survival of HIV infected individuals some HIV patients develop certain complications arising due to the direct effect of the virus, drug related side effects, abnormal serum liver enzymes levels, viral hepatitis, liver Common hepatic complications among HIV-infected adults in UNTH Enugu a four year review ...

Assessing Follow-up Care For Discharged Psychiatric Patients by Mental Health Nurses in Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Rumuigbo, Rivers State

ABSTRACT  The study assessed follow-up care for discharged psychiatric patients by mental health nurses in Neuro-psychiatric hospital, Rumuigbo in Rivers State. Three objectives were set for the study. The study design was a cross-sectional descriptive survey. A sample of 124 participants which comprised of mental health nurses and discharged psychiatric patients were used for the study. Researcher developed questionnaires that were used as instruments for data collection. Data were subjecte...

Demographic And Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Utilization of Maternal Health Services in Selected Rural Communities in Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area, Enugu State Nigeria

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine demographic and socio-economic factors influencing utilization of Maternal Health Services in selected rural communities in Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area in Enugu State, Nigeria. The study addressed three objectives and tested two hypotheses. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was used. The study population comprised of 5090 women of childbearing age 15-49 years from which a sample size of 370 women was used. Pretested researcher-d...

Breast Cancer Awareness And Practice of Breast Self Examination Among Rural Women in Umuowa, Orlu Local Government Area Imo State

ABSTRACT Breast cancer is said to be the commonest cancer and the most lethal malignancy in women across the world. Most of the cases are brought late to the hospital when the conditions are severe with multiple nodal involvements and poorer clinical-pathological prognostic outcome. If breast changes are detected early and treatment commenced early enough, the survival rate of breast cancer Wii is increased. The purpose of this study was to investigate the breast cancer awareness and practic...

Common Hepatic Complications of HIV Infection Among HIV Infected Adults in UNTH Enugu a Four Year Review

Abstract : Background: About 33 million people are infected with HIV globally with records of the greater burden of the disease in low and middle-income countries. In the face of increasing survival of HIV infected individuals some HIV patients develop certain complications arising due to the direct effect of the virus, drug-related side effects, abnormal serum liver enzymes levels, viral hepatitis, liver Common hepatic complications among HIV-infected adults in UNTH Enugu a four-year review ...

Assessment of Food Safety Knowledge And Practices Among Food Handlers in Restaurant in Nnewi Urban

ABSTRACT The foodborne disease remains a major Public Health problem across the globe. The high incidence of food borne illness has led to an increase in global concern about food safety. The purpose of this was to assess food safety, knowledge and practises among food handlers in restaurants in Nnewi Urban. The researcher utilized a cross sectional descriptive survey design and a convenient sampling method was used to reach one hundred and eighty (180) food handlers from two randomly selecte...

Effects of Heavy Metals on The Air Pollution Tolerance Indices (APTI) of Five Medicinal Plants Growing Within Quarry Site in Ishi-Agu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Effects of heavy metals on the Air Pollution Tolerance Indices (APTI) of five medicinal plants growing within quarry site in Ishi-Agu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria were studied. Following laboratory analysis of the leaves of the plants for metal load and four biochemical parameters of APTI computation. The metal load was determined by the Atomic Absorption spectrophotometric method, while the ascorbic acid was determined by the titrimetric method, leaf extract pH by the electrochemical tec...

A Five–Year Review of Maternal Mortality at The Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki Ebonyi State

ABSTRACT   Maternal mortality has remained high worldwide, especially in developing countries including Nigeria where over 90% of maternal deaths are essentially preventable. The target of MDG 5 is to reduce maternal deaths at least75% by the end of 2015. The study sought to establish the maternal mortality ratio, trend and causes of maternal mortality and association between occupation and causes of Maternal Mortality at the Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki (FETHA), Ebonyi State. A re...

Nursing Students Perception of Clinical Nursing Training in Selected Nursing Programmes in Enugu State

ABSTRACT   This study is aimed at assessing the nursing students’ perceptions of clinical nursing training in selected nursing programmes in Enugu State. Five specific objectives and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A descriptive cross-section design was adopted. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the nursing programmes and the class level of the students. A total population of 442 nursing students was used for the study. A self-developed questionnai...

Comparative Analysis of Patients’ and Nurses’ Perceptions of Nurse Caring Behaviours in Two Tertiary Hospitals in Jos

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to comparatively assess patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of nurse caring behaviours in Jos University Teaching hospital (JUTH) and Plateau State Specialist Hospital (PSSH) Jos. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was employed to study 332 patients and nurses. No sampling was done as all the subjects who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Data were collected using a modified Caring Behavior Assessment questionnaire (CBA-Q...

Sustained Release Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Formulation of Lumefantrine And Ciprofloxacin

Abstract    In the present study, optimized binary lipid matrices of Tallow fat- Transcutol and Precirol-Transcutol were used to formulate sustained release solid lipid nanoparticles loaded lumefantrine and ciprofloxacin. The homolipid (tallow fat from Bos indicus was extracted and purified following standard methods. Abinitio selection of lipid matrices was done by formulation of binary (3:1) and ternary lipid matrices with different ratios, (1:1:1, 1:2:2 and 2:1:1). Single, binary and ter...

436 - 450 Of 826 Results