Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Secondary Metabolites of Fagaropsis Angolensis (Engl.) H.M. Gardner

Abstract Cancer has become a key public health affliction worldwide. Recent studies have shown that genetic factors cause only 5–10% of all human cancers, while the rest are caused by lifestyle. Epidemiological and clinical studies have shown that chronic inflammatory diseases predispose individuals to various types of cancer. An estimated 20 % of all cancer related deaths globally arise from primary infections and inflammation. Current treatments for cancer include radiotherapy, chemother...

A Critical Examination of the Standard Cosmological Model: Toward a Modified Framework for Explaining Cosmic Structure Formation and Evolution

Abstract This paper explores the fundamental cosmological principle, with a specific focus on the homogeneity and isotropy assumptions inherent in the Friedmann model that underpins the standard model. We propose a modified redshift model that is based on the spatial distribution of luminous matter, examining three key astronomical quantities: light intensity, number density, and the redshift of galaxies. Our analysis suggests that the model can account for cosmic accelerated expansion witho...

Molecular characterization of denitrifying Bacteria and their potential In reduction Of nitrogenous Compounds In Lake Victoria, Kenya

Abstract Nutrient loading with nitrogen and phosphorus in receiving waters is an increasing concern worldwide. In Lake Victoria basin, the substantial inflow of nutrients has led to extensive eutrophication which has resulted in the reiterative proliferation of invasive species of aquatic weeds like water hyacinth and cyanobacteria in the Lake Victoria basin hence causing mass mortality of fish and health risks. Nowadays, anthropogenic activities such as crop production, sewage discharge, fo...

Bacterial biological control agents in the management of bacterial wilt(curtobacterium Flaccumfaciens PV.Flaccumfaciens) in the common bean

Abstract Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are widely grown throughout the world and provide valuable protein, vitamins and other nutrients. If the challenges related to its production are resolved, food security can be guaranteed for the growing population. Disease-causing pathogens are a major constraint in bean production. Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens causes bacterial wilt of common bean disease. This pathogen causes high economic losses due to seedling death, yield lo...

Bioprospecting for Cyanophages with Biocontrol Potential against Toxin Producing Cyanobacteria in Lake Magadi, Kenya

Abstract Cyanobacteria are a phylum of blue-green algae in the domain bacteria that get their energy from sun light through photosynthesis. In anaerobic environments, photoautotrophic blue green algae derive electrons by reduction of sulphur. In the Kenyan soda lakes, cyanobacteria serve as the sole source of food for Lesser Flamingos. Also, detection of these blue green algae blooms, is evident in these environments. Due to this reason, it has been hypothesized that the blooms may lead to p...

An Engel–Kollat–Blackwell model application on restaurant clientele purchase decision-making processes in commercial eateries in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract Restaurant clientele have a task of making critical decisions concerning their choices of food and drinks. The decision-making process involves, firstly, the selection of the restaurant in which to have a meal and, secondly, the selection of food items from the menu to constitute their meals. Thus, it requires cognitive and physical effort for restaurant clientele to make decisions concerning their restaurant choices and ultimately a final purchase decision. This study applied the E...

Mapping brucellosis risk in Kenya and its implications for control strategies in sub‑Saharan Africa

Abstract In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), effective brucellosis control is limited, in part, by the lack of long-term commitments by governments to control the disease and the absence of reliable national human and livestock population-based data to inform policies. Therefore, we conducted a study to establish the national prevalence and develop a risk map for Brucella spp. in cattle to contribute to plans to eliminate the disease in Kenya by the year 2040. We randomly generated 268 geolocations...

Food web structure of nematode communities in irrigated rice fields

Abstract Nematodes are a key component of the soil food web and they play an important role in the provision of ecosystem services. Rice cultivation in Mwea, Kenya involves the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticides which may affect the complexity of the nematode-based soil food web. This study examined the nematode diversity and food web structure in irrigated rice fields in Nyangati and Tebere in Mwea, Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Nematodes were identified up to the genus level and soil p...

HIV Virologic Failure among Patients with Persistent Low-Level Viremia in Nairobi, Kenya: It Is Time to Review the >1000 Virologic Failure Threshold

Abstract Persistent low-level viremia (PLLV) of 200-999 copies/ml has been reported as a risk factor for HIV virologic failure (VF). This retrospective study was aimed at characterizing patients with PLLV, determining factors associated with VF, and determining the effect of regimen change. Data were extracted from electronic medical records for HIV care and treatment. Patients’ characteristics (N = 705) were as follows: a mean age of 42 years, majority female (55%), and 51% married. A maj...

Nematode assemblages, food web indices and metabolic footprints in maize-pigeon pea agro-ecosystems.

Abstract Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) are important food crops in developing countries due to their multiple benefits. However, their production is constrained by plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) which cause significant yield losses. Understanding the nematode-based soil food web structure in maize-pigeon pea agroecosystems will allow sustainable PPN management by improving soil health. This study explored nematode community assemblages, indices and metabolic footpr...

Perceptions of rural and urban residents in Borana pastoral and agro-pastoral areas in Ethiopia related to milk adulteration

Abstract Milk is a nutritious food that plays a great role in the diets of a society largely dependent on livestock production. On the other hand, contaminants can enter milk naturally or intentionally, causing a negative impact on the health of consumers. Milk adulteration is a wide concern in the dairy industry in many countries, including Ethiopia, with a subsequent negative impact on its nutritive value and potentially affecting the health of consumers. This study was designed to assess ...

Comparison of the phytochemical composition of Euclea divinorum Hern (Ebenaceae) leaves, tender stems and root bark

Abstract uclea divinorum Hern (Ebenaceae) has a long history of folkloric use in the treatment of different diseases. However, there are few reports on the responsible phytochemicals in its tender stems, leaves and root bark. The aim of this study was to compare the phytochemicals in E. divinorum leaves, tender stems and root bark. The plant materials were extracted serially by maceration with dichloromethane, hexane and ethanol. Alkaloids, phenols, saponins, flavonoids, steroids, cardiac gl...

Characterization of Topological Fuzzy Sets in Hausdorff Spaces

Abstract/Overview In this paper, we have characterized big data fuzzy sets and shown that topological data points form singleton fuzzy sets which are closed. Besides, fuzzy sets of topological data points are compact and have at least one closed point. We have also shown that the fuzzy set of all condensation points of a fuzzy Hausdorff space is infinite and the cardinality of a topological data fuzzy set is also infinite and arbitrarily distributed in fuzzy Hausdorff spaces.

A Combination of Dividend and Jump Diffusion Process on Heston Model in Deriving Black Scholes Equation

Abstract/Overview The reality that exists in a stock market situation is that assets do pay dividend to owners of assets or derivative securities. Dupire, Derman and Kani built an option pricing process with a dividend yielding diffusion process but lacked the jump diffusion component. Jump diffusion process that mostly been captured in modern stock market do exhibit discontinuous behavior on pricing of assets. Introduction of Black Scholes concept equation that assumes volatility is cons...

The Role of Acid Concentration on Band Gap Shrinkage in Cellulose Nanocrystals Fabricated from Water Hyacinth

Abstract/Overview In this study, the fingerprint of the acid concentration during the hydrolysis process on the optical band gap of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) has been systematically studied. The CNCs have been prepared using hydrochloric acid at a hydrolysis temperature of 50°C and at a constant hydrolysis time of 4 hours but with varying hydrochloric acid concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15%. The crystalline structure and phase identification of the CNCs have been studied using XRD tec...

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